获取当前的模糊地理位置,接口已开通,但上传小程序还是报没有权限?message:Error: 系统错误,错误码:-80424,error: [getFuzzyLocation] is not authorized [20220728 09:44:41][wxedf63cac0491a2e6] appid: wxedf63cac0491a2e6 openid: o6zAJs9EuVEJT6Yyd-I7vRAzzbNQ ideVersion: 1.05.2204250 osType: win32-x64 time: 2022-07-28 09:44:48 [图片]
2022-11-01我使用find直接就'find' of undefined,求解决方法
小程序里为什么调用js的find方法和数组length都会出现报错?https://developers.weixin.qq.com/s/4gakXqm87Af6 dataClassify: function () { let that = this; for (let index = 0; index < that.listData.length; index++) { if (that.idNumber.find(that.listData[index].orderId) == null) { that.idNumber.push(that.listData[index].orderId); } } } TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined at ye.dataClassify (checkout.js? [sm]:89) at checkout.js? [sm]:80 TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined at ye.dataClassify (checkout.js? [sm]:89) at checkout.js? [sm]:80 我试过改过,还是不行 dataClassify: function () { let that = this; for (let index = 0; index < that.data.listData.length; index++) { if (that.data.idNumber.find(that.data.listData[index].orderId) == null) { that.data.idNumber.push(that.data.listData[index].orderId); } } }