# console
Print the log to the debug panel. console Is a global object that can be accessed directly. In the WeChat client, to vConsole Output log in.
# method
# console.debug()
Print to Debug Panel debug journal
# console.log()
Print to Debug Panel log journal
# [console.info()]((console.info
Print to Debug Panel info journal
# console.warn()
Print to Debug Panel warn journal
# console.error()
Print to Debug Panel error journal
# console.group(string label)
Create a new grouping in the debug panel. Any subsequent output is indented to indicate that it belongs to the current group. call [console.groupEnd]((Group End) after the group.
# console.groupEnd()
Ending by console.group Group created
# Be careful
- Because vConsole Limited functionality and different client access console Methods are supported differently, and it is recommended that developers use only the methods provided in this document in Mini Programs.
- Partial content presentation limitations see[debugging]((usability/debug#Vconsole (instructions for use)