# Mini Game Configuration

The game.json file in the Mini Game root directory is used to configure Mini Games. The file content is a JSON object with the following properties:

# Configuration Items

Property Type Required Default Value Description Minimum Version
deviceOrientation String No 'portrait' Screen orientation
showStatusBar Boolean No false Specifies whether to display the status bar
networkTimeout Object No - The timeout time of network requests (in ms)
workers String No - Multi-threaded Worker configuration item. For details, see Worker documentation.
subpackages Object Array No - The subpackage structure configuration
navigateToMiniProgramAppIdList String Array No - The list of Mini Programs to redirect to. For details, see wx.navigateToMiniProgram. 2.4.0
permission Object No - Mini Game API permission settings Weixin 7.0.0

Valid values of deviceOrientation

Value Description Minimum Version
portrait Portrait mode. The screen does not rotate as the phone rotates.
landscape Landscape mode with the Home button on the right side of the screen. If the orientation lock is not turned on, the screen rotates as the phone rotates in the landscape mode.
landscapeLeft Landscape mode with the Home button on the left side of the screen Weixin 7.0.0
landscapeRight Landscape mode with the Home button on the right side of the screen Weixin 7.0.0

# networkTimeout

The timeout values for various network requests, in milliseconds.

Property Type Required Default Value Description
request Number No 60000 The timeout time of wx.request (in ms)
connectSocket Number No 60000 The timeout time of wx.connectSocket (in ms)
uploadFile Number No 60000 The timeout time of wx.uploadFile (in ms)
downloadFile Number No 60000 The timeout time of wx.downloadFile (in ms)

# workers

When using Worker to process multi-threaded tasks, set a directory to store the Worker code.

# subpackages

This feature is supported as of Weixin app 6.6.7 and the base library version 2.1.0.

When Subpackage Loading is enabled, the project subpackaging structure is declared.

The field can also be written as subPackages.

Start from base library version 2.4.0. Please remaining backward compatible.

When a Mini Program must use the wx.navigateToMiniProgram API to redirect to another Mini Program, you must first declare the appId list for the Mini Program(s) to be redirected to in the configuration file. The appIds for up to 10 Mini Programs can be added.

# permission

This feature is supported as of Weixin app 7.0.0.

Settings for Mini Game API permissions. This is an Object type field with the following structure:

Property Type Required Default Value Description
scope.userLocation PermissionObject No The location-related permission declaration.

PermissionObject structure

Property Type Required Default Value Description
desc string Yes The API use instructions displayed when a Mini Program obtains permissions. The value is a string of up to 30 characters.

For example:

  "permission": {
    "scope.userLocation": {
      "desc":"Your location information is used to determine the display of the Mini Game location API."


# Configuration Example

  "deviceOrientation": "portrait",
  "networkTimeout": {
    "request": 5000,
    "connectSocket": 5000,
    "uploadFile": 5000,
    "downloadFile": 5000
  "navigateToMiniProgramAppIdList": [