# Scene Value List

For more information about scene values and how to obtain them, see Guide - Scene Values

Scene Value ID Description Example
1001 Recently Used list on the main entry of Mini Programs in Discover (the My Mini Programs list is included as of base library 2.2.4) check
1005 The results screen for the search box at the top of the Weixin homepage check
1006 The results screen for the search box on the main entry of Mini Programs in Discover check
1007 The Mini Program message card in an one-on-one chat check
1008 The Mini Program message card in a group chat check
1011 Scan a QR code check
1012 Recognize a QR code by holding an image check
1013 Select a QR code to scan from the mobile album check
1014 Mini Program message template check
1017 Landing screen to the Mini Program test version check
1019 Weixin Wallet (changed to payment entry in Weixin 7.0.0) check
1020 Related Mini Programs list on the Official Account profile screen check
1022 Mini Program entry pinned to the top of the chat (discontinued from Weixin 6.6.1) /
1023 Desktop icon for Android check
1024 Mini Program profile screen check
1025 Scan a barcode check
1026 Mini Programs Nearby list on the main entry of Mini Programs in Discover check
1027 The Used Mini Programs list on the results screen for the search box at the top of the Weixin homepage check
1028 My Cards & Offers check
1029 Coupon details screen in a Mini Program check
1030 Open a Mini Program in automated testing /
1031 Recognize a barcode by holding an image check
1032 Select a barcode to scan from the mobile album check
1034 WeChat Pay payment completed screen check
1035 Custom menu of an Official Account check
1036 Message card shared by an app check
1037 Open a Mini Program from a Mini Program check
1038 Returned from another Mini Program check
1039 Shake Video check
1042 The results screen for the Add Contacts search box check
1043 Official Account message template check
1044 Mini Program message card with shareTicket Details check
1045 Moments ad check
1046 Moments ad details screen check
1047 Scan a Mini Program code check
1048 Recognize a Mini Program by holding an image check
1049 Select a Mini Program code to scan from the mobile album check
1052 The Available Stores list for a coupon check
1053 The results screen of Search check
1054 Mini Program shortcut entry pinned to the top of the search box (discontinued from Weixin 6.7.4) /
1056 Menu in the upper right corner for the music player at the top of the chat check
1057 Bank card details screen in Wallet check
1058 Official Account article check
1059 Invitation screen linked to the Mini Program test version /
1064 Wi-Fi status bar on the Weixin homepage check
1067 Official Account article ad check
1068 Nearby Mini Program list ad (discontinued) /
1069 Mobile app check
1071 The Cards screen in Wallet check
1072 Receive Money (by scanning QR code) screen check
1073 Mini Program message card sent in customer service message list check
1074 Mini Program message card sent in an Official Account chat check
1077 Shake Nearby check
1078 Wi-Fi connected via Weixin prompt screen check
1079 Weixin Games check
1081 Text link sent in a customer service message check
1082 Text link sent in an Official Account chat check
1084 Moments ads native screen check
1089 Recently Used in the pull-down menu on the main Weixin chat interface (My Mini Programs is included as of base library 2.2.4) check
1090 Recently used Mini Programs called up by holding the menu in the upper right corner of the Mini Program check
1091 Official Account article product card check
1092 The Public Services entry check
1095 Mini Program ads component check
1096 Chat history check
1097 WeChat Pay authorization screen check
1099 Plug-in embedded in screen /
1102 Service preview on the Official Account profile screen check
1103 My Mini Programs list on the main entry of Mini Programs in Discover (discontinued from base library 2.2.4) /
1104 My Mini Programs in the pull-down menu on the main Weixin chat interface (discontinued from base library 2.2.4) /
1129 Access via Weixin crawler Details /
1133 Hardware equipment opens Mini Program Details /