# logistics.previewTemplate

Call this API at the server side. For more information, see Server API.

This API supports Cloud Calls. The WeChat DevTools version must be 1.02.1904090 or later (download the latest stable version here), and the wx-server-sdk version must be 0.4.0 or later.

Previews the waybill template. It is used to debug waybill templates.

Calling methods:

# HTTPS Call

# Request Address

POST https://api.weixin.qq.com/cgi-bin/express/delivery/template/preview?access_token=ACCESS_TOKEN

# Request Parameters

Attribute Type Default Required Description
access_token string Yes Credentials to call API
waybill_id string Yes The ID of the waybill.
waybill_template string Yes The content of the waybill HTML template (Base64 encoding is required).
waybill_data string Yes Waybill data. For details, see WaybillData in the returned values of Order Placement Event.
custom Object Yes The order placement data of the merchant. It is in the format of the request body in the Placing an Order on the Merchant Side API.

# Return Value

# Object

Property Type Description
waybill_id string The ID of the waybill
rendered_waybill_template string The rendered waybill HTML file (which has been Base64 encoded)
errcode number Error code
errmsg string Error message

Valid values of errcode

Value Description Minimum Version
0 Succeeded
-1 Other errors
40199 Incorrect waybill ID. The waybill is not found.
9300507 Incorrect token.
9300502 incorrect waybill_data. This error occurs during template preview.
9300512 Rendering failed due to the incorrect template format.

# Request Data Example

  "waybill_id": "1234567890123",
  "waybill_data": "##ZTO_mark##11-22-33##ZTO_bagAddr##Guangzhou##",
  "waybill_template": "PGh0bWw+dGVzdDwvaHRtbD4=",
  "custom": {
    "order_id": "012345678901234567890123456789",
    "openid": "oABC123456",
    "delivery_id": "ZTO",
    "biz_id": "xyz",
    "custom_remark": "Fragile",
    "sender": {
      "name": "Jim",
      "tel": "18666666666",
      "mobile": "020-88888888",
      "company": "Company name",
      "post_code": "123456",
      "country": "China",
      "province": "Guangdong Province",
      "city": "Guangzhou",
      "area": "Haizhu District",
      "address": "XXxx on Block XX, XX Building, No. XX, Road XX"
    "receiver": {
      "name": "Wang Xiaomeng",
      "tel": "18610000000",
      "mobile": "020-77777777",
      "company": "Company name",
      "post_code": "654321",
      "country": "China",
      "province": "Guangdong Province",
      "city": "Guangzhou",
      "area": "Tianhe District",
      "address": "XXxx on Block XX, XX Building, No. XX, Road XX"
    "shop": {
      "wxa_path": "/index/index?from=waybill",
      "img_url": "https://mmbiz.qpic.cn/mmbiz_png/KfrZwACMrmwbPGicysN6kibW0ibXwzmA3mtTwgSsdw4Uicabduu2pfbfwdKicQ8n0v91kRAUX6SDESQypl5tlRwHUPA/640",
      "goods_name": "1001 Nights Diamond Purse & Hermes Birkin Bag",
      "goods_count": 2
    "cargo": {
      "count": 2,
      "weight": 5.5,
      "space_x": 30.5,
      "space_y": 20,
      "space_z": 20,
      "detail_list": [
          "name": "1001 Nights Diamond Purse",
          "count": 1
          "name": "Hermes Birkin Bag",
          "count": 1
    "insured": {
      "use_insured": 1,
      "insured_value": 10000
    "service": {
      "service_type": 0,
      "service_name": "Standard express delivery"

# Return Data Example

  "waybill_id": "1234567890123",
  "rendered_waybill_template": "PGh0bWw+dGVzdDwvaHRtbD4="

# Template Rendering Syntax

  1. All rendering syntax begins with ##. See Examples.
  2. ##VAR(key) Enter the value of the key parameter. The following table shows supported parameters.
key value
sys.waybillid The ID of the waybill.
sys.wxaappid The AppID of the merchant's Mini Program.
waybilldata.* The WaybillData returned in Order Placement Event. This data is defined by the express company.
custom.* A field passed into the Placing an Order on the merchant Side API.
custom.order_id The ID that uniquely identifies the order. It is passed in by the merchant.
custom.custom_remark Remarks on express delivery. It will be printed on the custom area of the waybill, for example, Fragile.
custom.sender.name The name of the sender.
custom.sender.tel The telephone number of the sender.
custom.sender.mobile The mobile number of the sender.
custom.sender.company The company name of the sender.
custom.sender.post_code The postal code of the sender's address.
custom.sender.country The country where the sender is located.
custom.sender.province The province where the sender is located.
custom.sender.city The region/city where the sender is located.
custom.sender.area The district/county where the sender is located.
custom.sender.address The detailed address of the sender.
custom.receiver.name The name of the receiver.
custom.receiver.tel The telephone number of the receiver.
custom.receiver.mobile The mobile number of the receiver.
custom.receiver.company The company name of the receiver.
custom.receiver.post_code The postal code of the receiver's address.
custom.receiver.country The country where the receiver is located.
custom.receiver.province The province where the receiver is located.
custom.receiver.city The region/city where the receiver is located.
custom.receiver.area The district/county where the receiver is located.
custom.receiver.address The detailed address of the receiver.
custom.cargo.count The quantity of parcels.
custom.cargo.weight The total weight of parcels (in kg).
custom.cargo.space_x The length of the parcel (in cm).
custom.cargo.space_y The width of the parcel (in cm).
custom.cargo.space_z The height of the parcel (in cm).
custom.shop.goods_name The name of the commodity.
custom.shop.goods_count The quantity of commodities.
custom.insured.use_insured Specifies whether to insure the parcel.
custom.insured.insured_value The insured value (in fen).
custom.service.service_type The ID of the service type.
custom.service.service_name The name of the service.
  1. ##TIME(DATE) Enter a date in the format of %Y/%m/%d, for example, 2018/11/22.
  2. ##TIME(TIME) Enter time in the format of %H:%M:%S, for example, 17:54:06.
  3. ##TIME(FULL) Enter a date and time in the format of %Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S, for example, 2018/11/22 17:54:06.
  4. ##STRBLOAT(VAR(sys.waybillid)) Obtain the waybill ID, and then add spaces between every two characters.
  5. ##CODE128(VAR(sys.waybillid)) Obtain the waybill ID, and then convert it into a Code 128 barcode, and encode the picture with base64.
  6. ##QRCODE(VAR(sys.waybillid)) Obtain the waybill ID, and then convert it into a QR code, and encode the picture with base64.
  7. ##WXASUNCODE(VAR(sys.wxaappid)) Obtain the merchant's Mini Program code, and encode the picture with base64.

For example, to print a barcode for parcel gathering location information on a waybill, you can add the following code to the waybill:

<img src="data:image/jpeg;base64, ##CODE128(VAR(waybilldata.ZTO_bagAddr))" class="block_5__barCode">

# Cloud Call

Cloud call is a capability provided by Mini Program·Cloud Base that allows you to call WeChat APIs in a cloud function. It must be used via wx-server-sdk in the cloud function.

# API Calling Method


You need to configure the permissions for the logistics.previewTemplate API via config.json. Details

# Request Parameters

Attribute Type Default Required Description
waybillId string Yes The ID of the waybill.
waybillTemplate string Yes The content of the waybill HTML template (Base64 encoding is required).
waybillData string Yes Waybill data. For details, see WaybillData in the returned values of Order Placement Event.
custom Object Yes The order placement data of the merchant. It is in the format of the request body in the Placing an Order on the Merchant Side API.

# Return Value

# Object

Property Type Description
waybillId string The ID of the waybill
renderedWaybillTemplate string The rendered waybill HTML file (which has been Base64 encoded)
errCode number Error code
errMsg string Error message

Valid values of errCode

Value Description Minimum Version
0 Succeeded

# Exceptions

# Object

Thrown Exceptions

Property Type Description
errCode number Error code
errMsg string Error message

Valid values of errCode

Value Description Minimum Version
-1 Other errors
40199 Incorrect waybill ID. The waybill is not found.
9300507 Incorrect token.
9300502 incorrect waybill_data. This error occurs during template preview.
9300512 Rendering failed due to the incorrect template format.

# Request Data Example

const cloud = require('wx-server-sdk')
  exports.main = async (event, context) => {
    try {
      const result = await cloud.openapi.logistics.previewTemplate({
        custom: {
          openid: 'oABC123456',
          sender: {
            name: 'Jim',
            tel: '18666666666',
            mobile: '020-88888888',
            company: 'Company name',
            country: 'China',
            province: 'Guangdong Province',
            city: 'Guangzhou',
            area: 'Haizhu District',
            address: 'XXxx on Block XX, XX Building, No. XX, Road XX',
            postCode: '123456'
          receiver: {
            name: 'Wang Xiaomeng',
            tel: '18610000000',
            mobile: '020-77777777',
            company: 'Company name',
            country: 'China',
            province: 'Guangdong Province',
            city: 'Guangzhou',
            area: 'Tianhe District',
            address: 'XXxx on Block XX, XX Building, No. XX, Road XX',
            postCode: '654321'
          shop: {
            wxaPath: '/index/index?from=waybill',
            imgUrl: 'https://mmbiz.qpic.cn/mmbiz_png/KfrZwACMrmwbPGicysN6kibW0ibXwzmA3mtTwgSsdw4Uicabduu2pfbfwdKicQ8n0v91kRAUX6SDESQypl5tlRwHUPA/640',
            goodsName: '1001 Nights Diamond Purse & Hermes Birkin Bag',
            goodsCount: 2
          cargo: {
            count: 2,
            weight: 5.5,
            spaceX: 30.5,
            spaceY: 20,
            spaceZ: 20,
            detailList: [
                name: '1001 Nights Diamond Purse',
                count: 1
                name: 'Hermes Birkin Bag',
                count: 1
          insured: {
            useInsured: 1,
            insuredValue: 10000
          service: {
            serviceType: 0,
            serviceName: 'Standard express delivery'
          orderId: '012345678901234567890123456789',
          deliveryId: 'ZTO',
          bizId: 'xyz',
          customRemark: 'Fragile'
        waybillId: '1234567890123',
        waybillData: '##ZTO_mark##11-22-33##ZTO_bagAddr##Guangzhou##',
        waybillTemplate: 'PGh0bWw+dGVzdDwvaHRtbD4='
      return result
    } catch (err) {
      return err

# Return Data Example

  "waybillId": "1234567890123",
  "renderedWaybillTemplate": "PGh0bWw+dGVzdDwvaHRtbD4=",
  "errMsg": "openapi.logistics.previewTemplate:ok"