# logistics.onAddOrder

This documentation describes messages or events received on the server. For details, see Message Push.

Triggers an order placement request event.

# Message Parameters

# Object

Property Type Description
ToUserName string The UserName of the express company's Mini Program.
FromUserName string The OpenID of WeChat Team. It is a fixed value.
CreateTime number The time of the event. It is a Unix timestamp.
MsgType string The type of the message. It is event.
Event string The type of the event. It is add_waybill and is case-insensitive.
Token string The token of the order. Save this token carefully. It is required when logistics.updatePath is called.
OrderID string The ID that uniquely identifies the order. It is generated by the merchant. The express company must ensure that the same waybill ID is generated for the same OrderID.
BizID string The ID of the merchant. It is the customer code or monthly statement account of the merchant in the express company.
BizPwd string The password of the BizID.
ShopAppID string The AppID of the merchant's Mini Program.
WayBillID string The ID of the waybill. It is generated based on the WeChat account segment. "0" indicates that the express company needs to generate the waybill ID.
Remark string Remarks on express delivery. It will be printed on the waybill, for example, Fragile.
Sender Array.<Object> Sender information.
Receiver Array.<Object> Receiver information.
Cargo Array.<Object> Parcel information.
Insured Array.<Object> Parcel insurance information.
Service Array.<Object> Service type.

Sender is composed as follows

Property Type Description
Name string The name of the sender.
Tel string The telephone number of the sender.
Mobile string The mobile number of the sender.
Company string The company name of the sender.
PostCode string The postal code of the sender's address.
Country string The country where the sender is located. It is "China" by default.
Province string The province where the sender is located, for example, "Guangdong Province".
City string The region/city where the sender is located, for example, "Guangzhou".
Area string The district/county where the sender is located, for example, "Haizhu District".
Address string The detailed address of the sender, for example, "xx on xx Building, No. xx, xx Road".

Receiver is composed as follows

Property Type Description
Name string The name of the receiver.
Tel string The telephone number of the receiver.
Mobile string The mobile number of the receiver.
Company string The company name of the receiver.
PostCode string The postal code of the receiver's address.
Country string The country where the receiver is located. It is "China" by default.
Province string The province where the receiver is located, for example, "Guangdong Province".
City string The region/city where the receiver is located, for example, "Guangzhou".
Area string The district/county where the receiver is located, for example, "Haizhu District".
Address string The detailed address of the receiver, for example, "xx on xx Building, No. xx, xx Road".

Cargo is composed as follows

Property Type Description
Weight number The total weight of cargoes (in kg), for example, "1.2".
Space_X number The length of the cargo (in cm), for example, "20.5".
Space_Y number The width of the cargo (in cm), for example, "15.0".
Space_Z number The height of the cargo (in cm), for example, "10.0".
Count number The quantity of cargoes. It is usually "1".

Insured is composed as follows

Property Type Description
UseInsured number Specifies whether to insure the cargo. " 0" indicates that the cargo is not insured, and "1" indicates that the cargo is insured.
InsuredValue number The insured value (in fen). For example, "10000" indicates 100 CNY.

Service is composed as follows

Property Type Description
ServiceType number The ID of the service type. For details, see Basic Information of Supported Express Companies.
ServiceName string The name of the service. For details, see Basic Information of Supported Express Companies.

# Message Responses

Property Type Default Required Description
ToUserName string Yes The FromUserName in the request is returned as it is.
FromUserName string Yes The UserName of the express company's Mini Program.
CreateTime number Yes The time of the event. It is a Unix timestamp.
MsgType string Yes The type of the message. It is event.
Event string Yes The type of the event. It is add_waybill.
Token string Yes The token. It is returned as is.
OrderID string Yes The ID that uniquely identifies the order. It is generated by the merchant and is returned as is.
BizID string Yes The ID of the merchant. It is returned as is.
WayBillID string Yes The ID of the waybill.
ResultCode number Yes The error code for the result.
ResultMsg string Yes Details about the result.
WaybillData string Yes Information such as the parcel gathering location, three-section code, and marker pen writing. It is used to generate the waybill information. For details, see the description of return values in the following content.

Valid values of ResultCode

Value Description Minimum Version
0 Order placed.
-1 Other errors.
10001 The customer code or monthly statement account does not exist.
10002 Incorrect customer password.
20001 Incorrect waybill ID (This error code is applicable only to scenarios where the waybill ID is generated by WeChat.)
20002 Incomplete sender information (including the name, the phone number, and the address).
20003 The sender's address is unreachable or the shipping address is not within the service scope.
20004 Incomplete receiver information (including the name, the phone number, and the address).
20005 The receiver's address is unreachable or the delivery address is not within the service scope.
20006 The quantity, weight, or size of the cargoes is incorrect or improper.
20007 The merchant's balance is insufficient and needs to be topped up before order placement.
20008 The insurance information is incorrect (the amount is improper or the express company does not support the insurance.
20009 Incorrect service information.

# Message Parameters

  • All the fields are provided by the merchant. We will not guarantee the integrity or accuracy. The express company should verify that the parameters are valid and correct.
  • When the network environment is unstable, order placement events may be pushed repeatedly. The same waybill ID needs to be returned for the same BizID and OrderID.
  • One-waybill-for-multiple-orders and Collect on Delivery (COD) services are not supported.

# Return Values

The WaybillData field is used to generate a waybill. It is in the structure of ##(key##value##)*. "key" can be written to the waybill template, and "value" is the real value.

For example, in the example ##ZTO_bagAddr##Guangzhou##ZTO_mark##888-666-666##, "ZTO_markAddr" indicates the code name of the parcel gathering location of ZTO Express, "Guangzhou" indicates the real value of the parcel gathering location, "ZTO_mark" indicates the code name of three-section code of ZTO Express, and "888-666-666" is the real value of three-section code.

# Example of the Message Data Packet

In XML format

      <Company><![CDATA[Company name]]></Company>
      <Province><![CDATA[Guangdong Province]]></Province>
      <Area><![CDATA[Haizhu District]]></Area>
      <Address><![CDATA[XXBlock XX, XX Building, No. XX, Road xxXX]]></Address>
      <Name><![CDATA[Wang Xiaomeng]]></Name>
      <Company><![CDATA[Company name]]></Company>
      <Province><![CDATA[Guangdong Province]]></Province>
      <Area><![CDATA[Tianhe District]]></Area>
      <Address><![CDATA[XXBlock XX, XX Building, No. XX, Road xxXX]]></Address>
          <Name><![CDATA[1001 Nights Diamond Purse]]></Name>
          <Name><![CDATA[Hermes Birkin Bag]]></Name>
      <ServiceName><![CDATA[Standard express delivery]]></ServiceName>

In JSON format

  "ToUserName": "gh_abcdefg",
  "FromUserName": "oABCD",
  "CreateTime": 1533042556,
  "MsgType": "event",
  "Event": "add_waybill",
  "Token": "1234ABC234523451",
  "OrderID": "012345678901234567890123456789",
  "BizID": "xyz",
  "BizPwd": "xyz123",
  "ShopAppID": "wxABCD",
  "WayBillID": "123456789",
  "Remark": "Fragile",
  "Sender": {
    "Name": "Jim",
    "Tel": "020-88888888",
    "Mobile": "18666666666",
    "Company": "Company name",
    "PostCode": "123456",
    "Country": "China",
    "Province": "Guangdong Province",
    "City": "Guangzhou",
    "Area": "Haizhu District",
    "Address": "XXBlock XX, XX Building, No. XX, Road xxXX"
  "Receiver": {
    "Name": "Wang Xiaomeng",
    "Tel": "029-77777777",
    "Mobile": "18610000000",
    "Company": "Company name",
    "PostCode": "654321",
    "Country": "China",
    "Province": "Guangdong Province",
    "City": "Guangzhou",
    "Area": "Tianhe District",
    "Address": "XXBlock XX, XX Building, No. XX, Road xxXX"
  "Cargo": {
    "Weight": 1.2,
    "Space_X": 20.5,
    "Space_Y": 15,
    "Space_Z": 10,
    "Count": 2,
    "DetailList": [
        "Name": "1001 Nights Diamond Purse",
        "Count": 1
        "Name": "Hermes Birkin Bag",
        "Count": 1
  "Insured": {
    "UseInsured": 1,
    "InsuredValue": 10000
  "Service": {
    "ServiceType": 0,
    "ServiceName": "Standard express delivery"

# Example of the Returned Data Packet

In XML format


In JSON format

  "ToUserName": "oABCD",
  "FromUserName": "gh_abcdefg",
  "CreateTime": 1533042556,
  "MsgType": "event",
  "Event": "add_waybill",
  "Token": "1234ABC234523451",
  "OrderID": "012345678901234567890123456789",
  "BizID": "xyz",
  "WayBillID": "123456789",
  "ResultCode": 0,
  "ResultMsg": "success",
  "WaybillData": "##ZTO_bagAddr##Guangzhou##ZTO_mark##888-666-666##"