Q: Can I debug an unapproved app?

A: For iOS apps, you must apply for and get an AppID before they can be debugged. In addition to obtaining an AppID, Android apps must be submitted for review. Otherwise, they cannot be shared via Weixin. Besides, you must fill in the package name and signature fields. You can obtain the signature from the signature generation tool. In special cases, you can generate the signature using the method described in Signature Generation Method.

Q: Why does the confirmation box for sending third-party messages fail to pop up after code obfuscation?

A: You must add the following code in the obfuscation configuration file proguard.cfg:

-keep class com.tencent.mm.opensdk.** {



-keep class com.tencent.wxop.** {



-keep class com.tencent.mm.sdk.** {



Q: When I run the downloaded SDK demo project directly on my device, I can debug it normally at first, but cannot debug it later.

A: This issue arises due to identify verification failure. When running the SDK demo project, refer to How to Run the SDK Demo Project. You can also try downloading the latest SDK sample version.

Q: Why does the error "setup profile from amm_manifest.xml failed" sometimes appear in the log?

A: This error is caused when the SDK fails to load an internal configuration file. However, it does not affect the normal use of the SDK so you can ignore it.

Q: When I call the wxapi.sendReq API, a value of true is returned even though the Weixin app has not started.

A: 1) Check whether Weixin is installed.

  1. During the call, the Apk package name and signature must be consistent with those entered on the Open Platform. Download the tool to generate the signature. This problem commonly occurs when you install the release version after the debug version. After checking the package name and signature, uninstall and reinstall Weixin or clear the Weixin data and then try again.

  2. Check that no thumbnail images larger than 32 KB are sent.

  3. If the Select Friend page is opened in Weixin, but there is no response after Send is tapped, check if the proguard configuration has obfuscated the Weixin SDK code. We do not recommend that you obfuscate the SDK. Refer to the following proguard configuration:

-keep class com.tencent.mm.opensdk.** {



-keep class com.tencent.wxop.** {



-keep class com.tencent.mm.sdk.** {



If you have other problems, contact us by emailing to weixin-open@qq.com or follow us on Weibo at http://t.qq.com/weixin_app for the latest news.