Developers can use the one-time message subscription authorization feature to enable Weixin users to authorize third-party mobile apps or Official Accounts (see Access Guide), and can therefore get the permission to send a subscription message to authorized users. Authorized users do not have to follow the Official Accounts. Each time when a Weixin user grants authorization, the developer can get the permission to send a message to Service Notification.

How to Use:

1. When a third-party app initiates a one-time subscription authorization request, after a Weixin user grants authorization to the third-party app, Weixin will launch the app and carry such information as the authorized user's openid.
2. The app can push a subscription message to authorized users via an API.

Note: Before accessing one-time message subscription authorization, you must register a developer account on Weixin Open Platform, own an approved mobile app, and obtain the ID of the message template to be sent.

Authorization Process:

Step 1: Get the authorization from a Weixin user and obtain the permission to send a subscription message to users.

The developer must access the SDK provided by Weixin Open Platform to initiate an one-time message subscription authorization request. After accessing the SDK, the developer's mobile app will locally launch the Weixin app for message subscription authorization on the platform. After confirmation by the Weixin user, Weixin will launch the developer's mobile app and carry such information as the authorized user's openid.

Example of the access code of one-time message subscription authorization on the iOS platform (refer to the iOS Access Guide):

WXSubscribeMsgReq \*req = [[WXSubscribeMsgReq alloc] init];
req.scene = scene;
req.templateId = templateId;
req.reserved = reserved;
[WXApi sendReq:req];

Example of the access code of one-time message subscription authorization on the Android platform (refer to the Android Access Guide):

SubscribeMessage.Req req = new SubscribeMessage.Req();
req.scene = scene;
req.templateID = templateID;
req.reserved = reserved;


Parameter Required Description
appid Yes The unique identifier of the app, which is obtained after the app submitted for review on Weixin Open Platform is approved.
scene Yes The scene parameter is passed after redirection. It is an integer between 0 and 10000, used to identify the subscription scene value.
template_id Yes Subscription message template ID, which is obtained after the app is submitted for approval on Weixin Open Platform.
reserved No Used to maintain the request and callback status. It is returned unchanged to the third party after the authorization request. This parameter can be used to prevent any cross-site request forgery (csrf) attack. It is recommended that the third party pass this parameter. It can be checked by setting it to a simple random number plus session. This value must be URL-encoded, with a maximum length of 128 characters comprised of letters (a-z and A-Z) and numbers (0-9).

Weixin can be launched to open the one-time message subscription authorization page:

Response Description:

After the user clicks Authorize, the Weixin app is launched and redirects to an authorization interface. The user clicks Confirm or Cancel on this interface. The SDK returns data to the caller via SendAuth Resp.

Response Example:



Parameter Description
openid A user's unique identifier, which can be obtained only when the user grants authorization.
template_id Subscription message template ID
action Tap action. "confirm": The user grants authorization; "cancel": The user cancels authorization.
scene Subscription scene value
reserved Parameters in the request are returned unchanged

Step 2: Push subscription message template to authorized Weixin users via an API

API Request Description

HTTP request method: POST

POST data example



Parameter Required Description
access_token Yes Credential for calling API. For information on how to get this value, see appendix.
touser Yes The openid of a user who receives messages
template_id Yes Subscription message template ID
url No URL to be redirected to after the message is tapped, which must be ICP-licensed.
scene Yes Subscription scene value
title Yes Message title, with a maximum length of 15 characters.
data Yes Message body. "value" is the message text that consists up to 200 characters, without a fixed format. "\n" is a line break. "color" is the font color of the message and can only be set to one value.

Response Description

After the API is called, a JSON packet is returned. Example of returned JSON packet for a successful request:


Appendix: How to get access_token:

The access_token is the globally unique credential for calling APIs. It is required for calls to all APIs, so please save it properly. To store access_token, you need to reserve space for at least 512 characters. The access_token is valid for 2 hours and needs to be updated periodically. Repeated acquisition will invalidate the access_token obtained last time.

Use and generation of the access_token required for calling APIs:

  1. To keep the appsecrect confidential, third-party apps need to use a central control server to get and refresh access_token. All the access_token values used by other business logic servers come from this central control server, and should not be updated separately. Otherwise, access_token may be overwritten, which affects services.

  2. The validity period of access_token is expressed in the returned expires_in, and its available value is within 7200 seconds. The central control server needs to update access_token in advance based on this validity period. During the update, the central control server may continue to output old access_token values. In this case, the backend of the Official Accounts Platform will ensure that both new and old access_token values are available within a short time after refresh so that third-party services are smoothly transitioned.

  3. The validity of access_token may be adjusted in the future. Therefore, the central control server not only needs to actively update access_token on schedule, but also provides an API for passive update of access_token. In this way, when learning that access_token is expired in a call, the service server may trigger the update procedure for access_token.

Developers can get access_token by using AppID and AppSecret to call the API. The AppID and AppSecret of an approved mobile app can be found in Management Center > App Details on the Weixin Open Platform. Store the generated AppSecret properly to avoid reset of AppSecret every time it is generated and viewed on the Official Accounts Platform. The HTTPS protocol should be used to call all Weixin APIs. If a third-party app refreshes the access_token using its business logic node instead of a central control server, the service may not function properly due to the conflict arising therefrom.

API Request Description

HTTP request method: GET


Parameter Required Description
grant_type Yes Enter client_credential to get access_token
appid Yes Unique credential of third-party users
secret Yes The AppSecret. It is the key of the unique credential of third-party users.

Response Description

For a successful request, Weixin returns the following JSON packet to the developer:



Parameter Description
access_token The obtained credential
expires_in The time when the credential expires (in sec)

When an error occurs, Weixin will return an error code and related information. An example of the JSON packet (for an invalid AppID error) is shown below:

{"errcode":40013,"errmsg":"invalid appid"}

Error code

Error Code Description
-1 System is busy. Try again later.
0 Request successful
40001 Incorrect AppSecret or mismatched AppSecret. Check whether AppSecret is correct.
40002 Ensure that the value of grant_type field is client_credential.