AppID Review Period and Process

We will complete the review within three business days. The app registration review only involves the review of the developer's qualifications and authenticity, not the actual content of the app. So you do not have to submit IPA files or submit the app that contains the Weixin SDK for review after it is released in the AppStore. However, you must provide a download address of the release version of this app.

AppID Registration Data Limits

A developer account can be used to register up to 10 apps.

App Naming Rules

You must use one AppID for the same app on different platforms. Do not include platform-related information in the app name (for example, "XXX App for Android").

App names on the Weixin Open Platform must be unique and provide an objective description of the app. Names may not infringe on others' rights or involve exaggerated or misleading claims.

App names that meet any of the following conditions are prohibited:

(1) Violate the constitution or relevant laws and regulations.

(2) Endanger national security, divulge state secrets, subvert state power, or undermine national unity.

(3) Damage national honor and interests, or harm the public interest.

(4) Incite ethnic hatred and ethnic discrimination, or undermine ethnic unity.

(5) Undermine the national religion policy, or promote heresies and superstitions.

(6) Spread rumors, disturbs social order, or undermine social stability.

(7) Spread obscenity, lewdness, gamble, violence, murder, or terror, or instigate crime.

(8) Insult or slander others, or violate the legitimate rights and interests of others.

(9) Contain any other content prohibited by laws and administrative regulations.

(10) Names that are ambiguous, misleading, or infringe upon the legal rights and interests of other users or third parties, including but not limited to: infringement, posing as other corporate brands, the use of names for exaggerated propaganda (such as "best in the country" or "largest in China"), or the use of names that contain "Tencent", "Weixin" when the apps are not official Tencent or Weixin apps (does not apply to internal apps).

(11) Contain advertising slogans or other marketing content.

Support of Different Weixin Versions for Open Platform APIs (New)

Sending messages: Weixin 4.0 or later for iOS and Android

Receiving/Viewing messages: Weixin 4.0 or later for iOS, Android, and Sybiam

Sending messages to Moments: Weixin 4.2 or later for iOS and Android

Adding messages to Favorites: Weixin 5.0 or later for iOS and Android

Registration and Use of Open APIs on the Website

Coming soon. Without the relevant permissions, apps cannot access OAuth APIs. For apps that provide a feature to send messages to Moments, implement direct redirection via SDK. For details, see the quick start guide and demo for the appropriate platform.

Q: When registering and submitting an app for review on the Open Platform, the system prompts that the app name is already in use.

A: Confirm that the app name was entered correctly and that you are the owner of the app. If the problem persists, email us at to submit an appeal.

Q: How do I specify a "From…" redirect link in the app message?

A: When registering the app on the Weixin Open Platform, enter the correct address for the "Official App Website" in the app information. Note: To ensure a good user experience, do not enter the app's download address on a platform (such as AppStore).

Q: After I use an app to send a link to a Weixin friend, when the link is tapped to open the page, how can I determine if the app is already installed on my friend's mobile phone?

A: When Weixin opens the specified page, it adds the parameter isappinstalled after the original link. For example: http://xxxx/?isappinstalled=[1|0]. 1 indicates the app is installed and 0 indicates that it is not installed.

Q: When using the Weixin SDK to share messages with Weixin friends, some messages sent successfully, but others failed (e.g. Weixin cannot be opened).

A: This is due to the restriction on thumbnail sizes in the SDK protocol. The thumbnail storage size cannot exceed 32 KB. There are also restrictions on the size of title, description, and other parameters. Developers who develop iOS apps should consult the "thumbData" section in the quick start guide for iOS on the Weixin Open Platform. Developers who develop Android apps should consult the "WXMediaMessage" page in the quick start guide for Android on the Weixin Open Platform.

Q: After an app is approved, why does Weixin still display the prompt of "From unapproved app"?

A: It may be due to the local cache. Check if this problem also occurs on other devices. If it persists, delete and reinstall Weixin and the app.