When using the Weixin Image Recognition API, the third-party platform developers can integrate Weixin image recognition capabilities into their own apps. Integrating the image recognition SDK gives apps vision search capabilities, allowing them to recognize images and text on posters, ads, magazines, and newspapers.

The image recognition process is as follows:

  1. The developer uploads images to the Image Recognition Image Library in the Resource Center. Each image is assigned a unique md5 value.

  2. The user uses a mobile app that has integrated the Image Recognition API to take a picture. Then, the app sends an image recognition request.

  3. The system compares the picture taken by the user with the images in the image library and returns the md5 value of the matching image. Based on this md5 value, the developer can identify the picture for additional operations.

Click here to view the development guide for iOS.

Click here to view the development guide for Android.