
The Login via Scan capability is used by developers in a mobile app to fetch a QR code, and users may log in to this mobile app by scanning the QR code via Weixin. This capability is applicable to various scenarios such as multi-device login, intelligent hardware, and TV box.

Getting Code via Scanning and Authorization on iOS

Step 1: Request function

(BOOL)Auth:(NSString *)appId nonceStr:(NSString *)nonceStr timeStamp:(NSString*)timeStamp scope:(NSString *) scope signature:(NSString *)signature schemeData:(NSString *)schemeData;


Parameter Required Description
appid Yes App's unique identifier
scope Yes App authorization scope. Multiple scopes are separated by a comma (,).
nonceStr Yes A unique random string used to differ signatures.
timeStamp Yes Timestamp
signature Yes Signature
schemeData No This value is added after scheme when a QR code is scanned.

Step 2: Listen on QR code callback and display the QR code during the callback

 (void)onAuthGotQrcode:(UIImage *)image;  // Get a QR code

Step 3: Call back an authCode after the user confirms login

-(void)onAuthFinish:(int)errCode AuthCode:(NSString *)authCode;    // Login succeeded

Scanning and Authorization Process on Android


The app initiates an authorization request via the IDiffDevOAuth.auth() API. A QR code is returned via the OAuthListener.onAuthGotQrcode() callback API and displayed in the app. Users scan a QR code via Weixin for authorization.



boolean auth(String appId, String scope, String noncestr, String timestamp, String signature, OAuthListener listener)


Parameter Required Description
appId Yes App's unique identifier
scope Yes App authorization scope. Multiple scopes are separated by a comma (,).
noncestr Yes A unique random string used to differ each signature.
timestamp Yes Timestamp
signature Yes Signature
listener Yes The callback API of the authorization process

 * QR code API returned after authorization
 * @param qrcodeImgPath deleted
 * @param imgBuf QR code image data
void onAuthGotQrcode(String qrcodeImgPath, byte[] imgBuf);

 * After a user scans a QR code, the callback API is changed.
void onQrcodeScanned();

 * After a user clicks Authorize, the callback API is changed.
void onAuthFinish(OAuthErrCode errCode, String authCode);

Algorithm of Signature for Login via Scan in SDK

Getting Ticket

A sdk_ticket must be obtained before a signature is generated.

The sdk_ticket is a temporary ticket used to generate a signature, which is obtained using access_token and valid for 7200s. Due to the limited number of API calls for obtaining the sdk_ticket, frequent refresh of the sdk_ticket will lead to API call restriction, affecting normal functioning of its service. Developers need to store and update the sdk_ticket in their own service.

  1. Refer to the following document. Use Appid and AppSecret to get access_token:


  1. Use the access_token obtained in Step 1 to request an sdk_ticket by the HTTP GET method:


The following JSON is returned for a successful request:






After obtaining the sdk_ticket, you can generate a signature for login via scan.

Signature Generation

Signature generation rules:

Fields contained in a signature include third-party appid, noncestr (random string), valid sdk_ticket, and timestamp.

Sort the parameters to be signed according to the ASCII codes of their names in ascending lexicographical order, and join these parameters into string1 in the URL key-value format (i.e., key1=value1 & key2=value2...). Note that all parameter names are lowercase characters. Sign string1 using sha1. Both the field name and field value shall be the original values without URL escape, i.e. signature = sha1 (string1).






  1. Sort the parameters to be signed according to the ASCII codes of their names in ascending lexicographical order, and join these parameters into string1 in the URL key-value format (i.e., key1=value1 & key2=value2...): appid=appid&noncestr=noncestr&sdk_ticket=-p3A5zVP95IuafPhzA6lRR95_F9nZEBfJ_n4E9t8ZFWKJTDPOwccVQhHCwDBmvLkayF_jh-m9HOExhumOziDWA&timestamp=1417508194

  2. Sign string1 using sha1 to get a signature: 429eaaa13fd71efbc3fd344d0a9a9126835e7303