# Base Library Update Log (v0.x version)

Latest Version

# 2017.01.06

  1. U: Updated the total number of calls for obtaining the Mini Program QR code API to 100,000 times.

# 2017.01.05

  1. F: Fixed an issue where preventDefault inside passive event occurred to the touch event in the development toolkit.

# 2017.01.04

  1. U Updated user authorization for calling API wx.getLocation wx.getUserInfo wx.chooseLocation wx.startRecord. When the user denies authorization, "${APIName}:fail auth deny" is called back.
  2. U Updated API wx.scanCode to add return parameters of charSet, scanType, and path.
  3. U Updated the logic for displaying the full screen button for component video (display with controls property).
  4. F Fixed the API wx.switchTab to rectify the issue where getCurrentPages was incorrect.
  5. F Fixed the API wx.uploadFile to rectify the issue where formData changed to [object Number] when data was transferred.
  6. F Fixed the API wx.navigateTo to rectify the issue where calling failed when the page was not displayed in iOS.
  7. F Fixed the API wx.checkSession to rectify the issue of callback missing in some Android devices.
  8. F Fixed the API wx.reqeust wx.downloadFile to rectify the issue where the client did not check the validity of the domain name after a 301 redirection.
  9. F Fixed the component textarea to rectify the issue where dynamically setting focus was invalid in Android.
  10. F Fixed the component picker to rectify the issue wherebindchange event was triggered when Cancel was tapped in iOS.
  11. F Fixed the component textarea input to rectify the issue where an error occurred when maxlength <= 0 in Android.
  12. F Fixed the component video to rectify the issue where duration displayed abnormally when m3u8 live videos were played in Android.
  13. F Fixed the component video to rectify the issue where duration was not completely displayed on the progress bar in iOS.
  14. F Fixed the component audio to rectify the issue where an error occurred in play after seek.
  15. F Fixed the component radio-group to rectify the issue where status synchronization failed when radio was set to false.
  16. F Fixed the component swiper to rectify the issue where current may be invalid when current and children were both set.
  17. F Fixed an issue where style setting was invalid when component properties placeholder-class and hover-class were strings with space.
  18. F Fixed an issue of sequence error when continuously using setData.
  19. F Fixed an issue in iOS8 where massively referring local path images causing the page to crash.

# 2016-12-22

  1. F Fixed the input component to rectify the issue where content was cleared when the DevTools lost focus.
  2. F Fixed an issue where the DevTools did not trigger App.onShow after project compilation.
  3. F Fixed template to rectify the issue where using wx:for could not obtain the value in data.

# 2016-12-21

  1. A Added the API wx.switchTab.
  2. A Added the API wx.scanCode.
  3. A Added the API wx.createMapContext.
  4. A Added the API wx.createCanvasContext.
  5. A Added the API wx.showToast to call the parameter mask.
  6. A Added the page method Page.onShareAppMessage for custom forwarding.
  7. A Added the framework method App.onError.
  8. A Added the page configuration disabelScroll.
  9. A Added the picker-view component.
  10. A Added the contact-button component to display the customer service session button.
  11. A Added the property openType to the navigator component.
  12. A Added the property color to the switch checkbox radio component.
  13. A Added the property objectFit to the video component.
  14. A Added the properties markers polyline circles include-points controls show-location to the map component.
  15. A Added the property circular to the swiper component to control joint sliding.
  16. A Added the property cursor-spacing to the input component.
  17. A Added the property cursor-spacing to the textarea component.
  18. A Added the property disabled to the picker component.
  19. A Added the property hover-class to the view component.
  20. A Added the properties color and selected-color to the slider component.
  21. A Added the properties scroll-x and scroll-y to the scroll-view component for dynamic modification.
  22. A Added the events bindtap bindmarkertap bindcontrolstap bindregionchange to the map component.
  23. A Added the event bindconfirm to the input component.
  24. A Added the event bindtimeupdate to the video component.
  25. A Added the event bindconfirm to the textarea component.
  26. A Added the event bindinput to the textarea component.
  27. A Added the event bindlongtap to the canvas component.
  28. A Added the AudioContext.setSrc() context API.
  29. A Added CanvasContext context.
  30. A Added the CanvasContext.arc() context API.
  31. A Added the CanvasContext.arc() context API.
  32. A Added the CanvasContext.strokeRect() context API.
  33. A Added the CanvasContext.createLinearGradient() context API.
  34. A Added the CanvasContext.createCircularGradient() context API.
  35. A Added the scroll-view component performance to not scroll the page while scrolling.
  36. U Updated the API wx.getSystemInfo to add the return parameter platform.
  37. U Updated the API wx.downloadFile to return tmpFilePath when HTTP status code is 200 or 304.
  38. U Updated the character limit of API wx.showModal calling parameter confirmText cancelText
  39. U Updated the API wx.navigateTo wx.redirectTo to forbid redirection to the tabbar page. Use wx.switchTab.
  40. U Updated WXML dataset return. Object and Array are available.
  41. U Updated the image component property mode with widthFix as an option
  42. U Updated the picker component property range to support ObjectArray.
  43. U Updated switch checkbox radio default style
  44. U Updated the CanvasContext.save() CanvasContext.restore() context API to save brush style.
  45. U Updated the parameter adjustment of CanvasContext.arc() context API. Added eAngle and counterclockwise, and removed sweepAngle.
  46. U Optimized swiper sliding experience
  47. U Optimized the interactive experience of swiper slider in scroll-view.
  48. U Optimized the tapping experience of navigator button component.
  49. F Fixed wx.request to rectify the issue where method could only use upper case value in Android.
  50. F Fixed wx.uploadFile to rectify the issue where header could not be set in iOS.
  51. F Fixed wx.getLocation to rectify the issue where type=gcj02 did not take effect in iOS.
  52. F Fixed an issue where wx.showToast was still displayed after exiting Mini Programs.
  53. F Fixed wx.showModal to rectify the issue where returned parameters were inconsistent in Android and iOS.
  54. F Fixed wx.showModal to rectify the issue where the layout was disordered when content was too long or title was empty.
  55. F Fixed wx.showModal to rectify the issue where the default value was not shown when cancelText and confirmText were empty.
  56. F Fixed an issue where the shown keyboard could not be collapsed during wx.showModal.
  57. F Fixed wx.getImageInfo to rectify the issue where http link images could not be obtained in Android.
  58. F Fixed wx.getSystemInfo to rectify the issue where the occurrence of tabbar caused the inconsistency of the obtained screen height.
  59. F Fixed wx.downloadFile to rectify the issue where downloaded images could not be displayed in Android.
  60. F Fixed wx.request to rectify the issue where the request data was not correctly encoded.
  61. F Fixed wx.login to rectify the issue where App.onLaunch did not call back in iOS.
  62. F Fixed wx.createAnimationContext to rectify the issue where an error occurred when setting transformOrigin and the operation could not proceed.
  63. F Fixed wx.navigateTo wx.redirectTo to rectify the issue where Page.onLoad could not be called in iOS.
  64. F Fixed an issue where the default behavior of catch blocking events was invalid.
  65. F Fixed an issue of setInterval in iOS where a pass parameter error caused the page to crash.
  66. F Fixed an issue where onReachBottom was triggered multiple times.
  67. F Fixed [swiper]((swiper) to rectify the issue where an error occurred when having text node descendants.
  68. F Fixed switch radio checkbox image video to rectify the issue where the hidden property did not take effect.
  69. F Fixed checkbox radio to rectify the issue where label could not take effect.
  70. F Fixed scroll-view to rectify the issue of a flickering screen when sliding to the top or bottom.
  71. F Fixed video to rectify the issue where the event did not take effect in iOS.
  72. F Fixed video to rectify the issue where audio still exists even after it was removed in iOS.
  73. F Fixed text to rectify the issue where embedment did not dynamically update class and style.
  74. F Fixed button to rectify the issue where text color was incorrect when it was disabled.
  75. F Fixed input to rectify the issue where focus property was invalid.
  76. F Fixed input to rectify the issue where the first input was not displayed when using display:flex in iOS9.
  77. F Fixed input to rectify the issue of abnormal display when the initial value was undefined.
  78. F Fixed input to rectify the issue of ghosting placeholder.
  79. F Fixed input textareto rectify the issue of color error before and after in focus.
  80. F Fixed textarea to rectify the issue of abnormal positioning in position:fixed.
  81. F Fixed textarea to rectify the issue where the blur event was not triggered after picker was opened.
  82. F Fixed textarea to rectify the issue where height was changed when setting auto-height.
  83. F Fixed textarea to rectify the issue of abnormal termination.
  84. F Fixed video to rectify the issue where the full-screen button was tapped twice to take effect in Android.
  85. F Fixed audio to rectify the issue where an ID was used in multiple pages.
  86. F Fixed canvas to rectify the issue where drawImage could not display normally.
  87. F Fixed image to rectify the issue where infinite loops occurred when setData was used in the bindload event.
  88. F Fixed scroll-view to rectify the issue where scroll-into-view was invalid.
  89. F Fixed form to rectify the issue where "submit" could not get the input content.
  90. D About to remove the navigator redirect property.
  91. D About to remove the wx.createContext API.
  92. D About to remove the input auto-focus property. You can use focus property directly.
  93. D About to remove the map covers property.

# 2016.10.31

  1. F Fixed the button component to rectify the issue of partial event call.
  2. F Fixed an issue that existed in the update of the swiper component when the swiper-item component list was changed dynamically.
  3. F Fixed an issue where some rpx were invalid.

# 2016.10.28

  1. F Fixed an issue where page.prototype.setData is not set in time in onLoad and onShow.
  2. F Fixed an issue where wx.navigateTo is invalid in some cases.
  3. F Fixed wx.getStorageInfoSync to rectify the issue where there were redundant errMsg in the returned value.
  4. A Added four APIs wx.getSavedFileList, wx.getSavedFileInfo, wx.removeSavedFile and wx.openDocument for file management.
  5. A Added four APIs wx.removeStorage, wx.removeStorageSync, wx.getStorageInfo and wx.getStorageInfoSync for data management.
  6. A Added four APIs wx.showToast, wx.showModal, wx.hideModal, and wx.showActionSheet for interactive feedback.
  7. A Added an API wx.chooseLocation to select a geographical location.
  8. A Added an API wx.getImageInfo to obtain image information.
  9. A Added an API wx.createAudioContext to control the audio component.
  10. A Added an API wx.createVideoContext to control the video component.
  11. A Added two device APIs wx.getSystemInfoSync and wx.makePhoneCall.
  12. A Added an API wx.canvasToTempFilePath for drawing.
  13. A Added an API wx.checkSession of open capabilities.
  14. A Added the delta parameter of wx.navigateBack for multi-level return.
  15. A Added wx.sendSocketMessage and wx.onSocketMessage to receive and send data of ArrayBuffer type.
  16. A Added getCurrentPages() method to obtain page stack.
  17. A Added Page.onReachBottom() method to listen on if the page reaches the bottom.
  18. A Added an event object to add the changedTouches list to respond to changes in finger touch positions.
  19. A Added the textarea component.
  20. A Added canvas for multi-point touch.
  21. A Added the canvas disable-scroll property.
  22. A Added the image bindload event to return image width and height.
  23. A Added the feature to nest text in text.
  24. A Added video controls autoplay property.
  25. A Added video to set and send barrage comments.
  26. A Added video playback-type events.
  27. A Added WXML wx:key support to improve the performance for list rendering.
  28. A Added WXML keywords and data route calculation.
  29. U Added the position property of app.json tabBar to specify a display position.
  30. F Fixed wx.navigateTo API to rectify the issue where there was no return for failed calls when exceeding 5 pages.
  31. F Fixed navigator to rectify the issue where the set display: flex was invalid.
  32. F Fixed input to rectify the issue where text-align:center and text-align:right were not supported.
  33. F Fixed an issue where input is abnormal when in focus.
  34. F Fixed an issue of image base64 image display.
  35. F Fixed an issue where dynamic node update causes the form component to reset.
  36. F Fixed an issue where the border display is incomplete for some phones when using rpx unit.
  37. F Fixed an issue where the same canvas-id in different pages shares the same drawing context.
  38. F Fixed an issue where the function in the property object in the page is invalid.
  39. F Fixed wx.drawCanvas to rectify the issue where drawing was not workable when the width and height of the canvas are 0.
  40. F Fixed wx.request to rectify the issue where an error occurred when setting 'Content-Type' in header.
  41. D About to remove App.prototype.getCurrentPage, which can be replaced with the more powerful getCurrentPages.
  42. D About to remove the audio action property, which can be replace with the more convenient audio component control API.
  43. D About to remove the components of toast loading action-sheet modal, which can be replaced with the more convenient interactive feedback API.

# 2016.10.11

  1. A Added default controls for video in Android.
  2. A Added the ability to use exports to expose API externally in modular.
  3. A Added the ability of require to write no .js suffix in modular.
  4. F Fixed swiper to rectify the issue of bad sliding sensitivity.
  5. F Fixed toast to rectify the issue where the icon in was inclined to the top and not middle aligned.
  6. F Fixed the view tag to rectify the issue where the hidden property was invalid.
  7. F Fixed input to rectify the issue where the first entry was not displayed in iOS10.
  8. F Fixed button to rectify the issue where type="mini".
  9. F Fixed button to rectify the issue where loading was not aligned with text.
  10. F Fixed an canvas to rectify the issue where drawImage image path was incorrect.
  11. F Fixed an issue in Page where the data other than "data" cannot be reset.
  12. F Fixed an issue where the header parameter of wx.request is set repeatedly due to capitalization.
  13. F Fixed an issue where require cannot be used in app.js.
  14. R Removed the redundant click status of the switch component.
  15. R Removed the inline property of the view tag.
  16. R Removed the default style of height 100% of page tag.