# Base Library Update Log (V2.x Version)

Latest version

# v2.33.0 (2023-06-29)

  1. U To update frame request Callback function added exception information return details
  2. U To update frame Privacy interface Privacy protocol popup feature support [details](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/Minigame /dev/api/open-api/privacy/wx.getPrivacySetting .html)
  3. U To update API openEmbeddedMiniProgram Open half screen Mini Program support to expand to full screen [details](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/miniprogram/dev/api/navigate/wx.openEmbeddedMiniProgram .html#::text=2.24.0-,allowFullScreen,-boolean)

# v2.32.3 (2023-06-15)

  1. U To update frame Increase Map Ability Events abilitysuccess and abilityfailed details
  2. U To update frame The game uses open data. canvas.toTempFilePath The generated picture path allows the use of the wx.showShareImageMenu
  3. U To update frame scroll-view Click on the status bar to return to the top plus scroll animation
  4. U To update assembly canvas Support dynamic disableScroll
  5. F repair frame cloud.callContainer pass ArrayBuffer When not carrying method
  6. F repair frame Skyline Under the rendering engine,app.wxss The style in the styleIsolation Configured to isolated Custom Components for
  7. F repair frame repair Canvas Hiding behavior
  8. F repair frame Fix crosswise jump rpx Calculation error
  9. F repair frame Fix Under Developer Tools wx.canvasGetlmageData Return Value Error
  10. F repair assembly Skyline root-portal Absolute Location of Child Nodes
  11. F repair assembly Fix Android Insert web-view after cover-view Not updated
  12. F repair API repair selector Select Virtual Node Error
  13. F repair API Fix Android setTimeout The problem of excessive delays

# v2.32.2 (2023-06-08)

  1. F repair frame skyline externalClass The inheritance logic is wrong.

# v2.32.1 (2023-05-24)

  1. A newly added Small Business Account Migration Capabilities details
  2. U To update frame XR-FRAME Physical system upgraded to support physical simulation/Collision detection [details](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/miniprogram/dev/component/xr - frame /physics/rigidbody.html)
  3. U To update frame XR-FRAME glTF Support KHR_draco_mesh_compression Model compression extension [details](https://github.com/KhronosGroup/glTF/blob/Main/extensions/2.0/Khronos /KHR_draco_mesh_compression/README.md)
  4. U To update frame XR-FRAME glTF Support KHR_lights_punctual Light Extensions [details](https://github.com/KhronosGroup/glTF/blob/Main/extensions/2.0/Khronos /KHR_lights_punctual/README.md)
  5. u To update frame XR-FRAME ar-system Allow Specified Support V2 Of the device's plane recognition pattern, using the parameters ofplaneModeConfiguration, 1 is the horizontal plane, 2 is the vertical plane, 3 is both
  6. U To update frame Support httpdns Use in abnormal situations such as insufficient quotas local dns to reveal details
  7. U To update frame Custom routing changes at the same time background & backdrop-filter jammed
  8. U To update frame android connectSocket Performance optimization
  9. U To update frame Small game vksession Related Interfaces Open
  10. U To update frame Small game push components offline
  11. U To update frame wx.request Interface Performance Optimization
  12. U To update assembly skyline picker-view assembly glass-easel Frame adaptation
  13. U To update assembly swiper adopt intersectionObserver optimization autoplay animation
  14. U To update API Base library support Visionkit depth function [details](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/miniprogram/dev/api/ai/Visionkit /VKDepthAnchor .html)
  15. F repair frame XR-FRAME glTF Animation play
  16. F repair frame Repair real machine debugging 1.0 Unable to use properly
  17. F repair assembly skyline picker-view assembly value Crossing the line without showing the last element

# v2.32.0 (2023-05-10)

  1. U To update frame XR-FRAME Release Official Version
  2. U To update frame Small games added wx.openCustomerServiceChat interface [details](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/Minigame /dev/api/open-api/service-chat/wx.openCustomerServiceChat.html)
  3. U To update assembly live-player Increase screen interface details
  4. U To update assembly video Increase screen interface details
  5. U To update assembly channel-video Restrictions on Open Subject details
  6. F repair XR-FRAME Video Texture Sound Unplayable Problem

# v2.31.1 (2023-04-24)

  1. U To update frame XR-FRAME ar-system Supported the threedof Pattern [details](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/miniprogram/dev/component/xr - frame /ar/tracker.html#threeDof)
  2. U To update frame XR-FRAME glTF extend textureTransform and clearcoat Support/ gltf Load can ignore a rule that is used to handlenormalizedOr something like that.
  3. U To update frame XR-FRAME Support for materialstatesmodifycolorWrite, A 4 bits of mask , from high to low forABGRFour channels. For example,0b1001Means only openRandAChannel write
  4. U To update frame XR-FRAME Supports different materials using different environmental data
  5. U To update frame skyline scroll-view Component support clip attribute details
  6. U To update frame in vConsole The rendering engine that displays the current page on the button
  7. U To update assembly skyline lower scroll-view Open by default when approaching full screen size enable-back-to-top attribute details
  8. U To update assembly skyline Support picker-view assembly details
  9. F repair frame allow web-view Components in the onCopyUrl Callback forward Mini Program postMessage details
  10. F repair frame skyline built-in behaviors in skyline Down Unavailable details
  11. F repair frame In Developer Tools Skyline Under mode WXML Cannot select node or cluster state is missing
  12. F repair frame XR-FRAME Some problems with the node system update, share the systemcaptureToArrayBufferThe question of
  13. F repair assembly video The sliding progress gesture algorithm causes the video to start bit by bit and appear as NaN
  14. F repair assembly video Component volume gestures are not sensitive enough
  15. F repair assembly Developer tools. video assembly Pause After that, it will continue to pull hls flow
  16. F repair assembly Repair multiple on-screen Canvas Memory leak
  17. F repair assembly skyline lower input/button Component Support Avatar Nickname Fill
  18. F repair assembly skyline lower video assembly vslide-gesture Unable to close
  19. F repair assembly skyline input and texting A number of issues
  20. F repair API Repair half screen Mini Program horizontal judgment

# v2.31.0 (2023-04-10)

  1. U To update assembly live-pusher Support fps attribute details
  2. U To update assembly live-pusher Support voice-changer-type attribute details
  3. U To update API LivePusherContext Support setZoom/getMaxZoom Method, LivePusherContext.playBGM Method supports specified time details

# v2.30.4 (2023-03-22)

  1. U To update frame XR-FRAME Supports canvas transparency [Canvas Transparent Layout ](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/miniprogram/dev/component/xr - frame /Render/#% E7%94%BB%E5%B8%83%E9%80%8F%E6%98%8E%E9%85%8D%E7%BD%AE)
  2. U To update assembly grid-view webview Compatible implementation details
  3. F repair frame Skyline Map below polyline Not shown
  4. F repair assembly Under Developer Tools canvas hidden The problem of failure details
  5. F repair frame XR-FRAME physical stability, partial rendering effect

# v2.30.3 (2023-03-06)

  1. U To update frame Little Mini game Exposed checkIsAddedToMyMiniProgram interface [details](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/Minigame /dev/api/open-api/my-miniprogram/wx.checkIsAddedToMyMiniProgram.html)
  2. U To update assembly Support for nesting text Component binding event
  3. F repair frame view Component Addition hover * Report error
  4. F repair assembly skyline video Error correction
  5. F repair assembly skyline refresher refresher-triggered Change to a setting value that can be repeated
  6. F repair assembly iOS input always-embed Not support nickname details
  7. F repair assembly XR-FRAME of ARTracker Support 3DMarker Later, there are in the path query The problem with parameters details
  8. F repair assembly XR-FRAME Occasional stuck camera controller issues, synchronization of parent and child nodes

# v2.30.2 (2023-02-22)

  1. A newly added API Mini Program general AI Inference interface wx.createInferenceSession details

  2. A newly added API Mini Program to get general AI Inference Engine Version Interface wx.getInferenceEnvInfo details

  3. U To update assembly Android Same layer input Problem Repair

  4. F repair frame When an Mini Program uses on-demand injection, the Generic Implementation Problems that do not render properly

  5. F repair frame XR-FRAME CameraOrbitControl Invalid After First Zoom Problem

  6. F repair frame XR-FRAME iOS of OOM Problem, with the client Patch Fully repaired

  7. F repair frame XR-FRAME Collision Body Unable to Respond to NodevisibleThe Problem With Attributes

  8. F repair assembly skyline lower video Component Slide Gesture Causes Page to Follow Slide

# v2.30.1 (2023-02-09)

  1. A newly added frame skyline lower clearAnimatedStyle Interface, with the applyAnimatedStyle Matching use details
  2. U To update frame skyline lower applyAnimatedStyle Interface Adds Refresh Timing Options details
  3. U To update frame Upgrade Mini Program built-in vConsole details
  4. U To update assembly share-element Automatic lifting according to child nodes
  5. U To update API Plug-in Added API exitMiniProgram [details](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/miniprogram/dev/api/navigate/wx.exitMiniProgram .html)
  6. F repair frame Request Multilink Problem
  7. F repair frame tool WXML panel compData dynamic update
  8. F repair assembly Cancel when touching multiple fingers tap event
  9. F repair assembly skyline lower back-to-top Attribute failure problem
  10. F repair API httpdns supports non-443 ports
  11. F Fixed a removal issue in XR-FRAME when there is only one event in the event system. Fixed a light as a child node cannot move with the parent node.

# v2.30.0 (2023-01-12)

Fixed some known issues.

# v2.29.2 (2023-01-09)

  1. U To update assembly Adjust the input box's input/Change event details
  2. U To update API Provides an interface to get the status of the window details
  3. U To update API setMessageToFriendQuery Support query parameter [details](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/Minigame /dev/api/Share/wx.setMessageToFriend .html)
  4. F repair frame skyline lower input assembly focus Property causes the page to push height
  5. F repair frame ios Same layer rendering related problems
  6. F repair frame skyline In debug mode vConsole Button click and drag logic
  7. F repair API skyline intersectionObserver res Tonic
  8. F repair API repair texSubImage2D

# v2.29.1 (2022-12-27)

  1. A newly added API newly added Whether the query is added to theMy little program.State interface details
  2. U To update frame voip-room object-fit Support cover Pattern details
  3. U To update frame XR-FRAME ARTracker New identification status [details](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/miniprogram/dev/component/xr - frame /ar/tracker.html#% E8%8E%B7%E5%8F%96%E8%BF%BD%E8%B8%AA%E7%8A%B6%E6%80%81)
  4. U To update frame eventChannel Available later than the root component attached
  5. U To update frame File system synchronous interface supplement error code details
  6. U To update frame skyline Support vConsole debugging
  7. U To update assembly movable-view assembly scale-min The default value is adjusted to 0.1 details
  8. U To update assembly Nickname Fill input Added security check completion callback details
  9. U To update assembly live-pusher Support for custom filters details
  10. F repair frame 【Exparser】 reassignSlots May cause irrelevant nodes to be removed and inserted so that their internal state is lost details
  11. F repair frame iOS on video Be located scrollView Internal when, after full screen back, scrollView Automatically scroll to the top details
  12. F repair frame skyline The following events cannot be triggered
  13. F repair assembly repair slider Problems with incorrect initial values displayed in some scenarios details
  14. F repair assembly Circles on the map cannot be removed details
  15. F repair API Fix Small Mini game Audio Hit Cache onCanplay The problem that callbacks don't trigger
  16. F repair API join1v1Chat roomType for video Change to speakerphone
  17. F repair API wx.getSkylineInfo of complete The callback parameter is not consistent with the document description

# v2.29.0 (2022-12-15)

  1. A newly added frame skyline Shared Element Animation New Features details
  2. A newly added frame skyline Support for grid container components details
  3. A newly added frame skyline Supports Ceiling Container Components details
  4. A newly added assembly WeChat Channels Live Stream Component details
  5. U To update frame skyline scroll-view New features details
  6. U To update frame swiper Support scrollWithAnimation & cacheExtent details
  7. U To update API Support for getting device CPU/GPU Hardware information [details](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/miniprogram/dev/api/Base/system/wx.getDeviceInfo .html)
  8. U To update API GetChannelsLiveInfo Interface Adds Display History Live Feeds [details](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/miniprogram/dev/api/open-api/channels/wx.getChannelsLiveInfo .html)
  9. U To update API Multi-link capability of open network details
  10. U To update API Live-pusher Open Custom Rendering details
  11. F repair frame XR-FRAME AR system in some Android machine black screen repair

# v2.28.1 (2022-12-05)

  1. U To update frame XR-FRAME [AR System Adds Hand, Face, Body Recognition and Front-facing Cameras](//developers.weixin.qq.com/miniprogram/dev/component/xr - frame /ar/tracker.html#Face)/[SLOT Support](//developers.weixin.qq.com/miniprogram/dev/component/xr - frame /Core/slot.html)/[Particle system](//developers.weixin.qq.com/miniprogram/dev/component/xr - frame /particles/index.html)/[GLTF-related capabilities](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/miniprogram/dev/component/xr - frame /gltf/specification.html#% E4%BD%BF%E7%94%A8-TS-%E8%84%9A%E6%9C%AC%E6%9D%A5%E4%BF%AE%E6%94%B9GLTF)/[Built-in resource progress monitoring](//developers.weixin.qq.com/miniprogram/dev/component/xr - frame /assets/elements.html)
  2. U To update frame skyline Support page-meta assembly details
  3. U To update frame On the tool Camera Components do not trigger Bindinitdone and binderror
  4. U To update frame Update the global custom tabbar details
  5. U To update assembly Avatar component to the album to select/Photo uploads increase image compression and cropping
  6. U To update API OpenEmbeddedMiniProgram adds tap event limits
  7. U To update API Half-screen Mini Program demoted to navigateToMiniProgram when calling openEmbeddedMiniProgram
  8. U To update API Game Circle Button Support Red Dot
  9. F repair frame XR-FRAME Some BUG Fixes
  10. F repair frame Fix iOS Games High Performance Mode Cold Start query Lose
  11. F repair frame skyline Component completion single page pattern correlation logic
  12. F repair assembly skyline map assembly getcenterlocation Method supplement
  13. F repair assembly scroll-view No statement enableBackToTop When the error is triggered listTapStatusBar Causes page back to top
  14. F repair assembly repair swiper Unable to customize AirRole
  15. F repair assembly repair video Repeat sending loadedmetadata
  16. F repair assembly skyline Down video Components are not play、timeupdate Such events
  17. F repair assembly video lack seekcomplete
  18. F repair assembly video Gesture Adjustment Volume After Clicking Mute Cannot Restore Unmuted State
  19. F repair API Webaudio Unable to closeContext [details](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/community/develop/doc/000a4ed6fb4748bb73de88ca851000?from_wecom = 1 )
  20. F repair API On the tool compressImage Compression of local images is not supported

# v2.28.0 (2022-11-21)

  1. U To update API Audio interface optimization

  2. U To update API Visionkit supports human critical point detection & human critical point detection [details](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/miniprogram/dev/api/ai/Visionkit /VKFrame.getCameraBuffer.html)

  3. F repair frame Android game from the video sharing card into the game, using the relationship chain function will crash

  4. F repair frame repair new Error instanceof TypeError === true details

# v2.27.3 (2022-11-14)

  1. U To update frame equipment VoIP Ability to authorize
  2. U To update frame Support worker code packaging to Mini Programs & games sub-packageing details
  3. U To update assembly scroll-view Close to full screen size Turn on by default Click back to top
  4. U To update API createVKSession No more camera authorization when the camera is not needed details
  5. F repair frame [BUG] Batchgetstorage Guest Return Value No errno 0 Processing
  6. F repair assembly skyline Down map Component not received native event details

# v2.27.2 (2022-11-08)

  1. U To update API To update skyline Support intersection Observer details
  2. F repair frame skyline Tool-Side Asynchronous Subcontract Style Injection Failure
  3. F repair frame skyline input Event Repair

# v2.27.1 (2022-10-31)

  1. A newly added frame New xr-fame capability, kanata update [details](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/miniprogram/dev/framework/xr - frame /index.html)
  2. A newly added assembly map New components added bindrendersuccess attribute details
  3. A newly added API newly added wx.getRendererUserAgent [details](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/miniprogram/dev/api/Base/system/wx.getRendererUserAgent .html)
  4. U To update frame Encryption sharing Mini Program
  5. U To update frame Development Version and Experience Version Mini Programs & Plug-ins Get User Avatar Nickname Ability in Advance details
  6. U To update API worker newly added worker.testOnProcessKilled Interface is used to simulate worker Recovered by the system details
  7. U To update API Switch to WebAudio implementation by default for local short audio to improve stability and performance
  8. F repair frame bug 2.26.1 and 2.26.2 Report error Uncaught (in promise) undefined [details](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/community/Minihome /doc/000406892fc328fbcf9e7d3e356800)
  9. F repair frame Fixed small game in high performance mode for the first time wx.onShow does not work
  10. F repair frame Enhance scroll-view Failure in some scenarios
  11. F repair frame Fix the game Camera.onAuthCancel does not trigger
  12. F repair frame if generics Missing Custom Component Implementation, iOS Rendering errors may occur in some special situations on the platform details
  13. F repair assembly repair aria-disabled No normal function
  14. F repair assembly repair input cursor Synchronization error details
  15. F repair assembly repair video The tool is not properly destroyed details
  16. F repair API Fix useWebAudioImplement mode, pause/Bug where audio continues after stop
  17. F repair API OffscreenCanvas Unable to call createPath2D

# v2.27.0 (2022-09-27)

  1. A newly added API New Image Extraction Text Interface [details](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/miniprogram/dev/framework/open-ability/Visionkit /ocr.html)

# v2.26.2 (2022-09-26)

  1. A newly added API newly added wx.getSkylineInfo [details](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/miniprogram/dev/api/Base/system/wx.getSkylineInfo .html)
  2. U To update frame Plug-in support to open half screen Mini Program [details](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/miniprogram/dev/api/navigate/wx.openEmbeddedMiniProgram .html)
  3. U To update API InnerAudioContext Support for writable currentTime details
  4. F repair frame Mini Program automatic test in real machine debugging can not be used
  5. F repair frame IOS lower skyline load Subcontract failure
  6. F repair frame skyline input placeholder-style Not set fontSize Will disappear
  7. F repair frame skyline Asynchronous subcontract component style problem
  8. F repair frame skyline Tool Side Asynchronous Subcontract Component Rendering Failure
  9. F repair frame When on-demand injection is turned on, iOS Recovery may fail while recovering page white screen caused by insufficient memory
  10. F repair frame In extreme cases animate Call queue may have timing competition

# v2.26.1 (2022-09-09)

  1. U To update frame root-portal Support fixed and relative to switch over details
  2. F repair frame In subcontract asynchronization, loading the same subcontract frequently may cause loading failure
  3. F repair frame Subcontract asynchronous placeholder replacement failure
  4. F repair frame Skyline lower map Component cannot update width
  5. F repair frame GetLocation Development Version & Experience Version Frequent Calls Do Not Report Errors

# v2.26.0 (2022-08-26)

  1. A newly added API Support image clipping interface wx.cropImage details

  2. U To update assembly video Component support preferredPeakBitRate attribute details

  3. U To update API wx.compressImage Support compression by size details

  4. U To update API Small game support dynamic setting horizontal screen interface wx.setDeviceOrientation [details](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/Minigame /dev/api/device/orientation/wx.setDeviceOrientation.html)

  5. F repair API get/setStorage After the encryption is turned on emoji The character will handle the error

# v2.25.4 (2022-08-16)

  1. U To update API The insertImage interface adds a newline parameter details
  2. F repair frame Fix some iOS Unity game cut background and then cut the front audio can no longer play the problem
  3. F repair frame Fix missing subcontract plugin page style
  4. F repair frame Fix subcontract plug-in component on demand injection failure
  5. F repair assembly input placeholder-style The default value should be input Own inheritance

# v2.25.3 (2022-08-02)

  1. U To update frame Small game open getWindowInfo, getSystemSetting, getDeviceInfo and other system-related interfaces [details](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/Minigame /dev/api/#%E7%B3%BB%E7%BB%9F)
  2. U To update frame repair Canvas Canvas state not reset when modifying width and height
  3. U To update frame Canvas Event Occasional No changedTouches
  4. U To update assembly to skyline provide root-portal assembly details
  5. U To update assembly scroll-view Support configuration passive details
  6. F repair frame Skyline Backend support selectorQuery getComputedStyle, compatible scrollOffset
  7. F repair assembly image Set up webp Property is true That is returned by the failure to load the picture src Not the original picture. src
  8. F repair API Android WXWebAssembly.instantiate interface does not pass imports object will crash

# v2.25.2 (2022-07-25)

  1. U To update frame Removal of information about slot not found The warning

  2. U To update frame Update the Mini Program's built-in vConsole To 3.14.6, support for replication logs details

  3. U To update frame provide root-portal Component that supports separating a node tree subtree from the document tree details

  4. F repair assembly Page-container multi-page jump return failure details

  5. F repair assembly tool canvas Lose tap event details

  6. F repair API The moveToLocation interface passes in fixed latitude and longitude information without authorization

# v2.25.1 (2022-07-12)

  1. U To update frame wx.decode and wx.encode The uniform default encoding is utf8 [details](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/Minigame /dev/api/util/wx.encode .html)
  2. U To update frame Real machine debugging 2.0 automation support App.callFunction as well as App.addBinding method
  3. U To update API to remove errMsg Redundant space
  4. U To update API Supports switching the current page at runtime Passive To configure details
  5. U To update API Support iOS Mini Program to get camera frame data in ExperimentalWorker [details](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/Minigame /dev/api/worker/Worker.getCameraFrameData .html)
  6. F repair frame Small game wx.onDeviceOrientationChange callback only triggers a bug
  7. F repair assembly canvas Load Picture Pairs url repeat Encode The question of
  8. F repair assembly loadFontFace in canvas Does not take effect before the screen details
  9. F repair assembly Plug-in Payment Interface Fix
  10. F repair API repair canvas findElementById Report error details

# v2.25.0 (2022-06-29)

  1. A newly added API New batch acquisition/Setting the interface for storage cache details
  2. A newly added API newly added wx.getFuzzyLocation interface details
  3. A newly added API newly added wx.sendSms interface details
  4. U To update assembly live-pusher Support small window push stream details
  5. U To update assembly live-player and live-pusher Screenshot function supports capture rendering LivePlayerContext.snapshot / LivePusherContext.snapshot
  6. U To update API Geolocation Related Interface Requirements Access Request Prior to Invocation details

# v2.24.7 (2022-06-23)

  1. U To update assembly web-view Support to return full when loading fails url details

  2. F repair frame open enablePassiveEvent Unusual problems that have arisen since

  3. F repair frame In some cases, the development stack cannot be restored according to sourceMap

# v2.24.6 (2022-06-10)

  1. U To update frame wx.getChannelsShareKey Support 1208 scene details

  2. U To update frame optimization request interface DNS Domain Name Resolution

  3. U To update assembly Avatar Nickname Fill Support Tool

  4. U To update assembly Android input Support the same level

  5. U To update API Support to return multiple WeChat Channels announcements [details](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/miniprogram/dev/api/open-api/channels/wx.getChannelsLiveNoticeInfo .html)

  6. F repair frame asynchronous Require JS File exception did not trigger the callback function problem

  7. F repair frame When the development Mini Program disables the initial rendering cache, the existing cache is sometimes not cleared details

# v2.24.5 (2022-05-31)

  1. U To update frame Small game plugin support [wx.connectSocket](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/Minigame /dev/api/network/WebSocket /wx.connectSocket.html) / [wx.uploadFile](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/Minigame /dev/api/network/upload/wx.uploadFile.html) / [wx.downloadFile](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/Minigame /dev/api/network/download/wx.downloadFile.html)

  2. F repair assembly Android input The box will occasionally match the input word placeholder Word overlap bug details

# v2.24.4 (2022-05-26)

  1. U To update frame Small game plugin support getAccountInfoSync [details](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/Minigame /dev/api/open-api/account-info/wx.getAccountInfoSync .html)

  2. U To update assembly Navigator Support Back to previous Mini Program details

  3. U To update assembly Canvas optimization

  4. F repair frame On Demand Injection Under ios Independent Subcontractor Jump General Subcontract Page White Screen

  5. F repair assembly repair ios texting Occasional autofocus failure

# v2.24.3 (2022-05-16)

  1. A newly added frame Callback event for asynchronous subcontract download failure details

  2. U To update frame WebAudio Interface when requesting an audio URL is removed content-type: application/json Request header

  3. F repair assembly Repair part Canvas Missing interface

  4. F repair frame Asynchronous Subcontract Plugin Loading Problem

  5. F repair frame storageAPI Bug with js reading error after manually modifying the cache value on the tool

  6. F repair assembly repair iOS 15 input Click to penetrate details

# v2.24.2 (2022-05-05)

  1. U To update frame Small game plugin error reported to mp

  2. U To update frame Support for small game plug-ins request Domain name independent configuration

  3. F repair frame Unable to convert accurately rpx Problems with units

  4. F repair frame Plug-ins in Subcontract Not Getting Correctly getEnterOptionsSync Partial fields of the

  5. F repair assembly scroll-view Dynamic setting refresher-background Will cause misrendering. details

# v2.24.1 (2022-04-24)

  1. U To update frame Support page configuration enablePassiveEvent details
  2. F repair frame Independent subcontract asynchronous loading JS file
  3. F repair frame getPerformance interface resourceTiming Indicator Part Time Field Not Converted UNIX timestamp
  4. F repair assembly repair live-pusher Report error 10004

# v2.24.0 (2022-04-12)

  1. U To update frame Real Machine Debugging 2.0 Support Storage Panel Data Display [details](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/miniprogram/dev/Devtools /debug.html#Storage-panel)
  2. U To update frame map custom callout protect
  3. U To update assembly rich-text Support Selected Copy details
  4. U To update API wx.createCacheManager Interface support for use on the Android side details
  5. U To update API iOS End support monitor screen status details
  6. U To update API request Error code normalization
  7. U To update API getPerformance Support for acquiring the main package and loading time of static resources details
  8. F repair frame UDP setBroadcast Compatible with older versions
  9. F repair frame On-demand injection on the tool multiple times into the same page may cause rendering exceptions
  10. F repair assembly cover-image False alarm binderror event

# v2.23.4 (2022-04-02)

  1. U To update assembly map of gl Implementation support enable3D parameter [details](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/miniprogram/dev/component/map.html#% E5%9C%B0%E5%9B%BE%E5%9F%BA%E7%A1%80%E5%B1%9E%E6%80%A7)
  2. F repair API udp ipv6 lower setTTL Report error

# v2.23.3 (2022-03-28)

  1. U To update frame 【cloud sdk】wx.cloud.callContainer Support the use of CacheManager Cache request details

  2. U To update frame [Mini game] Small Mini game Live Panel bugfix

  3. U To update frame UDPSocket.send Interface adds an arbitrary address broadcast function. details

  4. U To update frame wx.getLocalIPAddress Interface Returns New Subnet Mask details

  5. F repair assembly Fix Nickname Fill input event

  6. F repair API Under certain circumstances appLaunch PerformanceEntey in iOS on startTime imprecise details

# v2.23.2 (2022-03-21)

  1. F repair frame offAppHide Failure problem
  2. F repair frame page-container Into the animation sometimes does not trigger details

# v2.23.1 (2022-03-14)

  1. U To update frame open-data assembly groupName The frame is incorrect
  2. U To update frame RPX Unit Conversion Performance Optimization
  3. U To update assembly Provincial and urban picker optimization details
  4. U To update assembly optimization picker-view First screen loading
  5. U To update API getPerformance newly added LCP Indicators, navigation/Add some new fields to render metrics details
  6. U To update API wx.pageScrollTo Support offsetTop details
  7. F repair assembly iOS end video Component after entering the full screen to exit the full-screen, the original cover of the control bar view Will be overwritten by the control bar
  8. F repair assembly The nickname does not disappear when the page jumps. details
  9. F repair assembly getUserProfile The popup will have a style error
  10. F repair API wx.serviceMarket.CDN On the plugin cannot upload files to CDN

# v2.23.0 (2022-03-02)

  1. A newly added API Small Programs Added wx.createCacheManager interface details
  2. U To update frame The game supports weak references WXWeakRef
  3. U To update API Small game support wx.chooseMessageFile wx.chooseMedia interface [wx.chooseMessageFile](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/Minigame /dev/api/Media/image/wx.chooseMessageFile.html) / [wx.chooseMedia](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/Minigame /dev/api/Media/video/wx.chooseMedia.html)
  4. F repair frame optionalTypes Definitions are not synchronized correctly resulting in sometimes invalidation in the view layer
  5. F repair assembly scroll-view In non-integer DPR Scroll down without bubbling
  6. F repair API iOS end wx.getUserProfile Interface in the weak network when the continuous click, after the network recovery triggered a number of pop-up problems
  7. F repair API getPerformance Startup and page switching time Data exception in some scenarios

# v2.22.1 (2022-02-21)

  1. A newly added frame Mini Program FPS panel details
  2. A newly added Plug-in payment API details
  3. A newly added API "Back into the Mini Program" API [details](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/Minigame /dev/api/navigate/wx.restartMiniProgram.html)
  4. U To update frame Real machine debugging 2.0 support real machine automation [details](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/miniprogram/dev/Devtools /auto/Remote.html)
  5. U To update frame Wifi Related interfaces support the return of incomplete WifiInfo object - Plugin support details
  6. U To update API Plug-in adds Bluetooth slave interface wx.createBLEPeripheralServer / wx.onBLEPeripheralConnectionStateChanged / wx.offBLEPeripheralConnectionStateChanged
  7. U To update API showToast / hideLoading,showLoading / hideToast Provide mutual exclusion mechanisms details
  8. U To update API getNetworkType Support for querying whether a user is using a network agent [details](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/Minigame /dev/api/device/network/wx.getNetworkType.html)
  9. F repair frame Worker Open useExperimentalWorker After, service in request Unable to trigger callback properly
  10. F repair API When the user turns on the network agent httpdns Back to ordinary http request

# v2.22.0 (2022-01-24)

  1. A newly added frame New reminder feature for long-term subscription messages details
  2. A newly added assembly Map component to draw arcs, limit map display range, polyline display text interface
  3. A newly added API Photo editing interface details
  4. U To update frame Wifi Related interfaces support the return of incomplete WifiInfo object [details](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/miniprogram/dev/api/device/Wifi/WifiInfo .html#%E6%B3%A8%E6%84%8F)
  5. U To update assembly Camera Support mirror mode and video duration parameters selfieMirror / timeout
  6. U To update assembly Map component polygons support for setting dashed lines
  7. U To update API iOS end VKsession Support v2 version [details](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/miniprogram/dev/api/ai/Visionkit /wx.isVKSupport.html)
  8. U To update API optimization VKsession System Camera Permissions Hints
  9. U To update API Bluetooth getBLEDeviceCharacteristics distinguishes between reply write and no reply write details
  10. U To update API Bluetooth writeBLECharacteristicValue adds write mode control details
  11. U To update API onBluetoothDeviceFound / getBluetoothDevices newly added connectable attribute onBluetoothDeviceFound / getBluetoothDevices

# v2.21.4 (2022-01-13)

  1. U To update assembly Android input Accessibility optimization
  2. U To update API Plugins Add Weak Net Events onNetworkWeakChange
  3. F repair frame optimization Component Warning Indicates that path information for the accompanying component is required
  4. F repair assembly Repair cover-view of transform Style calculation error
  5. F repair assembly movable-view The problem of not being able to move after some scenes are scaled back details
  6. F repair assembly page-container within texting of placeholder-style The issue of non-entry into force details
  7. F repair assembly repair keyboard-accessory Style and cover-view Misalignment
  8. F repair assembly optimization swiper Loading speed
  9. F repair PC Mini Program web-view assembly bind Serial interface problems
  10. F repair API repair iOS Jump Mini Program pop-up window can not be secondary evoke details

# v2.21.3 (2021-12-22)

  1. U To update API Plugins supplement from 2.20.0 New Interface Added wx.getLocalIPAddress / wx.openSystemBluetoothSetting/wx.openAppAuthorizeSetting/wx.getSystemSetting/wx.getAppAuthorizeSetting/[wx.getDeviceInfo ](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/miniprogram/dev/api/Base/system/wx.getDeviceInfo .html)/[wx.getWindowInfo ](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/miniprogram/dev/api/Base/system/wx.getWindowInfo .html)/[wx.getAppBaseInfo ](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/miniprogram/dev/api/Base/system/wx.getAppBaseInfo .html)/wx.setVisualEffectOnCapture
  2. U To update API New game monitor keyboard height change event wx.onKeyboardHeightChange [details](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/Minigame /dev/api/device/keyboard/wx.onKeyboardHeightChange.html)
  3. U To update API Storage Storage provides an encrypted storage interface wx.setStorage /wx.getStorage
  4. U To update API Plug-in support of face recognition series interface wx.faceDetect /wx.initFaceDetect/wx.stopFaceDetect
  5. U To update assembly icon Size increase rem Support details
  6. U To update assembly scroll-view Close to full screen size Turn on by default Click back to top
  7. U To update assembly use ResizeObserver optimization image Component Size Change Check
  8. U To update frame Real Machine Debugging 2.0 iOS Compilation speed optimization
  9. F repair assembly iOS End picture long press out menu will trigger tap event
  10. F repair assembly Optimize swiper for multiple finger swiping
  11. F repair assembly Unable to subscribe message in form submission event handler details
  12. F repair frame Scroll Driven Animation keyframe Cannot use rpx units details
  13. F repair frame getSystemInfo Returned model Field support iPhone13 Series models

# v2.21.2 (2021-12-13)

  1. A newly added API Open the WeChat Channels homepage details
  2. A newly added assembly Avatar Nickname Fill input /button
  3. U To update API wx.getPerformance Added rendering and code injection related metrics dimensions details
  4. U To update assembly GetPhoneNumber Security Upgrade details

# v2.21.1 (2021-11-23)

  1. A newly added API New readCompressedFile for Document System Interface supports reading compressed files of specified type details
  2. U To update frame Cloud Hosting Support WebSocket Connect [details](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/miniprogram/dev/wxcloudrun /src/development/WebSocket /miniprogram.html)
  3. U To update assembly optimization picker-view bindchange event Feedback Details
  4. U To update assembly Accessibility optimization [details](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/miniprogram/dev/component/aria - component .html)
  5. U To update assembly optimization image lazy-load The performance of
  6. U To update assembly/API ApiCategory Corresponding API Limit Adjustment Open details
  7. F repair frame WXS callMethod When called on the built-in component, the corresponding method on the page was incorrectly called
  8. F repair frame Unspecified onMessage cannot run under wkworker
  9. F repair API openVideoEditor return Size No alignment Feedback Details
  10. F repair API mediaRecorder Unable to duplicate creation

# v2.21.0 (2021-11-10)

  1. A newly added API Open the WeChat Channels activity interface wx.openChannelsEvent
  2. U To update frame Start Optimization of Mini game Base Library
  3. U To update frame Add USER to worker_DATA_PATH details
  4. U To update frame Developer Tools on, Cross Subcontracting Require No more throwing
  5. U To update API New Weak Network Events wx.onNetworkWeakChange / wx.offNetworkWeakChange
  6. F repair frame WASM error using plug-in within Mini Program subpackage
  7. F repair frame Small game plugin shouldMakeCanvasSecure Permission error
  8. F repair frame capture setTimeout A delayed function throws an exception error when it fails
  9. F repair frame to switch over tabbar May cause a memory leak Feedback Details

# v2.20.2 (2021-10-28)

  1. U To update frame Start Optimization of Mini game Base Library
  2. U To update API worker postMessage Allows developers to pass in base type data details
  3. U To update API request Support for segmented transmission details
  4. F repair API wx.createVKSession No parameter error problem

# v2.20.1 (2021-10-18)

  1. A newly added API Mini Program Android support start and stop screenshots/Screen recording interface wx.setVisualEffectOnCapture details
  2. A newly added API Mini Program half screen Mini Program ability wx.openEmbeddedMiniProgram [details](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/miniprogram/dev/api/navigate/wx.openEmbeddedMiniProgram .html)
  3. A newly added API GetSystemInfo is split into wx.getSystemSetting / wx.getAppAuthorizeSetting / [wx.getDeviceInfo ](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/miniprogram/dev/api/Base/system/wx.getDeviceInfo .html) / [wx.getWindowInfo ](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/miniprogram/dev/api/Base/system/wx.getWindowInfo .html) / [wx.getAppBaseInfo ](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/miniprogram/dev/api/Base/system/wx.getAppBaseInfo .html)
  4. A newly added API Support jump system settings wx.openSystemBluetoothSetting / wx.openAppAuthorizeSetting
  5. A newly added API Bluetooth Host Mode Support Get MTU details
  6. A newly added API Support to get local network IP address wx.getLocalIPAddress details
  7. A newly added API Check if Bluetooth is paired wx.isBluetoothDevicePaired details
  8. U To update API Service market invokeService Additional withholding parameters details
  9. U To update API Bluetooth slave mode supports Beacon Mode broadcast details
  10. U To update API Map component superimposed thermal map, route map, honeycomb map effect details
  11. U To update API When the clipboard is empty, the Mini Program paste does not play the prompt
  12. F repair frame Wasm can not instantiate in the plug-in
  13. F repair frame The wx.onShow interface on the tool does not trigger at startup
  14. F repair frame Tool map view Node cannot respond to events
  15. F repair assembly iOS Up enhancement scroll-view scrollTo Some models fail Feedback Details
  16. F repair frame On the tool scrollTo Not effective

# v2.20.0 (2021-10-08)

  1. U To update getLaunchOptions / getEnterOptions increase apiCategory parameter

# v2.19.6 (2021-09-24)

  1. U To update frame Start Optimization of Mini game Base Library
  2. U To update assembly Developer Tools Map Support Point Aggregation

# v2.19.5 (2021-09-13)

  1. U To update frame Optimize the startup performance of small games
  2. U To update frame The problem of optimizing iOS11 memory footprint

# v2.19.4 (2021-09-06)

  1. U To update API Real Time Log Support RealtimeLogManager.getCurrentState Get the current log volume limit
  2. F repair assembly Android video to switch over src Do not display the play key

# v2.19.3 (2021-08-26)

  1. A newly added assembly video Player Increase DRM to declassify details
  2. U To update frame Start Optimization of Mini game Base Library
  3. F repair frame Ios game call jump interface, return to trigger two onshow
  4. F repair frame In the tool text assembly user-select prompt Feedback Details
  5. F repair assembly auto-fill Too high a height
  6. F repair API On the tool tcp Interface cannot receive error event

# v2.19.2 (2021-08-10)

  1. U To update API WeChat Channels Open Open the Video Detail Page interface details
  2. U To update plug-in File system support details
  3. F repair frame virtualHost The component node of the selectComponent and getRelationNodes Selection
  4. F repair frame wx.getLocation Always get the cache value
  5. F repair frame modify js Thermal overload Data Reset to initial value

# v2.19.1 (2021-08-03)

  1. A newly added API Support http-dns capabilities details
  2. U To update API chooseAddress Level 4 Address Selection details
  3. U To update API Used in plugins TCP Interface is checked by the plugin's domain name whitelist details
  4. F repair assembly Mini Program jump Mini Program to prevent repeated popup

# v2.19.0 (2021-07-23)

  1. A newly added API Book a WeChat Channels live stream, check the WeChat Channel preview information interface details
  2. A newly added API License plate interface wx.chooseLicensePlate details
  3. A newly added API Support Mini Program to open WeChat customer service details
  4. F repair assembly input value/placeholder Some scenes are not shown on the tool side

# v2.18.1 (2021-07-15)

  1. A newly added frame Mini Program/Support for WXWebAssembly details
  2. U To update assembly Mini Program jump Mini Program support short-link details
  3. U To update assembly Official Account message template component scene value logic modification
  4. U To update API Cloud hosting api Support passing service name as parameter
  5. U To update plug-in Mini Program/Small game plugin supports Worker [details]((wx.createWorker ))
  6. U To update plug-in Support navigateToMiniprogram [details]((wx.navigateToMiniProgram ))
  7. F repair frame in Behavior Used in observers May lead to vdSync error Feedback Details
  8. F repair frame Development version Mini Programs webview component capability limits align official version
  9. F repair frame Start from the independent subcontractor and enter the main package, after backstage App.onShow Do not trigger
  10. F repair assembly video Full Screen Down Turn Problem Repair
  11. F repair assembly page-container z-index Invalid setting
  12. F repair assembly page-container This page will return to the top Feedback Details

# v2.18.0 (2021-06-23)

  1. A newly added API Support TCP socket interface
  2. U To update API [wx.getGroupEnterInfo ]((wx.getGroupEnterInfo )) Added support for group chat Mini Program message card, group to do Mini Program start using
  3. U To update API getLaunchOptionsSync & getEnterOptionsSync newly added chatType Field for chat scenarios Open the Mini Program to distinguish chat types
  4. U To update API Support Subscription Message Voice Alerts details
  5. U To update API extend UDP Interface, increasing the setTTL interface
  6. U To update API wx.createInnerAudioContext Support the use of WebAudio As the underlying audio driver
  7. F repair frame In dark mode, input The style will be color Property Value Coverage
  8. F repair frame repair App.onShow The parameters of the Encode problem

# v2.17.3 (2021-06-02)

  1. A newly added frame Mini Program supports asynchronous sub-packageing details
  2. A newly added API File system added readZipEntry interface
  3. U To update frame Custom Component Time Injection details
  4. U To update frame Mini Program supports secure network channel details
  5. U To update API getSystemInfo optimization
  6. U To update API showModal Support Band Input Box
  7. U To update plug-in Change to use plug-in side resources instead of host side when invoking service market interface in plug-in
  8. F repair frame After the route has taken place App.onShow The parameter is decode
  9. F repair frame repair GeneratorFunction Feedback Details
  10. F repair assembly map Structural alignment returned by bindmarkertap Feedback Details
  11. F repair assembly Tools sometimes. video Does not automatically pause
  12. F repair assembly Development tools Webview All page loads trigger after loading error error event
  13. F repair assembly iOS Video components play m3u8 video will be overexposed
  14. F repair assembly IOS Mini Program input component keyboard disappears You can still enter.

# v2.17.0 (2021-04-28)

  1. U To update frame Frequent calls getLocation prompt
  2. U To update assembly Yes video Screenshot button, background play button Etc. Add Accessibility Support
  3. F repair frame CanvasToTempFilePath Export Failed When Canvas Is Not Visible

# v2.16.1 (2021-04-06)

  1. A newly added API New Interface for Games [wx.getUserCloudStorageKeys ](/Minigame /dev/api/open-api/Data/wx.getUserCloudStorageKeys .html)
  2. U To update frame Open scan two-dimensional code interface [wx.scanCode](/Minigame /dev/api/device/scan/wx.scanCode.html)
  3. U To update frame Plug-in call shipping address, invoice header, invoice without function page confirmation
  4. U To update assembly picker-view Critical didn't trigger. Change
  5. U To update assembly navigator Thrown when the jump fails fail event
  6. U To update assembly Some pop-ups add return blocking
  7. U To update API Map Set Anchor Point Icon
  8. U To update API Decoder & recorder Throw an error
  9. U To update API getOpenerEventChannel Return error
  10. U To update API OffscreenCanvas Support 2d context
  11. U To update API FD Related Interface Added to Document System details
  12. U To update API Audio files support playback through the handset details
  13. U To update API ChooseMedia Support mixed picture video
  14. U To update API provide WiFi/4G Interface with equal signal strength details
  15. U To update frame Support Promise.finally details
  16. F repair frame Pop up under the horizontal screen PC WeChat login interface after the status bar misalignment Feedback Details
  17. F repair assembly Under certain conditions web-view safe-area Invalid
  18. F repair assembly The input box is not triggered in some scenes input event
  19. F repair assembly Android at the same level texting hold keyboard Keyboard Collapse Problem

# v2.16.0 (2021-03-03)

  1. A newly added API ugc Select geographic location details
  2. A newly added API [wx.getUserProfile ]((wx.getUserProfile )) interface
  3. A newly added assembly Page Container Components details
  4. U To update API wx.loginAcquires unionID by default
  5. U To update API Background Geolocation Authorization Optimization
  6. U To update API open wx.chooseContact
  7. U To update API wx.shareToWeRun Share Data to WeRun Campaign
  8. U To update assembly [texting ]((texting )) Support confirm-hold
  9. U To update plug-in Support for Real Time Logs details
  10. F repair frame vConsole In Custom tabBar Under Occlusion
  11. F repair API getOpenerEventChannel Return error
  12. F repair assembly Camera onCameraInitDone Event Occasional Loss Problem

# v2.15.0 (2021-02-05)

  1. U To update frame Group Backlog Open Parameter Add shareTicket
  2. U To update assembly Scrolldriven animation support Select the scroll-view Feedback Details
  3. U To update assembly live-pusher Support sendMessage interface [details]((LivePusherContext.sendMessage ))
  4. U To update assembly [texting ]((texting )) Same layer complement hold-keyboard attribute
  5. U To update assembly input & textarea Synchronous focus state
  6. U To update assembly webview Component Cut Background Mute
  7. U To update assembly Android voip-room Component supports same-layer rendering
  8. U To update assembly video Decoder increase wait method
  9. U To update assembly input / texting Support for custom keyboard toolbar
  10. U To update API Support to add schedule to system calendar interface [details]((wx.addPhoneCalendar ))
  11. U To update API video Decoder start New interface parameters ignore audio and video tracks
  12. U To update API wx.getSystemInfo Provides the status bit for whether debugging is turned on
  13. U To update API Supports encryption and decryption interface getRandomValues details
  14. U To update plug-in Support getMenuButtonBoundingClientRect details
  15. U To update plug-in Support for a number of interfaces
  16. F repair assembly Same layer failure optimization
  17. F repair assembly iOS canvas 2d The problem of occasional non-rendering
  18. F repair plug-in wx.getAccountInfoSync deficiency envVersion

# v2.14.4 (2021-01-11)

  1. A newly added plug-in Support wx.authorizeForMiniProgram((wx.authorizeForMiniProgram))
  2. U To update plug-in Network Interface Support LAN IP
  3. U To update frame The game supports real-time logs [details](/Minigame /dev/api/Base/debug/RealtimeLogManager.html)
  4. U To update frame Small game jump ability ban need to add tips
  5. U To update frame [Plugin] Feature Page Dark Mode
  6. U To update assembly open-data Available in Plugins
  7. U To update assembly If more than one live-player mode All for RTC, backstage should be able to float window playback
  8. U To update assembly Multiple calls in the scene live-player Can be played out of the floating window
  9. U To update API OffscreenCanvas Support 2d context
  10. F repair frame Android game App forwarding message card hot start missing query parameters
  11. F repair assembly PC/MAC lower CanvasContext.drawImage Invalid Feedback Details
  12. F repair assembly picker-view Direct Click Does Not Trigger piquant event Feedback Details
  13. F repair assembly live-player in update Unable to automatically rotate after
  14. F repair assembly video muted Status Error
  15. F repair assembly Android input assembly blur When the output of excess input event
  16. F repair assembly movable-view Some models cannot be dragged after scaling
  17. F repair assembly Android [texting ]((texting )) Click the Put Away Keyboard button no blur
  18. F repair assembly scroll-view Lateral sliding problem Feedback Details
  19. F repair assembly Android on the same level. [texting ]((texting )) Switching is not triggered focus event

# v2.14.3 (2021-01-05)

  1. U To update frame Support to share pictures directly to friends or favorites details
  2. U To update frame Open the small file. details
  3. U To update API Open Copy Link details

# v2.14.1 (2020-12-05)

  1. U To update frame Tools Map Optimization
  2. U To update frame Mini Program jump Mini Program popup optimization
  3. U To update plug-in Add new invoice header function page, invoice function page details
  4. U To update plug-in In plug-in mode map Support subkey
  5. U To update plug-in Support for local area networks ip Network request
  6. U To update API MediaContainer Supplementary interface
  7. U To update API getSystemInfo Add locationReducedAccuracy parameter
  8. U To update API live-player & live-pusher binding status Expose buffer data
  9. U To update API showToast Support error
  10. U To update API Provides an asynchronous getSystemInfo interface
  11. U To update API PC Mini Program relay
  12. U To update assembly iOS Same layer input Does not display correctly under certain circumstances
  13. U To update assembly video/Live component supports background audio UI optimization
  14. F repair frame [Load on Demand] iOS Unable to recover after white screen
  15. F repair assembly android video End of Play Drag the scroll bar to play automatically without updating the play status
  16. F repair assembly iOS 14 lower scrollIntoView Occasionally unscrollable
  17. F repair assembly PC. editor Cannot drag a picture inserted in a component to modify size

# v2.14.0 (2020-10-23)

  1. U To update frame requirePlugin Support to AppId As a parameter details
  2. U To update frame iOS Remove the maximum network timeout time limit: wx.request/wx.downloadFile/wx.uploadFile/wx.connectSocket
  3. U To update API Map capability optimization details
  4. U To update API Some Android systems (such as MIUI) read the clipboard will have a system prompt compatible
  5. U To update API New Interface for Games [wx.getUserCloudStorageKeys ](/Minigame /dev/api/open-api/Data/wx.getUserCloudStorageKeys .html)
  6. U To update API PC Mini Program relay
  7. U To update API In the plug-in getSetting Support to return authorization information for Mini Programs details
  8. U To update API On Supported Clients getSystemInfo To Asynchronous Return details
  9. F repair assembly Android keyboard height Event not triggered properly
  10. F repair assembly iOS Small window pop Not triggered in mode leavepictureinpicture event
  11. F repair API iOS lower onTabItemTap Changed to Post-Click Trigger Feedback Details
  12. F repair API Save addPhoneContact on Android is the same as unsave return value Feedback Details
  13. F repair API iOS 12.2 System call wx.openDocument open pdf Unresponsive Feedback Details
  14. F repair API OpenDocument preview on iOS xls display error Feedback Details

# v2.13.2 (2020-10-19)

  1. U To update frame Mini Program private message sharing to the external group to disable secondary forwarding
  2. U To update frame Small game open. getEnterOptionsSync interface
  3. U To update frame Small game record sharing support incoming independent subcontract path
  4. U To update assembly polygon Support for adjusting the gland relationship
  5. U repair frame loadSubpackage in iOS Do not trigger an error callback
  6. U repair assembly scroll-view pagingEnabled Dynamic modification of the list does not take effect Feedback Details
  7. U repair assembly Android at the same level texting custom lineHeight after autoHeight Performance not as expected
  8. U repair assembly Android at the same level texting ChooseImage After unable to focus reach input on
  9. U repair assembly Video component ios sliding page play button disappears Feedback Details

# v2.13.1 (2020-09-28)

  1. U To update assembly live Component back background default floating window in the call scene
  2. U To update assembly weui Extension Library Update
  3. U To update frame Small game wx.getLaunchOptionsSync() increase lanDebugInfo field [details](/Minigame /dev/api/Base/app/life-cycle/wx.getLaunchOptionsSync.html)
  4. F repair assembly Tools Map Hidden Show Unable to Load
  5. F repair assembly An element in the tool map cannot respond to an event
  6. F repair assembly Android at the same level texting Sharing WeChat Moments should not be editable
  7. F repair API getClipboardData Will trigger twice. complete The problem with callbacks

# v2.13.0 (2020-09-07)

  1. A newly added frame Mini Program Private Message Support details
  2. A newly added API Detect the mobile phone to turn on the visual accessibility function details
  3. U To update API Vibration Interface Increased Strength Parameter wx.vibrateShort
  4. U To update API map scale Support decimal
  5. U To update API translateMarker Supports simultaneous rotation and translation
  6. U To update API mapSupport point aggregation details
  7. U To update API mapSmooth animation
  8. U To update API iOS Support for Preservation gif & webp To the album
  9. U To update API iOS Bluetooth slave adds eigenvalue subscription relation
  10. U To update frame iOS worker Performance optimization
  11. U To update frame New games added mDNS interface
  12. U To update frame Provide access to deviceOrientation The interface of
  13. U To update assembly label Support width & height
  14. U To update assembly [texting ]((texting )) Component Adds Select Keyboard Feature
  15. U To update assembly mapGet Anchor Point Click Events
  16. U To update assembly mapSpecify Max /Minimum Zoom Level
  17. U To update assembly canvas 2d Support for custom fonts details
  18. U To update assembly canvas 2d newly added getTransform interface Feedback Details
  19. U To update assembly mapSupport the Rainbow Line
  20. U To update assembly map RegionChange Event return scale Feedback Details
  21. U To update assembly video and live-player Support background playback
  22. U To update assembly Full display when picker content is too long Feedback Details
  23. U To update assembly The button in the lower right corner of textarea can be customized just like input Feedback Details
  24. F repair frame The iOS game can not get frame data when the camera is destroyed and recreated
  25. F repair frame IOS game 2D rendering anti-aliasing mode toTempFilePath screenshot blank
  26. F repair assembly Android texting Under the same layer bind:input No trigger. Feedback Details
  27. F repair assembly android video End of Play Drag the scroll bar to play automatically without updating the play status
  28. F repair assembly From the sharing card into the small window switchTab Invalid
  29. F repair assembly Android under the keyboard pop up after revealing the content of the previous page
  30. F repair API Android Some Specific Models Tune connectWifi High probability of interface 12003 error Feedback Details

# v2.12.2 (2020-08-20)

  1. U To update frame Allows the Mini Program to specify a plug-in page generics Realization
  2. U To update frame Group toolbar opens Mini Program to allow forwarding to other sessions
  3. U To update frame wxs Click event secondary forwarding is also considered to be click callback
  4. U To update plug-in Map support in plug-in mode subkey
  5. F repair assembly ios Swiper component Indicates that the point is overwritten by a swiper-item Feedback Details
  6. F repair assembly cover-view in slots within fixed Location failure
  7. F repair assembly video Components iOS Slide Page Play Button Disappears Feedback Details
  8. F repair API CanvasToTempFilePath Export Failed When Canvas Is Not Visible

# v2.12.1 (2020-08-04)

  1. U To update frame When the Mini Program calls getClipboardData, a toast pops up in the middle of the screen to prompt the user
  2. U To update frame Developer Tools Support Mini Mini game WeChat Moments Preview Page [details](/Minigame /dev/Guide/open-ability/share-timeline_Game.html)
  3. U To update frame Pre-Download Subcontract Support Master Package
  4. U To update frame in page-meta Add in root-background-color attribute
  5. U To update frame Small game independent subcontract start
  6. U To update frame Small game to share WeChat Moments picture support incoming canvas screenshot local path
  7. U To update assembly scroll-view Custom drop-down refresh support dynamic modification scroll-view height
  8. U To update assembly swiper next-margin Deal with the last swiper-item Avoid white space
  9. U To update assembly wxs newly added animate interface
  10. U To update assembly Development tools input / [texting ]((texting )) of input Event Alignment Mobile Event
  11. U To update assembly iOS lower text selectable Unable to select text
  12. U To update assembly Provide Options Settings touch The event's passive value
  13. U To update assembly scroll-view Support delivery selector Act as scrollIntoView The target node of the
  14. U To update assembly pc Mini Program video Support Click seek
  15. U To update assembly cover-image Android and iOS display misalignment
  16. U To update API video Decoder start Supports direct incoming network path
  17. U To update API Small game optimization network audio Promise Realization
  18. U To update API NFC Read and write interface onDiscovered Callback added id attribute
  19. U To update API video Decoder Interface Support Return promise
  20. U To update API wx.getPerformance The tool side supplements some data
  21. F repair assembly iOS Certain models with the same layer components misalignment
  22. F repair assembly Android input component input loss Feedback Details
  23. F repair assembly Webgl Android same layer opaque background failure
  24. F repair assembly video Two play buttons appear in some cases
  25. F repair assembly Android liveplayer Modify the node to exit the full screen automatically
  26. F repair assembly The player window is on the plugin page switchTab Unable to respond to the request. Feedback Details
  27. F repair assembly scroll-view Sideslip Return Gesture Conflict
  28. F repair assembly iOS scrollview Occasionally invisible
  29. F repair assembly Video component ios sliding page play button disappears Feedback Details

# v2.12.0 (2020-07-01)

  1. A newly added API Update WeChat interface details
  2. A newly added API Android Bluetooth Pairing Interface details
  3. A newly added API Support toggle client video editing interface details
  4. A newly added assembly Map Personalized Layer details
  5. A newly added Cloud development Cloud Development Database explain api [details](/miniprogram/dev/wxcloud /Guide/Database/backup.html)
  6. U To update frame Android video game The onProgress event increases the duration parameter
  7. U To update frame Supports bidirectional binding details
  8. U To update assembly in page-meta Add a horizontal screen parameter details
  9. U To update assembly swiper Supports double finger sliding
  10. U To update assembly live-pusher New filter function
  11. U To update assembly Camera scancode Pattern Return Scan Recognition Area Coordinates
  12. U To update assembly mapComponent uses cover-view to customize marker
  13. U To update assembly video New components added seekcomplete event
  14. U To update assembly picker Component internationalization
  15. U To update frame Video screenshots video interface
  16. U To update assembly VideoComponents IOS supports AirPlay
  17. U To update assembly Inside the plug-in liveplayer Unable to use select query operation
  18. U To update assembly button Down feedback The page should be a level one page details
  19. U To update API Sharing support promise return details
  20. U To update API Android connectWifi increase maunal Parameters, adjust the system settings page details
  21. U To update API Assisted Judgment of Return Steps for Indoor High Precision Positioning details
  22. U To update API previewMedia Mix Preview Picture Video details
  23. U To update API WifiInfo Ri Increase Wifi Frequency band information Feedback Details
  24. F repair frame Custom Drop Down Refresh Top Lock Failure Issue
  25. F repair frame No errors will be reported when jumping to the page of a non-existent plug-in
  26. F repair assembly Quick Fill Input Box Event Trigger Error
  27. F repair assembly transverse scroll-view In windows Unable to move Feedback Details
  28. F repair assembly input The font of the placeholder is in the<scroll-view/>Dragging is moving up and down Feedback Details
  29. F repair assembly Developer Tools Mini Mini game video Missing onVideoProgress event
  30. F repair assembly liveplayer The child node enters the full screen and is hidden
  31. F repair assembly Android lower canvas 2d Unable to load multiple images
  32. F repair assembly texting Modified style invalidation Feedback Details
  33. F repair assembly picker Limitation issues Feedback Details
  34. F repair assembly Android WebGL Some mobile phone transparent background does not work Feedback Details
  35. F repair assembly Using more than 50 cloud file IDs at the same time to put the img component presentation will fail Feedback Details
  36. F repair assembly After the first playback of the video component, the play button is no longer displayed and cannot be replayed Feedback Details
  37. F repair assembly live-pusher Black screen in the same layer with a specific path Feedback Details
  38. F repair API Stuck Problem Caused by Repeated Listening Audio Events
  39. F repair API Media recorder Android does not trigger timeupdate event
  40. F repair API mac lower showModal When cancelled cancel for false
  41. F repair API InnerAudio play Time Caton
  42. F repair API innerAudioContext startTime Invalid setting Feedback Details
  43. F repair API FileSystemManager.accessSync Determine that the folder is normal on the emulator, the real machine fails Feedback Details
  44. F repair API Trigger onShow sequence questions after scanCode ends Feedback Details

# v2.11.2 (2020-06-08)

  1. A newly added API NFC Support for reading and writing Feedback Details
  2. U To update frame Background audio supports setting during playback playbackRate
  3. U To update frame for WXS Event Addition getComputedStyle Feedback Details
  4. U To update assembly video Components Support Accessibility
  5. U To update assembly Under Developer Tools video m3u8 Thrown when playback fails error event
  6. U To update assembly onCameraFrame iOS Do not perform after returning to the page below Feedback Details
  7. U To update assembly picker When no value is specified Columnchange does not trigger Feedback Details
  8. U To update API Small games added wx.getAccountInfoSync Interface support
  9. F repair frame Small Mini game Creation Video underGameView Attribute Fails on Tool
  10. F repair frame send promise Errors in the error handler function
  11. F repair frame Small game wx.onShareAppMessage Interface forwarding title There is no default for the game name
  12. F repair assembly Under Developer Tools video Unable to drag progress
  13. F repair frame Small game default sharing screenshot exception
  14. F repair plug-in Block references to each other Maximum call stack Size exceeded Feedback Details
  15. F repair assembly In the page video On navigateTo the next page also plays the sound auto-pause-if-navigate Feedback Details
  16. F repair assembly iOS input Error pop-up keyboard when filling out quickly
  17. F repair assembly iOS lower open-data for userAvatarUrl Long press trigger 3d touch Feedback Details
  18. F repair assembly After the first playback of the video component, the play button is no longer displayed and cannot be replayed Feedback Details
  19. F repair assembly swiper item Change the number of white screen Feedback Details
  20. F repair assembly swiper Embedded texting Stuck in the middle under the tool Feedback Details

# v2.11.1 (2020-05-21)

  1. A newly added frame newly added matchMedia interface
  2. U To update API [Plugin] Support UDPSocket
  3. U To update frame Small game shareToFriend Interface callback missing problem
  4. U To update frame Custom Under Developer Tools tabBar Wrong location Feedback Details
  5. U To update frame Plugin support requireMiniProgram
  6. U To update frame Cloud Development Increases CDN Auxiliary method to help big data cloud function call
  7. U To update frame Small force updates
  8. U To update frame send promise Errors in the error handler function
  9. U To update frame Initial rendering cache
  10. U To update assembly iOS Under Custom tabBar to switch over tab Temporal dislocation Feedback Details
  11. U To update assembly many scroll-view At the same time drop down to refresh the animation conflict Feedback Details
  12. U To update assembly video Lock Screen Button Optimization
  13. U To update assembly canvas Container Settings css Animation error Feedback Details
  14. U To update assembly optimization iOS lower scroll-view scroll-anchoring The performance of
  15. U To update assembly Plugin support wx.getPerformance interface
  16. U To update frame Automatic caching when cloud file id is used in component
  17. U To update API [Plugin] Support wx.getVideoInfo and wx.compressVideo
  18. U To update frame Allow service market calls within the plug-in
  19. U To update API Small game support videoDecoder details
  20. U To update API Media recorder / Decoder Interface timing problem
  21. U To update frame Service Market Agreement Update Added requestId
  22. F repair frame Link containing rpx is misconverted
  23. F repair assembly video in iPad Under control misalignment
  24. F repair assembly iOS video Controls are not displayed at full screen
  25. F repair assembly iOS input type Cannot be dynamically modified
  26. F repair assembly Custom drop-down refresh cannot slide horizontally at the origin
  27. F repair assembly iOS 11 lower [texting ]((texting )) Occasional dislocation in the same layer
  28. F repair frame Custom Components: An error occurs when attempting to call the animation interface on a custom component that has been deleted
  29. F repair frame Using more than 50 cloud file IDs at the same time to put the img component presentation will fail Feedback Details
  30. F repair assembly live-player After encapsulating as a plug-in, the Mini Program calls requestFullScreen, Android cannot enter full screen Feedback Details
  31. F repair assembly live-player Cannot continue to play after switching back Feedback Details
  32. F repair API wx.previewImage Interface incoming base64 in iOS 13.4 Meeting crash

# v2.11.0 (2020-04-24)

  1. A newly added assembly Support Access video Frame data of the details
  2. A newly added assembly video Automatic full screen when horizontal screen
  3. A newly added API Bluetooth supports slave mode details
  4. A newly added API wx.openDocument Added menu function
  5. A newly added API wx.setBLEMTUAndroid Bluetooth Offers Change MTU Size of the interface Feedback Details
  6. A newly added API wx.compressVideo Provides an interface for compressed video Feedback Details
  7. A newly added API Bluetooth provides an interface to query RSSI details
  8. A newly added API Provides performance object metrics details
  9. U To update frame Audio and background audio support settings playbackRate Feedback Details
  10. U To update frame Picker support headerText details
  11. F repair frame iOS Video game double screen
  12. U To update frame Small game video level can be set
  13. U To update frame Allows Mini Program to adjust font point size based on WeChat font settings details
  14. U To update assembly canvas 2d canvasToTempFilePath Interface Support Default Parameters details
  15. U To update assembly map Component callout position needs to be adjustable
  16. U To update assembly Under Developer Tools map assembly markertap The event should be detail return markerId
  17. U To update assembly in rich-text Add in a node addGlobalClass Support details
  18. U To update assembly live-pusher Suspension behavior in the iOS, Android Below Not Aligned
  19. U To update assembly Canvas 2d Interface extension
  20. U To update assembly canvas Support for receiving video The texture object of the
  21. U To update assembly video and live-player Support window playback
  22. F repair frame marker When deleted translateMapMarker Callback not executed
  23. F repair assembly iOS video Full screen cannot be expanded in a specific path on the same layer
  24. F repair assembly iOS [texting ]((texting )) Under the same layer autoheight When the newline height is wrong
  25. F repair assembly Android [texting ]((texting )) In fixed at the bottom, push up will be one more line or one less line Feedback Details
  26. F repair assembly IOS platform scroll-view Causes animation pause problems when scrolling
  27. F repair assembly live-player and video Enter the background mute policy adjustment
  28. F repair assembly After exiting the Mini Program video And keep playing.
  29. F repair assembly Canvas 2d Chinese and English numbers cannot be aligned vertically
  30. F repair assembly Android WebGL run tensorflow.js Incorrect calculation results Feedback Details
  31. F repair API iOS 13 Bluetooth authorization status cannot be distinguished Feedback Details
  32. F repair API Mini Program offscreen canvas Should not be destroyed with the page
  33. F repair API navigateBack of success Callback getCurrentPages() Show inconsistency Feedback Details

# v2.10.4 (2020-03-24)

  1. U To update assembly new edition canvas Use the default destWidth / destHeight
  2. U To update frame Group waiting Mini Program details
  3. U To update assembly windows WeChat support live-pusher
  4. U To update frame Small Program Support wx.setWindowSize [details]((wx.setWindowSize ))
  5. U To update API Small game open data domain extension, support audio interface [details](/Minigame /dev/api/Media/audio/wx.createInnerAudioContext.html)
  6. F repair frame eventChannel once Binding sometimes fails
  7. F repair frame [Plug-in function page] Function page independent subcontract under the host using its own plugin can not receive a callback
  8. F repair assembly Android video The screen status is not centered
  9. F repair assembly video Dragging a progress bar in a paused state Loading Not disappear
  10. F repair assembly video of ended Event triggered twice Feedback Details
  11. F repair assembly live-player Failure of Simulated Small Window Screen to Vertical Screen
  12. F repair assembly live-player After encapsulating as a plug-in, the Mini Program calls requestFullScreen, Android cannot enter full screen Feedback Details
  13. F repair assembly iOS input Same layer acquisition value and focus problem Feedback Details
  14. F repair assembly iOS input Components in the same layer blur Post dislocation
  15. F repair assembly custom tabBar Occasionally moves up when scrolling the page Feedback Details
  16. F repair assembly Custom Drop Down Refresh Stuck and Event Problem Fix Feedback Details

# v2.10.3 (2020-03-06)

  1. U To update frame Mini Games - Payment Limit [details](/Minigame /dev/api/midas-payment/wx.requestMidasPayment.html)
  2. U To update frame That is encapsulated by a custom component button Can also trigger form-submit
  3. U To update frame [Plug-in] Full release in the plug-in openSetting details
  4. U To update frame Cloud development cloud function call to increase the auxiliary information error
  5. U To update assembly video in swiper You can't drag the bottom progress bar
  6. U To update assembly image Tag support heightFix
  7. A To update assembly live-player Support for small windows
  8. U To update API getImageInfo Returns a specific error message
  9. U To update API wx.setTabBarItem Use Relative Paths to Times Error Alerts
  10. F repair assembly video When switching between the same layer and the different layer Loading It might not go away.
  11. F repair assembly canvas tool canvas 2d Update timing problem Feedback Details
  12. F repair frame Scroll drive animation in the 2.10.1 Commencing failure Feedback Details
  13. F repair API repair iOS/Android Two Ends Pair readFile interface position Parameter tolerance

# v2.10.2 (2020-02-20)

  1. A newly added API EditorContext.getSelectionText Support Get Constituency Text Feedback Details
  2. U To update API [wx.getAccountInfoSync ]((wx.getAccountInfoSync )) Support for getting the character string version number of the Mini Program
  3. U To update frame Mini Programs & Games Asynchronous API supports Promise calls details
  4. U To update frame Support page level weui V2Style details
  5. U To update assembly [Custom Components] Built-in components are used in addGlobalClass The global style class is attached to the Feedback Details
  6. U To update API EditorContext.format format Support word-wrap Feedback Details
  7. U To update assembly video Android supports DLNA
  8. U To update API Subscribe to the message: By wx.openSetting Interface returns the subscription status of a user subscribing to a message
  9. F repair frame Small game developer tools do not get the global sharedCanvas
  10. F repair frame After the page exits, not logged out IntersectionObserver Will cause a memory leak
  11. F repair assembly Under Android web-view Width and height do not adjust automatically when horizontal screen Feedback Details
  12. F repair assembly input input Unable to set due to internal state error value Feedback Details
  13. F repair assembly [texting ]((texting )) Android texting Change the size or set the cursor position under the same layer does not automatically scroll to the viewable area
  14. F repair assembly video Error in Developer Tools Feedback Details
  15. F repair assembly scrollview Component does not support touchmove events

# v2.10.1 (2020-01-14)

  1. U To update frame Support custom drop down refresh details
  2. U To update frame Provide user age tag data interface [details](/Minigame /dev/api/open-api/user-info/wx.getUserGameLabel.html)
  3. U To update frame Allowed in the json File using the options Define segments to configure pages and custom component options details
  4. U To update API Add Get Group Name Interface [details](/Minigame /dev/api/open-api/Data/wx.getGroupInfo .html)
  5. U To update API New Return Parameter for Network Request Interface cookies details
  6. U To update API Recording interfaceSupport PCM format Feedback Details
  7. U To update API wx.request Other interfaces support independent set timeout
  8. F repair assembly Same layer Input modify focus Property does not bounce the keyboard Feedback Details
  9. F repair assembly Development tools video Child nodes do not respond to events Feedback Details
  10. F repair frame some Cookie Cannot be parsed properly
  11. F repair assembly Developer Tools Map marker anchorX Report error Feedback Details
  12. F repair assembly picker Does not click to confirm before columnChange Do not trigger Feedback Details
  13. F repair assembly live-pusher Setting property does not take effect during initialization
  14. F repair frame Cloud Development Database elemMatch It is possible to execute the failure problem
  15. F repair assembly Cloud map does not support long press recognition
  16. F repair assembly picker-view Quick Hits Index Crossing the Line Feedback Details
  17. F repair assembly input The input box needs to be clicked twice to focus when switching Feedback Details
  18. F repair assembly scroll-view Can't click while scrolling scroll-view Areas other than Feedback Details

# v2.10.0 (2019-12-24)

  1. U To update frame The wx.getSetting interface returns the subscription status of a user subscription message details
  2. U To update frame loadFontFace Support for global entry into force details
  3. U To update frame Support fast forward. & Game sound recording [details](/Minigame /dev/api/game-recorder/wx.createGameRecorderShareButton.html)
  4. U To update frame Open Geographic Location by Mini Program details
  5. U To update frame [Custom Component] Not prohibited from jumping to not in pages Pages in a list or custom components Feedback Details
  6. U To update assembly Live Stream Component Increase AGC,ANS And callback volume details
  7. U To update assembly live-pusher Add local preview image details
  8. U To update assembly Camera stopRecord Additional Video Information Feedback Details
  9. U To update assembly Map animation optimization [details]((MapContext.setCenterOffset ))
  10. U To update assembly map increase label Click Events Feedback Details
  11. U To update assembly LivePusherContext.snapshot It's not the original. Feedback Details
  12. U To update frame Camera Support Interface Zoom Feedback Details
  13. U To update assembly Camera Support for different resolutions Feedback Details
  14. U To update assembly Camera recording video supports compression details
  15. U To update API Exposure in a plug-in environment setInnerAudioOption interface
  16. U To update API wx.getAccountInfoSync Support for Return Mini Program envVersion [details]((wx.getAccountInfoSync ))
  17. U To update API Plugin support wx.getLaunchOptionsSync details
  18. U To update API getNetworkType Not adapted 5G Feedback Details
  19. U To update API newly added wx.chooseMedia interface
  20. U To update API readFile Support for split reading details
  21. U To update API New Return Parameter for Network Request Interface cookies details
  22. U To update API Recording interface Support PCM format Feedback Details
  23. U To update API Interfaces such as wx.request support independent setting of timeout time details
  24. F repair frame The game can not run experience rating
  25. F repair frame [Bug] Jump not download subcontract page turn screen caused page white screen
  26. F repair frame openDataContext Is configured as an empty character string, still initializes the openDataContext
  27. F repair frame Unified Plug-In Payment Function Page Interface Logic When User Clicks Cancel Payment Feedback Details
  28. F repair frame Android 7.0.5 setTimeout and setInterval The interface throws an exception when the third parameter is passed
  29. F repair frame Huawei mate model, WeChat live page under the input box is blocked or abnormal
  30. F repair assembly iOS input Change the positioning of the same layer to cause the keyboard to collapse
  31. F repair assembly iOS label cover marker Shelter
  32. F repair assembly cover-view coverViewScrollEvent The wiretaps were not released normally
  33. F repair assembly Video full screen scenario will trigger swiper page confusion
  34. F repair assembly Under Android there is web-view Customize the page in the tabBar Rendering does not Feedback Details
  35. F repair assembly new edition Canvas in iOS Unable to load picture on
  36. F repair assembly 2.9.1 Button embedded cover-view, cover-view click invalid Feedback Details
  37. F repair assembly iOS input Component has overlapped text when it goes back to the desktop Feedback Details
  38. F repair assembly Camera onCameraFrame Incorrect data returned in landscape state
  39. F repair assembly The number of columns of data returned by picker-view component does not change when the number of picker-view-columns changes Feedback Details
  40. F repair assembly Movable-view component - Bug Feedback Details
  41. F repair assembly Android Repeat scan below WebGL getContext Method Lost
  42. F repair assembly Under Android map Component polyline Will be covered by the base map Feedback Details
  43. F repair assembly Android texting Moving the cursor should not trigger input event Feedback Details
  44. F repair assembly different WebGL Between context WebGL Resource sharing
  45. F repair assembly When switching webview under iOS, the camera picture is lost
  46. F repair assembly Canvas calls clip multiple times, the iOS rendering result is incorrect Feedback Details
  47. F repair assembly Canvas's restore changes the location of the previously created path Feedback Details
  48. F repair assembly canvas Of the deformation operation on Android and iOS Show inconsistency Feedback Details
  49. F repair assembly iOS canvas Gradient font settings invalid
  50. F repair assembly The scan-area attribute of the camera is not allowed to identify the area
  51. F repair assembly Under iOS Textarea's padding can't set 0
  52. F repair API iOS lower showModal More than one line can scroll up and down
  53. F repair API iOS wx.downloadFile No callbacks header parameter Feedback Details
  54. F repair API Android wx.scanCode DataMatrix Type of two-dimensional code, Data Loss After Comma Feedback Details

# v2.9.4 (2019-11-28)

  1. U To update plug-in Audio and video synthesis interface supported by plug-in details
  2. U To update frame UDP Removal of Secure Domain Name Restrictions Feedback Details
  3. U To update assembly map increase label Click Events Feedback Details

# v2.9.1 (2019-10-29)

  1. U To update assembly canvas WebGL Support for transparent background
  2. U To update assembly map Component maker supports cloud storage image id Feedback Details
  3. U To update plug-in part onXxx The interface is missing the corresponding offXxx interface Feedback Details
  4. U To update plug-in Make the payment function page return some custom data when the payment is successful
  5. F repair frame Android previewImage page does not show pagination Feedback Details
  6. F repair assembly Mini Program WebGL Canvas disable-scroll Not effective
  7. F repair assembly canvas in switchTab Unable to draw after
  8. F repair assembly cover-view Occasionally locate errors in a scrollable state
  9. F repair plug-in Pay Feature Page Click to cancel android No automatic return.
  10. F repair API scanCode Set up scanType: ['barCode'] Can still scan the QR code Feedback Details

# v2.9.0 (2019-10-09)

  1. A newly added frame applyAnimation New Animation API details
  2. A newly added frame Small game open data domain new fast sharing interface [details](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/Minigame /dev/api/open-api/Data/wx.shareMessageToFriend.html)
  3. A newly added API Return to the home page wx.hideHomeButton
  4. A newly added API New subscription message interface wx.requestSubscribeMessage
  5. A newly added API Small game support camera components [wx.createCamera](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/Minigame /dev/api/Media/Camera/wx.createCamera.html)
  6. U To update frame Android Network interface, remove the __skipDomainCheck__ Parameter Restrictions on Account Type
  7. U To update frame Android Support for creating multiple WebGL details
  8. U To update frame tabBar Can be vertically centered when there is no text Feedback Details
  9. U To update frame UDP Support for broadcasting details
  10. U To update frame UDP Support bind Specified port [details]((UDPSocket.bind ))
  11. U To update frame [Plugins] Allows to jump directly to the plugin page within the subcontract
  12. U To update frame to remove iOS setData 1M limit
  13. U To update frame The client provides similar screenTop The value of details
  14. U To update frame newly added Page Tags allow you to change the page title, root node style, etc. details
  15. U To update frame Support scroll Driven animation mechanism details
  16. U To update assembly Camera Preview View New Centering Clipping
  17. U To update assembly map increase label Click Events Feedback Details
  18. U To update assembly map Map General Area Click for Latitude and Longitude Feedback Details
  19. U To update assembly map map polyline Update added diff
  20. U To update assembly CanvasDeveloper tools. Canvas drawImage Align Client Implementation
  21. U To update assembly Canvas Skia Canvas Supports user specified canvas width
  22. U To update assembly image IOS platform supports webP Feedback Details
  23. U To update API wx.getLocation Increased precision positioning details
  24. U To update API Supplementary equipment related interface off event Feedback Details
  25. U To update API Supports audio and video synthesis wx.createMediaContainer
  26. U To update API wx.chooseLocation Support incoming to designated locations
  27. U To update API [shareAppMessage](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/Minigame /dev/api/Share/wx.shareAppMessage.html) Add a field that prohibits secondary forwarding
  28. U To update API Small games pull non-play friends list [wx.getPotentialFriendList](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/Minigame /dev/api/open-api/Data/wx.getPotentialFriendList.html)
  29. U To update API Small game relationship chain interaction main domain callback [wx.onInteractiveStorageModified](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/Minigame /dev/api/open-api/Data/wx.onInteractiveStorageModified.html)
  30. U To update API Small game relationship chain interaction style adjustment [wx.modifyFriendInteractiveStorage](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/Minigame /dev/api/open-api/Data/wx.modifyFriendInteractiveStorage.html)
  31. F repair frame Official Account message template jump when different Mini Program page flash Feedback Details
  32. F repair frame iOS Switching between vertical and horizontal screens leads to capsule misalignment
  33. F repair frame iOS Play first BackgroundAudio, play again InnerAudio, will result in BackgroundAudio Invalid
  34. F repair frame Small game back after the background to seize other App The music of details
  35. F repair frame Android cursor can not move back to the last
  36. F repair frame Subscribe message requestSubscribeMessage interface JSError alarm: __appServiceEngine__ is not defined
  37. F repair frame Android web-view calls window.close will exit the Mini Program Feedback Details
  38. F repair frame iPhone Capsule position error when jumping from horizontal page to horizontal page Feedback Details
  39. F repair frame iOS webview JSAPI No Callback After Hide Feedback Details
  40. F repair frame No Trigger When Height Changes on iPhone's Top View Bar wx.onWindowResize Feedback Details
  41. F repair frame IOS Mini Program input component keyboard disappears You can still enter. Feedback Details
  42. F repair assembly Android Canvas Move out of the canvas without triggering touching Feedback Details
  43. F repair assembly Canvas Android Canvas DrawImage poor graph of a network
  44. F repair assembly Canvas Android Canvas fillRect Does not support negative values Feedback Details
  45. F repair assembly CanvasContext.draw Callback does not execute Feedback Details
  46. F repair assembly Android picker Component if there is a null value, display 0
  47. F repair assembly Android picker Components are truncated directly if the option content is too long Feedback Details
  48. F repair assembly map Map on the same layer click on the marker leads to Tap event is triggered at the same time Feedback Details
  49. F repair assembly map iOS 13 The map component cannot be scaled Feedback Details
  50. F repair assembly map iOS lower map Combination cover-view Cause flash back
  51. F repair assembly map Rotation-Related Issues
  52. F repair assembly Camera Under Android Camera onCameraFrame Interface is occasionally flipped left and right under Android
  53. F repair assembly Camera Android lower Camera Component memory leak details
  54. F repair assembly iOS Under crosswise Camera View Flip Up and Down
  55. F repair assembly When there is no authorized voice in WeChat,Camera Component Voice Authorization. No entrance.
  56. F repair assembly Camera Component sets the height incorrectly when authorizing the popup Feedback Details
  57. F repair assembly cover-view Android and development tools cover-view Unable to cover WebGL Feedback Details
  58. F repair assembly live-pusher iOS live-pusher Pushing the flow direction down the horizontal screen is wrong Feedback Details
  59. F repair assembly video iOS 13 Under video component full screen problem
  60. F repair assembly Multiple pages exist. video Will play automatically when Feedback Details
  61. F repair assembly iOS many Same layer video in scrollview Below Display Exception Feedback Details
  62. F repair assembly iOS [texting ]((texting )) The number of words copied html paste beyond the limit, can not fully display the text content Feedback Details
  63. F repair assembly image The src attribute of the component contains Chinese, and the image cannot be displayed on Android
  64. F repair API wx.request, wx.downloadFile, wx.uploadFile Such as the number of interface requests is higher and there abort Operation, an incorrect counter causes simultaneous initiation of more than 10 One request Feedback Details
  65. F repair API Android 7.0.6 wx.showNavigationBarLoadingInvalid Feedback Details
  66. F repair API The height of the screen is not 0. Feedback Details
  67. F repair API iOS lower wx.hideTabBar In non tabBar The page call is not blocked Feedback Details
  68. F repair API Android wx.uploadFile Unable to upload files without suffix Feedback Details
  69. F repair API Under Android wx.chooseVideo After compression is more fuzzy Feedback Details
  70. F repair API iOS wx.chooseVideo Blur Does Not Gather in Video Preview details
  71. F repair API wx.chooseVideo When the video is longer, the screen will stop Feedback Details
  72. F repair API wx.chooseVideo Three End Return Side Width and Height Inconsistency Feedback Details
  73. F repair API wx.chooseVideoThe maxDuration parameter does not work on Android
  74. F repair API wx.chooseVideoAndroid does not support switching cameras
  75. F repair API iOS Use below wx.scanCode Scan Code Flash Back Feedback Details
  76. F repair API wx.chooseLocation Return address is not complete.
  77. F repair API wx.showLoadingThe tabbar is not covered in the real machine
  78. F repair API Under Android Landscape wx.getSystemInfo Get Available Window Width Height Incorrect Feedback Details
  79. F repair API Android-side wx.previewImage Blackscreen
  80. F repair API Under Android wx.previewImage Interface preview gif white screen
  81. F repair API wx.chooseImage Some Android models will not be retained in the system album Feedback Details

# v2.8.3 (2019-09-17)

  1. A newly added interface wx.hideHomeButton Hide Home Button details
  2. U To update assembly map Map component supports same-layer rendering
  3. U To update frame Cloud Development Database Operator Phase II Open [details](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/miniprogram/dev/wxcloud /reference-server-api/Database/)
  4. U To update assembly eidtor Insert picture to support temporary file address details
  5. F repair assembly eidtor Scroll to the last position after inserting content Feedback Details
  6. F assembly assembly eidtor Without losing focus after calling the interface Feedback Details
  7. F repair frame Open Data Domain onTouch*After offTouch *invalid
  8. F repair frame iOS End after opening multiple pages, switchTab Jump back to the unopened tabBar There will be an error on the page. Feedback Details
  9. F repair frame wx-component The advertising component code in the label src Move to attached In the callback function. dom Node to proceed set Feedback Details
  10. F repair frame [Plug-in] The plug-in signature cannot be updated in time when the Mini Program is in the background
  11. F repair API BannerAd destroy Times wrong.

# v2.8.2 (2019-08-30)

  1. A newly added frame Small game to pull the external app details
  2. A newly added API selectOwnerComponent interface details
  3. U To update frame Custom Component Support mut-bind details
  4. U To update frame Allows some pattern-specific fields to be specified in the setData When not being applied to the interface
  5. U To update assembly map Increased map setting attribute
  6. U To update assembly scroll-view scroll-view Support scroll Anchoring
  7. U To update assembly progress Mini Program progress added animation time Feedback Details
  8. U To update assembly input Support for manual retracting keyboard details
  9. F repair frame repair UDP send Failure No Problem with Error Events Feedback Details
  10. F repair assembly inputand[texting ]((texting ))Rpx is not supported by placeholder-style Feedback Details
  11. F repair assembly [texting ]((texting )) texting Report error insertTextArea:fail Feedback Details
  12. F repair assembly slider IOS The Problem of Value Numeric Wrap When Slider Slides Feedback Details
  13. F repair assembly scroll-view IOS scroll-view border Spacing expansion Feedback Details
  14. F repair assembly input input of placeholderStyle Modified Unresponsive Feedback Details
  15. F repair assembly [texting ]((texting )) Developer Tools texting The number of input lines exceeding the height results in the Bindtap Invalid Feedback Details
  16. F repair assembly cover-view cover-view Error in zoom position
  17. F repair API The lack of share.button and share.title parameters in the wx.createGameRecorderShareButton interface results in no response and no error when clicking to share
  18. F repair API wx.notifyBLECharacteristicValueChange iOS lower notifyBLECharacteristicValueChange Incorrect return parameter type

# v2.8.1 (2019-08-22)

  1. A newly added frame Small game through game.json Configure Disable Front End Managed Data Write Interface [details](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/Minigame /dev/Reference/configuration/app.html)
  2. A newly added API Little Mini game Exposed wx.onUserCaptureScreen event [details](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/Minigame /dev/api/device/screen/wx.onUserCaptureScreen.html)
  3. A newly added frame Real-time data push details
  4. U To update frame Cloud Development Database Aggregation Support Network Panel display [details]((wxcloud /Guide/debug))
  5. U To update assembly open-data open-data supplement error Events and Default Copy Feedback Details
  6. U To update assembly Share diagram support cloud file ID Feedback Details
  7. U To update assembly mark It should be possible to selectorQuery In return details
  8. U To update assembly Native Component Support bind:event Writing method
  9. U To update API supplement offCompassChangeoffDeviceMotionChangeEtc. Interface Cancels Event Listening Feedback Details
  10. F repair assembly video Developer Tools video Component does not display intermediate play button Feedback Details
  11. F repair assembly video Full screen mode to play before posting advertising video, switching video source automatically play failure
  12. F repair assembly video Developer Tools video component can't play m3u8 video Feedback Details
  13. F repair assembly video Loading does not disappear when playing m3u8 live video Feedback Details
  14. F repair assembly video Developer Tools video assembly bindprogress Events do not trigger Feedback Details
  15. F repair assembly live-pusher Multiple live-pusher can not push normally after switching back and forth Feedback Details
  16. F repair assembly live-player Under Android live-player The full screen cannot be fully expanded.
  17. F repair assembly movable-view Movable-view settings zoom and reposition will be misplaced Feedback Details
  18. F repair assembly callout Developer Tools callout Location error Feedback Details
  19. F repair assembly cover-view Nesting Across Custom Components cover-view Update question
  20. F repair assembly In some cases, hidden's native component is updated without the hide attribute, and the component appears again Feedback Details
  21. F repair API [wx.getUserInfo ]((wx.getUserInfo )) Repair GamesIn the Open Data Domain getUserInfo interface fail Problems with callbacks not taking effect

# v2.8.0 (2019-07-30)

  1. A newly added API Mini Program background continuous positioning function details
  2. A newly added plug-in Support for Continuous Positioning Interface [details]((plugin/API-limit ))
  3. A newly added frame Base Library Built-in Components Optional Weuiv2 style details
  4. U To update frame To update vConsole to 3.3.2 Feedback Details
  5. U To update assembly map Support Display Scale details
  6. U To update assembly map Region change event Begin Phase Increases Trigger Reasons details
  7. U To update assembly input [texting ]((texting )) iOS number digit Type keyboard supports automatic extraction of verification code Feedback Details
  8. U To update assembly map Developer Tools Support Mouse Wheel Zoom Map Level
  9. U To update assembly editor InsertImage Support for inserting cloud pictures Feedback Details
  10. U To update assembly Camera Support flash always on details
  11. U To update API MapContext.moveToLocation Support incoming latitude and longitude, move to the specified location details
  12. F repair plug-in Plug-in pages that allow you to jump directly into sub-packages
  13. F repair plug-in When an Mini Program refers to its own plug-in, it cannot jump to the plug-in function page
  14. F repair frame iOS Under Custom tabBar Switching jitter Feedback Details
  15. F repair frame Under Android in onShow call switchTab Will get stuck Feedback Details
  16. F repair frame tabbar The page drop down refresh will display the previous webview Feedback Details
  17. F repair frame Huawei phone to prohibit the return of the right slide gesture failure Feedback Details
  18. F repair frame Android turns off WeChat positioning authorization, allowing mini programs to position authorization may result in onShow Constantly triggered Feedback Details
  19. F repair frame Android Authorization Popup Style Error, Will Trigger app of onShow and onHide
  20. F repair API wx.getLocation WeChat location authorization prohibited, call getLocation cause onShow Constantly triggered Feedback Details
  21. F repair API wx.getLocation iOS No purpose statement at call time causes Camera Authorization popup does not show Feedback Details
  22. F repair API wx.loadFontFace Android font content-type Error causes load failure details
  23. F repair API wx.loadFontFace The callback function executes multiple times Feedback Details
  24. F repair API wx.getSystemInfo iOS Open the Bluetooth state, get the bluetoothEnabled: false Feedback Details
  25. F repair API wx.getSystemInfoSync After Android adjusted the font point size of WeChat, we still get the font size before the adjustment, and did not update the data. Feedback Details
  26. F repair API [wx.navigateBack ]((wx.navigateBack )) Return causes the Mini Program to exit Feedback Details
  27. F repair API wx.pageScrollTo Android shakes when scrolling to a specified position Feedback Details
  28. F repair API VideoContext.seek Red Rice 4 Invalid setting Feedback Details
  29. F repair API wx.startBeaconDiscovery iOS Align with Android error code Feedback Details
  30. F repair API wx.chooseVideo When selecting a video, the Mini Program is often automatically closed and then restarted Feedback Details
  31. F repair API [wx.navigateBackMiniProgram ]((wx.navigateBackMiniProgram )) Should not be triggered in non-Mini Program hops Feedback Details
  32. F repair API wx.chooseInvoice The real machine returns the same result as the API Document discrepancies Feedback Details
  33. F repair API FileSystemManager.readFile Android ArrayBuffer Format reading abnormal on some models
  34. F repair assembly video Loop Play Progress Bar does not reset Feedback Details
  35. F repair assembly video Developer Tools catchtap Event cannot catch problem Feedback Details
  36. F repair assembly video Android Switch Video Source Afterword removeChild error
  37. F repair assembly video Android Entry Page seek invalid Feedback Details
  38. F repair assembly video iphone X and iphone XS Repeat Open Cannot Be Played Feedback Details
  39. F repair assembly video iOS The end of play will jump back to the first frame, should stay in the current screen Feedback Details
  40. F repair assembly Camera iOS onCameraFrame stop After that start Will get invalid data
  41. F repair assembly Camera Cannot be filled in full screen mode
  42. F repair assembly map Android label Cannot set background transparency Feedback Details
  43. F repair assembly map iOS polygon zIndex invalid Feedback Details
  44. F repair assembly map Android Map label Do not show Feedback Details
  45. F repair assembly map Developer tools. moveToLocation No callbacks Feedback Details
  46. F repair assembly map translateMarker duration Set to 0 There are still animations Feedback Details
  47. F repair assembly map Android-side map In the component lable The text does not show. Feedback Details
  48. F repair assembly cover-view iOS unable scale reach (1, 1)
  49. F repair assembly cover-view Android Click and Touch Series events cannot be triggered Feedback Details
  50. F repair assembly [texting ]((texting )) oppo auto-height No automatic increase. Feedback Details
  51. F repair assembly [texting ]((texting )) texting Focus shift problem Feedback Details
  52. F repair assembly [texting ]((texting )) iOS fixed Fixed at the bottom when entering a newline character causes the entire page to slide Feedback Details
  53. F repair assembly [texting ]((texting )) Android Cursor Problem Feedback Details
  54. F repair assembly [texting ]((texting )) Android 7.0.4 value Value cannot be updated synchronously Feedback Details
  55. F repair assembly picker Android under the region select some models do not show the third column Feedback Details
  56. F repair assembly input input Events are triggered multiple times Feedback Details
  57. F repair assembly live-player live-player Keep the screen bright while playing
  58. F repair assembly editor Developer Tooltips Do not have handler Feedback Details
  59. F repair assembly swiper Horizontal and vertical switching style problem Feedback Details

# v2.7.3 (2019-07-02)

  1. U To update frame New interpage communication interface [details]((wx.navigateTo ))
  2. U To update API wx.pageScrollTo wx.pageScrollTo Support Anchors details
  3. U To update assembly official-account Allow Official Account message template to display concern components details
  4. U repair assembly editor InsertText Position Error, Focus Trigger When Triggered Blur, allow custom image sizes, and add class names details
  5. U To update assembly scroll-view Support flex details
  6. F repair assembly swiper Blinking when dynamically setting height Feedback Details
  7. F repair assembly button open-type for launchApp Events may be triggered several times when Feedback Details
  8. F repair assembly canvas Developer tools. Longtap The event's offsetTop Has been for 0 Feedback Details
  9. F repair assembly map polyline Default default width
  10. F repair assembly movable-view Dynamically inserted Movable-view, below texting Will insert a failure Feedback Details
  11. F repair assembly input Background color disappears when focused
  12. F repair frame Developer print logs are too large to cause Crash (small game)
  13. F repair frame custom tabBar Click unresponsive during page scrolling Feedback Details
  14. F repair frame Pre-rendered customizations not removed on older pages tabbar Feedback Details
  15. F repair frame custom tabbar The real thing. vConsole Interface Clear and Hide Blocked Feedback Details
  16. F repair frame Custom Components behavior When processing shallowMerge Error leads to Data Field missharing Feedback Details
  17. F repair API wx.getSystemInfo Android/iOS getSystemInfo Return client version number is not uniform Feedback Details
  18. F repair API wx.onBluetoothDeviceFound Some Android phones are wrong Feedback Details

# v2.7.1 (2019-06-03)

  1. A newly added Cloud development Network Panel (Required 2.7.1 Or above the base library)[details]((wxcloud /Guide/debug))
  2. U To update assembly cover-view Developer Tools Support
  3. U To update assembly live-player Support screenshots Feedback Details)
  4. U To update assembly rich-text Support for more semantic tags Feedback Details)
  5. U To update Custom Components The developer is in created When you know which page the custom component is on
  6. U To update Custom Components externalClasses Support for more class
  7. U To update plug-in Feature page support to configure currency symbols Feedback Details) details
  8. F repair API wx.previewImage Exceed 50 Cloud file address cannot be previewed Feedback Details)
  9. F repair API wx.getImageInfo Android on the right 404 The resource callback does not meet expectations Feedback Details
  10. F repair API [wx.navigateBack ]((wx.navigateBack )) When there is only one page, the callback function triggers the problem Feedback Details
  11. F repair plug-in Cannot use plug-ins in sub-packageing while in development plug-in mode
  12. F To update plug-in Use in the plugin page wx.createXXXContext Cannot pass a second parameter.
  13. F To update plug-in When obtaining user information withCredentials and Wolf Parameter failure Feedback Details)
  14. F To update frame Some models DELETE Error Request Error Feedback Details
  15. F To update frame custom tabbar When there is a shared component with the page, the page may be white on Android Feedback Details)
  16. F To update frame custom tabBar to hit the target cover-view In None tabBar Not removed from the page.
  17. F repair frame custom tabbar Location error Feedback Details
  18. F repair frame custom tabbar Get on the page of windowHeight No alignment Feedback Details)
  19. F repair assembly map Android marker Set up alpha Out of range cannot be displayed Feedback Details
  20. F repair assembly map iOS Set up callout An empty object will appear white. Feedback Details)
  21. F repair assembly livep-layer Full Screen Under Horizontal cover-view Display exception
  22. F repair assembly video After the video buffer flash black screen to start playing Feedback Details
  23. F repair assembly video Full screen full screen mobile phone status bar display incomplete
  24. F repair assembly video Android switch mute button invalid Feedback Details
  25. F repair assembly image Pictures on Android // Path cannot be resolved Feedback Details
  26. F repair assembly image Android // The image link at the beginning is not appended http prefix [Feedback Details](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/community/develop/doc/000e8aa6d50498c1b558ad10856800 >)
  27. F repair assembly cover-view The scrolling area is blank Feedback Details
  28. F repair assembly cover-image Component passed in url Does not show when there are special characters in it
  29. F repair assembly swiper Scrolling on Android will accidentally trigger a drop-down refresh Feedback Details)
  30. F repair assembly slider Should not be triggered when the value has not changed Change Feedback Details
  31. F repair assembly movable-view Drag problem
  32. F repair assembly [texting ]((texting )) On the tool Foucs Return Value No height field
  33. F repair assembly [texting ]((texting )) Will not follow swiper Slide Feedback Details
  34. F repair assembly [texting ]((texting )) tool bindblur of detail No cursor field
  35. F repair assembly input tool bindinput of detail No keyCode value Feedback Details
  36. F repair assembly input Android-specific models in scroll-view Called twice in bindconfirm Feedback Details)
  37. F repair SDK Android jssdk1.4 updateAppMessageShareData invalid Feedback Details
  38. F repair frame vConsole The content of the screen will become larger when the screen is rotated Feedback Details

# v2.7.0 (2019-05-09)

  1. A newly added assembly editor Rich text editor component details
  2. A newly added API wx.onKeyboardHeightChange Global monitor keyboard height change details
  3. A newly added UDP Communication interface wx.createUDPSocket
  4. U newly added assembly canvas Small Program Support WebGL Feedback Details details
  5. A Added Mini Mini game Real-Time Voice Capabilities [details](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/Minigame /dev/tutorial/open-ability/voip-chat.html)
  6. U To update assembly live-pusher Live component support to set mirroring details
  7. U To update assembly live-pusher Support to turn on the camera when not pushing the stream details
  8. U To update frame Native Component Support zIndex Level of control Feedback Details
  9. U To update assembly image Long press to evoke picture action menu in non-preview mode details
  10. U To update assembly map Support for satellite maps, real-time road conditions details
  11. U To update assembly Camera Add Camera Initialization Completion Event details
  12. U To update assembly Camera Added Return Frame by Frame Data Interface Feedback Details details
  13. U To update assembly official-account Official Account message template to remove the scan two-dimensional code scene details
  14. U To update API wx.getSystemInfo Adding properties safeArea details
  15. U To update frame tabBar Image support for temporary files and network files details
  16. F repair Cloud development wx.cloud.deleteFile Parameter type checks are subject to Array.prototype Modification effect Feedback Details
  17. F repair frame When preloaded in different screen directions, when entering the page rpx Conversion is incorrect
  18. F repair frame Android Custom tabBar Affected by dropdown refresh Feedback Details
  19. F repair frame Mini Program to share custom pictures ios Do not show Feedback Details
  20. F repair frame pageOrientation for auto When the vertical video goes to the horizontal screen, the display is not complete
  21. F repair frame iOS Navigateback when there are more stacks on the page Return page life periodic function not executed, event not valid Feedback Details)
  22. F repair assembly live-player Unable to update in full screen mode src Feedback Details
  23. F repair assembly web-view Open the Official Account message template but can not jump to read the original link Feedback Details
  24. F repair assembly cover-view iOS on animation Do not respond to events later
  25. F repair assembly cover-view iOS on opacity abnormal Feedback Details
  26. U To update assembly cover-view Support zIndex Level of control Feedback Details
  27. F repair assembly Camera adopt if Scan failed when control display hide Feedback Details
  28. F repair assembly Camera iOS Setting the front camera on is invalid Feedback Details)
  29. F repair assembly picker-view Does not show after updating the array Feedback Details)
  30. F repair assembly slider step for 0.1 When dragging flashes
  31. F repair assembly input iOS Dynamic modification on password Attribute invalid Feedback Details
  32. F repair assembly input Android bangs screen push will be blocked bangs
  33. F repair assembly [texting ]((texting )) iOS on textAlign Invalid Right Alignment Problem Feedback Details
  34. F repair assembly [texting ]((texting )) iOS Set up style for Text-align, right placeholder invalid Feedback Details
  35. F repair assembly video Dynamic setting of the initial time initial-time invalid Feedback Details)
  36. F repair assembly video iOS Video length is too long to play Feedback Details
  37. F repair assembly video Not triggered when the progress bar is dragged bindtimeupdate event
  38. F repair assembly video call playbackRate After dragging the video progress results in invalid multispeed Feedback Details
  39. F repair assembly video Set on Android src There is no timely callback when it is wrong onError
  40. F repair assembly video Double Speed Play Problem Feedback Details)
  41. F repair assembly video On Android seek After the progress bar is not updated
  42. F repair assembly video iPhone 6s on touch The event is not bubbling
  43. F repair assembly video iOS Does not trigger on automatic loop ended event Feedback Details
  44. F repair assembly map iOS on callout Of the click-response area is text only
  45. F repair assembly map Map Android scale and IOS Scaling levels not uniform
  46. F repair API wx.chooseVideo iOS Selecting too large a video on will trigger automatic cleanup logic Feedback Details
  47. F repair API wx.chooseImage Select the image flash back on Android Feedback Details
  48. F repair API CanvasContext.drawImage iOS on drawImage slow
  49. F repair API CanvasContext.drawImage On Android drawImage Incomplete rendering Feedback Details
  50. F repair API wx.getMenuButtonBoundingClientRect Mini game start immediately get menu button layout information interface get incorrect results on some models
  51. F repair API <MapContext.includePoints> iOS The upper coordinate point is not scaled correctly when it is on a line
  52. F repair API wx.connectWifi Return Password Error Feedback Details)

# v2.6.5 (2019.04.02)

  1. A newly added frame Custom Component Enhanced Style Isolation Support details
  2. U To update assembly swiper Support for custom transition animation details
  3. U To update assembly picker mode=regin of value Attribute can accept block partition code Feedback Details
  4. F repair assembly swiper circular Attribute Cohesion Animation Problem Feedback Details
  5. F repair assembly movable-viewThe position was movable-area Attribute effect Feedback Details
  6. F repair assembly canvas On Android setLineDash Cannot empty settings
  7. F repair assembly video Exit Full Screen Font Size Feedback Details
  8. F repair assembly video Tool to switch pages, the original page of the video Still Playing Feedback Details
  9. F repair assembly scroll-view Touch screen edge part can not slide Feedback Details
  10. F repair API [wx.getUserInfo ]((wx.getUserInfo )) Unified User Authorization Denial errMsg Feedback Details
  11. F repair API wx.loadSubpackage Twice when you fail. fail And twice complete Callback
  12. F repair tool Experience rating There are too many image requests in a short time Feedback Details
  13. F repair plug-in The shipping address feature page does not return when the same Mini Program refers to the plug-in success
  14. F repair frame Use on Android Mweb-view Post-custom tabBar Can't see
  15. F repair frame The screen width used when switching pages and turning screens on Android may be wrong Feedback Details

# v2.6.4 (2019.03.22)

  1. A newly added plug-in newly added getSetting interface
  2. F repair assembly checkbox text-indent cause checkbox Style disorder Feedback Details
  3. F repair assembly web-view existence tabbar The page is hidden tabbar When the bottom left blank Feedback Details
  4. F repair assembly web-view Highly Adaptive Virtual Key Hiding
  5. F repair assembly web-view Android Under Use web-view Post-custom tabBar Can't see Feedback Details
  6. F repair assembly [texting ]((texting )) iOS Keyboard input exception Feedback Details
  7. F repair assembly [texting ]((texting )) display:none Circumstances have padding Can still be focus Feedback Details
  8. F repair assembly [texting ]((texting )) placeholder Position will drift Feedback Details
  9. F repair assembly map enable-3D Not effective Feedback Details
  10. F repair assembly map On the tool getCenterLocation Failure after page switching Feedback Details
  11. F repair assembly map Android marker Should not rotate when rotating callout Feedback Details
  12. F repair assembly map label cover marker cover Feedback Details
  13. F repair assembly map Settings on the tool scale Cannot be displayed when decimal Feedback Details
  14. F repair assembly map Android repeatedly switches to a page with a map component, markers Random loss Feedback Details
  15. F repair assembly map tool moveToLocation trigger Bindregionchange The event is inconsistent with the real machine Feedback Details
  16. F repair assembly map includePoints The callback function does not trigger Feedback Details
  17. F repair assembly input Support to be given separately to placeholder Set Center Feedback Details
  18. F repair assembly input[texting ]((texting )) hidden At the time of focus Should be invalid Feedback Details
  19. F repair assembly input Android Input Draft Mode does not trigger input event Feedback Details
  20. F repair assembly live-player Various problems caused by full screen Feedback Details
  21. F repair assembly swiper Android or other low-end devices slide occasionallyswiper-itemProblems Stuck in the Middle
  22. F repair assembly swiper setData After changing the content, the content does not show the problem Feedback Details
  23. F repair assembly swiper Click should not trigger animationfinish event Feedback Details
  24. F repair assembly swiper display-multiple-items >= swiper-item When displaying an exception Feedback Details
  25. F repair assembly text iOS Set up selectable Selection cannot be closed after property Feedback Details
  26. F repair assembly Camera Refused authorization to go back to setting Authorization to return to the Mini Program camera is still not authorized Feedback Details
  27. F repair assembly video iOS Downshift video After the page cannot be scrolled Feedback Details
  28. F repair assembly video Android play In the event timeStamp for NaN Feedback Details
  29. F repair frame Android Media query The screen may be confused
  30. F repair frame disableScroll Three-terminal behavior inconsistency Feedback Details
  31. F repair plug-in In the plug-in live-player in reLaunch May report an unauthorized error
  32. F repair frame Shipping address function page return value is incorrect Feedback Details
  33. F repair frame Enable custom tabbar after setData Callback derangement Feedback Details
  34. F repair API wx.pageScrollTo pageScrollTo cause fixed Element flashes
  35. F repair API wx.pageScrollTo Android flashes directly to the target location when flipping up, no animation, suspected duration Invalid parameter

# v2.6.2 (2019.02.27)

  1. A newly added Mini Program Audio Interrupt Start and End Events wx.onAudioInterruptionBeginwx.onAudioInterruptionEnd
  2. F repair Android from the Official Account message template into the Mini Program will be white screen Feedback Details
  3. F repair frame Feedback Off the Network Renetworking Bullet Frame Feedback Details
  4. F repair frame iOS on tabbar Content is not centered, text in the past to lean down Feedback Details
  5. F repair frame custom tabbar lower vConsole Blocked
  6. F repair frame Android onPageNotFound The error page does not exist.
  7. F repair plug-in Cannot jump directly to the plugin page in the subcontract
  8. F repair API wx.previewImage iOS On WeChat version 7.0.0 There is no total number of pictures and the current picture when previewing index Feedback Details
  9. F repair API wx.getLocation After geolocation permissions are disabled in the system, getLocation API The error message returned is fail 1 Feedback Details
  10. F repair API wx.startSoterAuthentication Part of Huawei phone call error, return errCode90007 Feedback Details
  11. F repair API wx.openSetting Changes to authorization information do not take effect immediately Feedback Details
  12. F repair API wx.chooseVideo iOS On WeChat version 6.7.3 Version Turn Up the Camera does not perform onHide and onShow Feedback Details
  13. F repair API wx.onCompassChange Return Precision Value Jump Feedback Details
  14. F repair assembly canvas iOS on fillText The location is not correct Feedback Details
  15. F repair assembly [texting ]((texting )) copy app Text confusion with style in Feedback Details
  16. F repair assembly video iOS Black blocks appear on full screen
  17. F repair assembly video iOS Some videos cannot be played. Feedback Details
  18. F repair assembly video iOS on seek Accuracy should be ms Feedback Details
  19. F repair assembly video iOS On WeChat version 7.0.3 to switch over tabBar Post Full Screen Failure Feedback Details
  20. F repair assembly video iOS Video cannot be played on seek Feedback Details
  21. F repair assembly cover-view iOS on fixed Property exception Feedback Details
  22. F repair assembly cover-view Set up scrollTop or scrollLeft Cause rolling failure Feedback Details
  23. F repair assembly cover-image iOS Set up css Rotate After disappearing Feedback Details
  24. F repair assembly input iOS on placeholder Partially truncated Feedback Details
  25. F repair assembly web-view iOS on src Contains Chinese cannot be displayed
  26. F repair assembly web-view On the Android page if title Empty, the page will be displayed. url
  27. F repair assembly web-view The page first full screen and then exit, there will be white occlusion Feedback Details

# v2.6.1 (2019.02.21)

  1. A newly added frame Custom components support data listeners details

# v2.6.0 (2019.02.01)

  1. U To update API wx.chooseMessageFile newly added extension Parameters filter by extension
  2. F repair assembly input、[texting ]((texting )) iOS 7.0.3 The next Sogou input method will trigger multiple times focus event
  3. F repair assembly input When some Android models get the focus, click the blank or non input Area cannot be out of focus Retract keyboard Feedback Details

# v2.5.2 (2019.01.29)

  1. U To update frame Change the background color of the top bar of the functional page to light gray#F2F2F2
  2. F repair API wx.pageScrollToMissing callbacks on developer tools
  3. F repair assembly pickerof current Negative values result in ios client crash
  4. F repair assembly cover-viewin iOS An incorrect truncation occurred on Feedback Details
  5. F repair assembly cover-viewnested navigator Invalid
  6. F repair assembly canvasMultiple Developer Tools canvas Draw at the same time. Drawing will only trigger a draw The callback
  7. F repair assembly official-accountincrease hidden Support
  8. F repair assembly web-viewInvideoReturn height is smaller after full screen Feedback Details
  9. F repair frame custom tabBar to hit the target cover-view In None tabBar Not removed from the page.
  10. F repair frame Mounted on the slot The custom component in the pageLifeTimes Feedback Details
  11. F repair frame tabbar There are custom components that are not triggered when the page is destroyed detached Life-cycle bug Feedback Details
  12. F repair frame Component Constructor onTabItemTap Do not trigger

# v2.5.1 (2019.01.22)

  1. A newly added frame Small game game.json Configuration item deviceOrientation Support value landscapeLeft/landscapeRight [details](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/Minigame /dev/framework/config.html)
  2. U To update live-player and video Mute only when you exit the Mini Program completely details 1 details 2
  3. U To update assembly web-view userAgent Contained in miniProgram To determine the Mini Program environment details
  4. U To update API wx.showModal of confirmColor The default value is modified to#576b95 details
  5. F repair plug-in Cannot be called on developer tools wx.getImageInfo Feedback Details
  6. F repair plug-in Exit the feature page and enter from the list, iOS Sometimes not. reLaunch
  7. F repair API wx.getImageInfo Three End Return Inconsistency
  8. F repair API CameraContext.stopRecord iPhone X & iPhone 8P lower Invalid
  9. F repair API wx.setTabBarItem Cause the words to disappear Feedback Details
  10. F repair API wx.appendFile Pursue content to non-existent file, return success
  11. F repair API FileSystemManager.unzip Interface in the case of file decompression to the upper directory, callback successful
  12. F repair API [wx.navigateTo ]((wx.navigateTo )) Android small key back to open the page logical layer can not run Feedback Details
  13. F repair API wx.pageScrollTo Under Android, it will scroll to the top and then scroll to a specified location
  14. F repair API wx.getBackgroundAudioManager Under Android currentTime No exact value returned
  15. F repair API wx.redirectTo Pressing the Back button during the call under Android will cause the new page event response to be lost Feedback Details
  16. F repair API wx.createInnerAudioContext Android does not respond to some audio files Feedback Details
  17. F repair API wx.connectSocket iOS Below will add additional header Authorization
  18. F repair API wx.openLocation iOS Next call failed Feedback Details
  19. F repair API wx.chooseImage iOS Under Select gif Images are converted to jpg
  20. F repair API wx.startRecord iOS When called, the recording flash icon does not appear in the upper right corner capsule
  21. F repair API Small game wx.shareAppMessage wx.onShareAppMessage Can trigger cancel Callback
  22. F repair assembly web-viewIn some models (Huawei P20) Display a blank page Feedback Details
  23. F repair assembly web-view iOS use input File Will exit the Mini Program. Feedback Details
  24. F repair assembly web-view iOS link#The later part changes after onShareAppMessage Got it. webViewUrl The original link.
  25. F repair assembly web-view Android hide virtual navigation bar after not triggered Resize Feedback Details
  26. F repair assembly video iOS WeChat updated to 6.7.4 After version, the default auto-play Feedback Details
  27. F repair assembly video iOS Return many tab Page Causes Inactive Pages Video Autoplay Feedback Details
  28. F repair assembly video Full Screen Back Drop Down Refresh The position offset of the
  29. F repair assembly [texting ]((texting )) When multiple Android pages exist, bindfocus Events cannot accurately respond to target [texting ]((texting )) Feedback Details
  30. F repair assembly [texting ]((texting )) Android does not put away the keyboard in multiple[texting ]((texting ))Switching focus between, form submission fails Feedback Details
  31. F repair assembly cover-view use Rotate After the content was cut Feedback Details
  32. F repair assembly picker Android cannot be stopped. pullDownRefresh Effect Feedback Details
  33. F repair assembly Camera Android vertical scan one-dimensional code can not be identified Feedback Details
  34. F repair frame Android belt shareTicket Turn on exception in single chat
  35. F repair frame Android development Mini Program does not insert background history list Feedback Details
  36. F repair frame The screenshot of Android forward is the current position picture, should be taken at the top of the picture
  37. F repair frame The Go Mini Program in Android native audio player is not valid Feedback Details
  38. F repair frame Android will not empty the corresponding authorization information after deleting the Mini Program
  39. F repair frame iOS share withShareTicket To a single chat, Android is turned on, and the scene value is 1044 Feedback Details
  40. F repair frame iOS belt tabBar Page into the official feedback page, mobile phone horizontal screen back to the Mini Program caused tabBar Height error Feedback Details

# v2.5.0 (2019.01.11)

  1. A newly added frame Mini Program components support accessibility [details]((aria - component ))
  2. A newly added frame Support for custom tabbar details
  3. A newly added API wx.chooseMessageFile Select Local Chat Files details
  4. A newly added Small game API Support card voucher interfacewx.addCardwx.openCard

# v2.4.4 (2019.01.05)

  1. U To update frame Supports native components embedded in themovable-viewswiperscroll-viewCan follow the scroll details
  2. U To update assembly button Add Jump APP Callback on success
  3. F repair frame App.onError Do not trigger the issue repeatedly when the error message is the same
  4. F repair assembly canvas Unable to draw gradients on developer tools Feedback Details
  5. F repair assembly video Android and Developer Tools poster Problems that cannot be displayed Feedback Details

# v2.4.3 (2018.12.21)

  1. U To update plug-in The plugin skips domain name check when the debug switch is on Feedback Details
  2. U To update assembly swiper newly added transition event
  3. F repair plug-in Using the same appid Does not behave properly when referencing a plug-in and using a plug-in feature page Feedback Details
  4. F repair API [wx.getBatteryInfo ]((wx.getBatteryInfo )) Call the successfully returned res.errMsg error

# v2.4.2 (2018.12.04)

  1. U To update API SelectorQuery Support selection VideoContextCanvasContextLivePlayerContextMapContext details
  2. F repair frame iOS 10.0.2 Under certain circumstances crash The question of
  3. F repair frame existence tabbar When carried out reLaunch There is no right tabbar Other Page Execution unload Feedback Details
  4. F repair frame Errors in asynchronous methods, reported error pages and methods Feedback Details
  5. F repair frame module.export for falsy Value time Require return undefined Feedback Details
  6. F repair assembly live-pusher Two recording authorization pop-ups on the tool Feedback Details
  7. F repair assembly map Problems with the tool showing authentication failure Feedback Details
  8. F repair assembly video Use on tools setData Set up src Invalid question Feedback Details
  9. F repair assembly input iOS The Next Update value The problem of failure Feedback Details
  10. F repair assembly image iOS The next round style will flash the square problem
  11. F repair API wx.previewImage There was no Mini Program with the request Referer Feedback Details
  12. F repair API RequestTask.abort The issue of non-entry into force

# v2.4.1 (2018.11.21)

  1. U To update plug-in Plugins support cloud development details
  2. U To update plug-in Improved cancellation callback for plug-in feature pages
  3. U To update assembly rich-text Support for continuous space details
  4. U To update assembly progress Add Animation Completion Events details
  5. F repair frame Under iOS Native Component Insertionscroll-view Such as scrolling elements, will cause the Mini Program webview Problems that cannot be recycled
  6. F repair frame rpx The Problem of Inconsistency between Negative Number Conversion and Positive Number Feedback Details
  7. F repair frame Share Finished Get It shareTicket for undefined The question of
  8. F repair assembly video iOS Under the full screen stuck dead problem
  9. F repair assembly official-account Scan experience version of the two-dimensional code into the Mini Program does not show the problem
  10. F repair assembly swiper The problem of sliding causing the card to die
  11. F repair assembly video iOS lower initial-time The problem of failure Feedback Details
  12. F repair API wx.off* Problem with not properly unbinding listening
  13. F repair API wx.canIUse Failure to correctly identify some new interfaces
  14. F repair API MapContext.getScale Get Inaccurate Questions on Developer Tools
  15. F repair API InnerAudioContext Obtain paused The problem with inaccurate values
  16. F repair API iOS lower wx.getLocation No read entry altitude The question of the content of the

# v2.4.0 (2018.11.05)

  1. A newly added frame Support Enable screen rotation on your phone [details]((resizable#Enable screen rotation support on your phone))
  2. A newly added plug-in Support Shipping Address Function Page details
  3. A newly added plug-in Add Interface Background Settings Interface wx.setBackgroundTextStylewx.setBackgroundColor [details]((API-limit #background))
  4. A newly added API mDNS Local Area Network Communication Capabilities details
  5. A newly added API Dynamic message capability details
  6. A newly added API Image compression interface wx.compressImage details
  7. U To update frame Component property setting support rpx
  8. U To update plug-in Plug-in feature pages can jump in the owner Mini Program
  9. U To update API wx.onCompassChange Support for obtaining precision details
  10. U To update assembly Camera Support parsing QR code details
  11. U To update assembly video Get the buffer data length details
  12. U To update assembly live-pusher Live Stream Component Support Remix details
  13. U To update assembly video Fast forward gesture optimization
  14. F repair frame WidgetDebugging log does not output correctly
  15. F repair frame iOS Under Open 7 More than one page, and then once [wx.navigateBack ]((wx.navigateBack )) To the front page, will cause a white screen problem Feedback Details
  16. F repair frame Android downloading the same resource at the same time causes write file conflicts
  17. F repair frame iOS lower App.onPageNotFound Will appear first. 404 Page, and then push the problem of the correct page
  18. F repair frame iOS The Problem of Inconsistent Reading of Scanning Code, Transmitting Parameters of Two Dimensional Code Feedback Details
  19. F repair plug-in Problem with plugins being reloaded when loading sub-packages Feedback Details
  20. F repair API wx.chooseImage iOS The next meeting png Picture changed to jpg The problem with the picture Feedback Details
  21. F repair API BackgroundAudioManager Under iOS Pause Returned 0 and 1, No Alignment Tool and Android Return bool The question of
  22. U To update API BackgroundAudioManager Android does not support local files
  23. F repair API wx.request iOS Next Request Data UTF8 No direct callback when decoding fails fail The question of
  24. F repair API wx.createInnerAudioContext Android Mini Program after the jump Mini Program call invalid problem Feedback Details
  25. F repair assembly input Setting the focus when entering the page causes iOS Problem with the Down Navigation Bar Drop Feedback Details
  26. F repair assembly input Setting the focus when entering the page causes the input box at the bottom of Android to be blocked by the keyboard
  27. F repair assembly input in iOS 12 Beta Double click under will hide the keyboard problem
  28. F repair assembly input Android under the cursor placed in front of the problem to get the content is empty Feedback Details
  29. F repair assembly input Under Android color Set up rgba An issue that causes the content to be null Feedback Details
  30. F repair assembly input iOS Problem with deleting operations that do not trigger events when the content is empty
  31. F repair assembly input Under Android type for number/digits When the keyboard blocks the input box problem Feedback Details
  32. F repair assembly [texting ]((texting )) Samsung input method English state input, do not trigger bindinput problem Feedback Details
  33. F repair assembly [texting ]((texting )) iOS The keyboard disappears and loses focus when clicking on the emoji of the input method Feedback Details
  34. F repair assembly [texting ]((texting )) iOS Click on the keyboard expression switch appear black screen problem Feedback Details
  35. F repair assembly [texting ]((texting )) Android under the bottom of the page when the input box occlusion problem Feedback Details
  36. F repair assembly [texting ]((texting )) The problem of being blocked by the input box when focusing on the full screen under Android Feedback Details
  37. F repair assembly canvas drawimage Android does not support local files Feedback Details
  38. F repair assembly canvas Under iOS disable-scroll Still in effect after the finger has left, the problem that the page cannot slide Feedback Details
  39. F repair assembly canvas in iOS lower GetImageData Problem with returning data points that go wrong Feedback Details
  40. F repair assembly swiper Automatic carousel on the tool can cause memory inflation problems Feedback Details
  41. F repair assembly cover-image Problem that can no longer be null after setting a path Feedback Details
  42. F repair assembly cover-image iOS Update picture failure problem
  43. F repair assembly cover-image iOS Cycle settings src Problems That Cause Constant Downloads
  44. F repair assembly cover-view The new line will fail after re-rendering under iOS
  45. F repair assembly web-view Android under the right side can not be fully filled, showing the problem of white edges Feedback Details
  46. F repair assembly web-view The problem of truncation of the bottom content when embedded in full-screen mode under Android
  47. F repair assembly web-view Call within a component alert cause JSSDK Problems with invalid calls
  48. F repair assembly web-view in postMessage Of the time, when the parameters of the Data Is a character string, Android fails.
  49. F repair assembly Camera adaptation iPhonex Feedback Details
  50. F repair assembly movable-view Issues That Conflict With Drop Down Refresh Feedback Details
  51. F repair assembly video Share button under iOS causes component sink in page Feedback Details

# v2.3.2 (2018.10.25)

  1. U To update debugging vConsole Support for printing circular reference objects details
  2. U To update API wx.getLogManager Support to set the contents of the print details
  3. F repair API console Android Print in some cases Symbol Type variable error problems
  4. F repair API wx.showModal wx.showActionSheet wx.requestPayment The callback cannot be called in some cases wx.openSetting The question of
  5. F repair API SocketTask.close return Code Wrong question Feedback Details
  6. F repair API On the developer tools,Worker in console The printed log cannot display the problem Feedback Details
  7. F repair assembly inputof placeholderClass along with focus Ghosting when a change of state occurs Feedback Details
  8. F repair assembly picker-view iOS Up stroke trigger pullDown The question of Feedback Details
  9. F repair assembly cover-view iOS on position:fixed Style Failure Problem
  10. F repair assembly view The border of the 1rpx Time anomaly problem
  11. F repair Custom Components Use at the same time multiSlots and capture Events, which in some cases will listen for issues that fail Feedback Details

# v2.3.1 (2018.10.22)

  1. U To update debugging vConsole Support for printing more types of log data details
  2. U To update frame tabBar Add text limited to 4 characters in the upper right corner, beyond the display ellipsis
  3. U To update API [wx.navigateToMiniProgram ]((wx.navigateToMiniProgram )) When invoked, a pop-up window asks the user if they are allowed to open the target Mini Program [details]((wx.navigateToMiniProgram ))
  4. U To update assembly picker-view Add Start Scrolling Events details
  5. U To update assembly progress Support to define rounded corners, custom fonts details
  6. U To update assembly navigator When opening the Mini Program, a pop-up window asks the user if he or she is allowed to open the target Mini Program details
  7. U To update plug-in Support call wx.switchTab and wx.switchTab [details]((API-limit ))
  8. U To update plug-in After the user is authorized in the login features page, the plug-in can call wx.login and [wx.getUserInfo ]((wx.getUserInfo )) [details]((API-limit ))
  9. F repair frame Error Problem of Scene Value Obtained by Nearby Mini Program Feedback Details
  10. F repair API Android wx.getSystemInfo Error return BenchmarkLevel problem
  11. F repair API Unable to call after payment [wx.navigateToMiniProgram ]((wx.navigateToMiniProgram )) The question of
  12. F repair API SelectorQuery May not work on the first page of Developer Tools
  13. F repair API wx.cloud.downloadFile Synopsis statusCode 404 Failure problem
  14. F repair API wx.getBackgroundAudioManager call stop After the method paused Status is false problem Feedback Details
  15. F repair Small game API wx.onShow query Parsing error problem
  16. F repair assembly map Color values do not support 3-digit abbreviations
  17. F repair assembly input Component width exception issue when percentage width is set Feedback Details
  18. F repair assembly cover-image iOS Under Load Illegal src Unable to trigger error Incident issues.
  19. F repair assembly [texting ]((texting )) of auto Setup on Developer Tools auto-height Scroll bar issue Feedback Details
  20. F repair assembly input Add a search icon in the padding-left Problem with two icons Feedback Details
  21. F repair assembly image of lazyload Has been loaded will still trigger load Event Questions Feedback Details
  22. F repair assembly swiper Used in scroll-view, lead to swiper Can't Slide Problem Feedback Details
  23. F repair assembly Radio Set up disabled: trueAfter, color That still works. Feedback Details
  24. F repair assembly video Rendering position anomalies in some cases Feedback Details
  25. F repair assembly video When exiting full screen, the problem will be misplaced
  26. F repair Custom Components Data update exception when updating the same component multiple times Feedback Details
  27. F repair assembly canvas touch Event Parameter Name Error Problem Feedback Details
  28. F repair assembly map Click on the marker point on the Developer Tools to not show the bubble problem Feedback Details
  29. F repair assembly [texting ]((texting )) The Problem of Inaccuracy of Line Change Event on Tool Feedback Details

# v2.3.0 (2018.09.10)

  1. A newly added frame Subcontract loading support for independent sub-packages details
  2. A newly added frame Support for configuration based subcontract pre-download details
  3. A newly added frame in iPad The Mini Program that runs on the details
  4. A newly added plug-in Support live-player and live-pusher assemblydetails
  5. A newly added API wx.onWindowResize wx.offWindowResize in iPad Under listening/Cancel Monitor Screen Rotation Event details
  6. A newly added API wx.chooseInvoice Select the invoice details
  7. A newly added API wx.setInnerAudioOption Set up InnerAudio Playback options for details
  8. A newly added API Monitoring gyroscope details
  9. A newly added API Changes in the angle of the listening device direction [details]((wx.startDeviceMotionListening ))
  10. U To update API wx.getRecorderManager newly added onInterruptionBeginonInterruptionEnd The recording was interrupted by the system. details
  11. U To update API wx.startBeaconDiscovery increase ignoreBluetoothAvailable Parameters, in the iOS Next Skip Bluetooth Switch Verification details
  12. U To update API FileSystemManager.stat FileSystemManager.mkdir FileSystemManager.mkdirSync FileSystemManager.rmdir FileSystemManager.rmdirSync increase recursive Parameter, supports recursion details
  13. U To update API Cloud function call returns cloud function execution ID(requestID)details
  14. U To update assembly map Bindpoitap To listen in on POI Click Event Callback details
  15. U To update assembly map markers Support graph of a network details
  16. U To update assembly map markers Support for the adoption of zIndex Level of control details
  17. U To update assembly map callout Support for setting borders and transparent backgrounds details
  18. U To update assembly map increase show-compass Property that controls whether the compass is displayed details
  19. U To update assembly map increase enable-3D Property to control whether or not to display 3D building blocks details
  20. U To update assembly map increase enable-overlooking Property that controls whether or not overlooking is supported details
  21. U To update assembly map increase polygons Property, you can draw polygonal areas on the map details
  22. U To update assembly map increase subkey Property, you can customize the base map style details
  23. U To update assembly map increase enable-zoom, enable-scroll, enable-rotate Property that can control the scaling, sliding, rotating behavior of components details
  24. U To update assembly map Bindregionchange Callback increase causedBy Parameter Distinguishes Event Source details
  25. U To update assembly live-pusher newly added device-position Properties Initial Setup Front and Rear Cameras details
  26. U To update assembly live-pusher attribute waiting-image Support for network paths, temporary files and in-package paths details
  27. U To update assembly web-view newly added bindload and binderrorEvent monitoring details
  28. F repair assembly input in iOS Next Sogou Input Method Trigger focus problem Feedback Details
  29. F repair assembly input Android Certain Models input event value Null value problem Feedback Details
  30. F repair assembly input in iOS Click on the problem that can not be responded to after the right slide back
  31. F repair assembly video in iOS Go back to the previous page after the full screen slide right click no response Feedback Details
  32. F repair assembly video Android is set. initial-time Problems that don't automatically play
  33. F repair assembly video With spaces src in iOS The problem that cannot be played under Feedback Details
  34. F repair assembly live-player Android will continue to play the problem after removal Feedback Details
  35. F repair assembly Camera in iOS Below recording while playing background music without sound problems Feedback Details
  36. F repair assembly canvas Android Under Use transform Doing the rotation will derail the problem
  37. F repair assembly canvas iOS Drawing Result Error Problem Feedback Details
  38. F repair assembly [texting ]((texting )) Under Android input After entering the content [texting ]((texting )) Unable to enter question Feedback Details
  39. F repair assembly input iOS Unable to select a word when entering, resulting in input failure problems Feedback Details
  40. F repair assembly map iOS lower polyline Set up arrowLine Property invalid problem
  41. F repair assembly map On Android label Not set bgColor Unable to display problem
  42. F repair assembly web-view Huawei MATE 9 On the next page. tel:// Problem with link not bouncing phone book
  43. F repair assembly [texting ]((texting )) Android adjust-positon Problem with invalid property settings Feedback Details
  44. F repair API wx.createCameraContext Invalid call after returning to previous page under Android Feedback Details
  45. F repair API wx.scanCode Three end scan return scanType Inconsistency problem Feedback Details
  46. F repair API wx.previewImage Android Flash Back Issue Feedback Details
  47. F repair API FileSystemManager.writeFile iOS lower encoding=hex Call failure problem
  48. F repair API wx.chooseImage iOS Under Select iCloud Picture, the returned array may be lost iCloud The problem with the picture Feedback Details
  49. F repair API wx.showModal When the content under Android is too long, the header content will not show the problem Feedback Details
  50. F repair API wx.showModal Android Click on the outside of the modal box to cancel the problem Feedback Details
  51. F repair API wx.showModal AndroidClick back Key to cancel the case,cancel Returned false problem
  52. F repair API wx.chooseImage iOS Next call to select the picture and compression, the picture is out of order
  53. F repair API wx.getRecorderManager Recording stopped after two pauses in Android, return time is not correct Feedback Details
  54. F repair API wx.hideLoadingCan be closedwx.showToastThe Popup Problem of Feedback Details
  55. F repair API CanvasContext.drawImage Draw Error Issues on Android
  56. F repair API UpdateManager.onCheckForUpdate Android does not trigger in some scenarios
  57. F repair API BackgroundAudioManager iOS Voice Download Local in 4G Environment cannot play problem Feedback Details
  58. F repair Small game BannerAd Download Card Click button Style Downshift Problem
  59. F repair Small game RewardedVideoAd Jump Mini Mini game When you return, there will be a problem that the close ad style overlaps with the exit button
  60. F repair Small game API onTouch* Inconsistent Names of Touch Event Timestamp Parameters Feedback Details
  61. F repair Android from the sharing page into the Mini Program, into the next level of the page, and then click on the right back to the home page, tabBar Does not show the problem Feedback Details
  62. F repair Android Force Update dialog box can be clicked to cancel issue Feedback Details
  63. F repair Small game Settings in the Open Data Domain image.onload for null Error reporting problem

# v2.2.5 (2018.08.30)

  1. F repair plug-in Problems with failed requests in some cases
  2. F repair assembly rich-text Does not parse correctly in some cases HTML The Problem With Fragments

# v2.2.4 (2018.08.24)

  1. A newly added frame getApp Support in the App Returns the default implementation when it is not defined
  2. U To update Mini Program willMy little program.andRecently UsedOf the scene values are merged to no longer distinguish Feedback Details
  3. U To update assembly cover-view Support touch Series of events details
  4. F repair plug-in Problem with feature pages not pulling up under cold start conditions
  5. F repair Custom Components setData.call The problem with call failure
  6. F repair assembly Issues with advertising components not being displayed under native components
  7. F repair assembly cover-view in iOS Under Use fixed There is a problem with jumping during positioning
  8. F repair assembly cover-view The problem of slow destruction under Android
  9. F repair assembly video In Switching hidden There was an issue with animation transitions when the
  10. F repair assembly movable-view Unable to slide when first hidden and then shown Feedback Details
  11. F repair assembly movable-view The problem of getting incorrect position information when panning after scaling Feedback Details
  12. F repair Some pages dynamically add an instance method and in some scenarios the method can not be found
  1. U To update assembly web-view Cancel support for full screen display
  2. U To update API wx.getBackgroundAudioManager If you want to play later, you need to configure requiredBackgroundModes details

# v2.2.3 (2018.08.19)

  1. A newly added WeChat cloud development SDK [details](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/miniprogram/dev/wxcloud /basis/getting-started.html)
  2. A newly added image video cover-image wx.previewImage wx.getBackgroundAudioManager wx.createInnerAudio Support for cloud file IDs [details](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/miniprogram/dev/wxcloud /reference-client-api/storage/)
  3. A newly added Custom Components Global Style Class Features details
  4. A newly added Custom Components lifetimes Definition segment for retracting an existing lifecycle details
  5. A newly added Custom Components pageLifetimes Definition section to get the life cycle of the current page details
  6. A newly added Custom Components Extended function details
  7. A newly added Custom Components built-in behavior wx://component export, used to support the export Definition paragraph [details](../custom-component/behaviors.md#wxcomponent - export )
  8. A newly added API [wx.nextTick ]((wx.nextTick )) Used to delay some operations to the next time slice [details]((wx.nextTick ))
  9. A newly added API BackgroundAudioManager Support onSeekingonSeeked to monitor details
  10. U To update Small game API wx.requestMidasPayment,errCode=1003 Time subdivision errMsg
  11. U To update plug-in prohibition on use web-view assembly
  12. U To update vConsole print Function, ArrayBuffer, and the handling of objects when they are looping references
  13. F repair iPad Mini Program picture does not show the problem
  14. F repair The feedback page fails to upload after filling in the content
  15. F repair assembly map to import Polyline points are 0 time crash problem
  16. F repair assembly button in disabled When triggered.tapThe problem with the incident
  17. F repair API iOS lower wx.onAccelerometerChange The callback value changed from radians to angles
  18. F repair Small game API BannerAd.offResize Failure problem

# v2.2.2 (2018.08.02)

  1. A newly added API [wx.getAccountInfoSync ]((wx.getAccountInfoSync )) Get the Mini Program Basic Information [details]((wx.getAccountInfoSync ))
  2. A newly added plug-in Support call [wx.navigateTo ]((wx.navigateTo )) and wx.redirectTo Jump to the page for the current plugin [details](../plugin/api-limit.md #navigation)
  3. F repair API In some cases it will show (Node) warning: possible EventEmitter memory leak detected. The Problem With Optimization Tips Copywriting
  4. F repair API wx.showKeyboard Simultaneous incoming maxLength and defaultValuedefaultValue Wrong Questions for Digital Times
  5. F repair Small game API wx.createGameClubButton Set up image Failure problem
  6. F repair assembly picker Set up fields="month" When,start Attribute invalidation problem Feedback Details
  7. F repair assembly canvas Under Android arcTo Problem with interface results not meeting expectations Feedback Details
  8. F repair assembly cover-view iOS Full screen time background-color Problems Showing Exceptions Feedback Details
  9. F repair assembly button Cannot be associated with cover-view together fixed The question of Feedback Details
  10. F repair assembly [texting ]((texting )) Under iOS, when the page is automatically increased, the display problem when the input content is wrapped Feedback Details
  11. F repair plug-in In some cases no callback issues are triggered

# v2.2.1 (2018.07.23)

  1. F repair In remote debugging mode, the base library calls accessSync The Caton Problem Caused by
  2. F repair assembly video One of the iOS systems video Component Full Screen Exit After Other video Problems with component display exceptions
  3. F repair assembly button Can't jump normally in some scenes APP The question of
  4. F repair API BackgroundAudioManager.paused Incorrect problem under Android system in some cases Feedback Details
  5. F repair API Mini Program into the background after the audio and video playback does not stop the problem
  6. F repair API Small game wx.onError The problem of a callback function executing twice
  7. F repair plug-in Problem with feature page callback events being triggered more than once

# v2.2.0 (2018.07.12)

  1. A newly added API Small game jump Mini Program [wx.navigateToMiniProgram ]((wx.navigateToMiniProgram )) [details](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/Minigame /dev/document/open-api/miniprogram-navigate/wx.navigateToMiniProgram .html)
  2. F repair API wx.scanCode Return to Android Platform scanType Wrong question Feedback Details

# v2.1.3 (2018.07.09)

# v2.1.2 (2018.07.04)

# v2.1.1 (2018.06.21)

# V2.1.0 (2018.06.14)

  1. A newly added API wx.loadFontFace Supports dynamic loading of fonts details
  2. A newly added API wx.getLogManager User operation log can be recorded for users to submit feedback content, submitted to developers to help locate the problem details
  3. A newly added assembly Camera of scanCode Pattern, supports identification of one-dimensional codes details
  4. U To update API wx.createSelectorQuery Get style information for nodes details
  5. U To update API wx.scanCode Return parameter added rawData field details
  6. U To update API wx.createLivePusherContext newly added toggleTorch Method Support Switching Flash details
  7. A newly added API [wx.getAvailableAudioSources ]((wx.getAvailableAudioSources )) Get the currently available audio input source [details]((wx.getAvailableAudioSources ))
  8. A newly added API wx.getMenuButtonBoundingClientRect Get Menu Button Layout Information Interface [details](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/Minigame /dev/document/ui/wx.getMenuButtonBoundingClientRect.html)
  9. A newly added API wx.onDeviceOrientationChange Listen for changes in the direction of the screen [details](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/Minigame /dev/document/device/orientation/wx.onDeviceOrientationChange.html)
  10. A newly added API FileSystemManager.appendFile Append file content [details](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/Minigame /dev/document/File/FileSystemManager.appendFile.html)
  11. A newly added API wx.setBackgroundColor and wx.setBackgroundTextStyle Dynamic setting background information details
  12. A New games added API wx.updateKeyboard Update the keyboard [details](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/Minigame /dev/document/ui/keyboard/wx.updateKeyboard.html)
  13. A New games added API wx.loadSubpackage Load subcontract [details](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/Minigame /dev/tutorial/Base/subpackages.html)
  14. U To update assembly button Can be nested within native components and displayed on top of native details
  15. U To update assembly button newly added open-type A value of feedback, open the "Feedback" page details
  16. U To update assembly cover-view cover-image newly added scroll-top attribute details
  17. U To update assembly cover-view cover-image Support Rotate and scale Style settings for the details
  18. U To update assembly cover-image newly added bindload and binderror event details
  19. U To update assembly movable-view newly added animation attribute details
  20. U To update assembly live-pusher newly added zoom Property Support for Adjusting Focal Length details
  21. U To update assembly input in bindinput Time to return keyCode Key value details
  22. U To update API wx.startAccelerometer newly added interval Parameter specifies the callback frequency details
  23. F repair API [wx.reportAnalytics ]((wx.reportAnalytics )) The problem of calling exceptions under the plug-in
  24. F repair API wx.hideToast in iOS Under the inability to make the front showLoading The Disappearing Problem
  25. F repair assembly image Problem causing incorrect display while updating src continuously
  26. F repair assembly image Set up border-radius Problems with flashing
  27. F repair assembly canvas The shadow set will affect the problem of fillStyle
  28. F repair assembly movable-view The Problem of Scaling Feedback Details
  29. F repair assembly input Problems that have not been properly destroyed in some cases Feedback Details
  30. F repair assembly video Set up playbackRate for 1.25 Invalid question
  31. F repair assembly map Double-click in Developer Tools Map Zoom does not trigger Bindregionchange The question of Feedback Details
  32. F repair frame in video After full screen, there is a problem that causes the font to become larger when the setData operation

# v2.0.9 (2018.06.08)

# V2.0.8 (2018.05.18)

  1. U Only for development tools, Update Mini Program/Small game forwarding related interface, remove forwarding callback

# v2.0.7 (2018.05.16)

  1. U Only for development tools, Deprecated Mini Program/Small game wx.openSetting interface
  2. U Only for development tools, Deprecated Mini Program [wx.navigateToMiniProgram ]((wx.navigateToMiniProgram )) interface
  3. U Update Mini Program components button newly added open-type Attribute valid value openSetting details
  4. U Update Mini Program components navigator newly added target Property to jump to a bound Mini Program details
  5. A New small game interface wx.createOpenSettingButton interface [details](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/Minigame /dev/document/open-api/setting/wx.createOpenSettingButton.html)

# v2.0.6 (2018.05.11)

# v2.0.5 (2018.05.08)

# v2.0.4 (2018.04.28)

# v2.0.3 (2018.04.26)

# v2.0.2 (2018.04.20)

# v2.0.1 (2018.04.14)

# v2.0.0 (2018.04.12)

  1. A newly added Require Support for circular dependencies
  2. U To update API wx.saveImageToPhotosAlbum Support to save package files
  3. F repair API wx.hideTabBar The problem with a failed first call Feedback Details
  4. F repair API wx.showToast Problem with not being able to set custom pictures in the plugin Feedback Details
  5. F repair API wx.closeBluetoothAdapter No release of resources on the Android side Feedback Details
  6. F repair API wx.chooseVideo in iOS Problem with no sound on video captured using the front camera
  7. F repair API wx.getBackgroundAudioManager in iOS After playing the audio file, the video will automatically pause after four seconds Feedback Details
  8. F repair API wx.openDocument On Android, overseas users call the problem that will directly report the error
  9. F repair API wx.previewImage The problem that will fail the second time in Android Feedback Details
  10. F repair API wx.getSystemInfo For the first time tab Returned when switching screenHeight The problem of numerical errors
  11. F repair assembly map Manually changing latitude and longitude on the development tool does not trigger Region change The question of
  12. F repair assembly cover-image There is no automatic height adjustment problem when the picture is loaded
  13. F repair assembly [texting ]((texting )) In Setting adjust-position="false" Cannot be triggered. bindfocus The problem with the incident Feedback Details
  14. F repair assembly video Hide at full screen video Issues that will not automatically exit the full screen
  15. F repair assembly canvas In the custom component's ready Call in the life cycle drawImage Invalid question Feedback Details
  16. F repair assembly canvas in iOS Up call setTextAlign After the interface is centered, call the wx.canvasToTempFilePath There is a problem with misaligned pictures exported by the interface Feedback Details
  17. F repair assembly picker in iOS The problem of font adaptation on Feedback Details
  18. F repair Not available in plugins Behavior The question of
  19. F repair in iOS Settings in the Upper Configuration backgroundColorTop Will make backgroundColor The problem of failure
  20. F repair life cycle onItemTaponShow The trigger timing of the iOS Problems with Android not aligned Feedback Details
  21. F repair iOS An issue that causes the top capsule to move up when the keyboard pops up in the clustered input field in custom title bar mode Feedback Details
  22. F repair tabBar in IOS, Android, development tools on the three-end display misalignment problem

historical edition