# Set up auto-reply - Open interface
# Configuration information
For example:
- APPID: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- TOKEN: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- EncodingAESKey: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
# Set up the auto-reply interface:
Interface type:
POST request
Dxplaination of parameters:
field | type | Yes Required | describe |
managerid | string | yes | Administrator id(Can be the creator, administrator id) |
skillname | string | yes | Name of Skill |
title | string | yes | Standard question |
content | string | yes | Automatically answered. |
list | Array.<string> | Similar problems to be set up. For example,["Question 1," "Question 2"] |
Message encryption and decryption access guidelines
For example, the parameters are
<managerid><![CDATA[Platform Administrator ID]]></managerid>
<skillname><![CDATA[Name of Skill]]></skillname>
<title><![CDATA[Standard question]]></title>
<content><![CDATA[Automatically answered.]]></content>
<question><![CDATA[Similar question 1]]></question>
<question><![CDATA[Similar question 2]]></question>
Encrypt the data to the field encrypt Into the body.
var cryptor = new WXBizMsgCrypt(TOKEN, EncodingAESKey, APPID)
var data = `<xml>
<managerid><![CDATA[Platform Administrator ID]]></managerid>
<skillname><![CDATA[Name of Skill]]></skillname>
<title><![CDATA[Standard question]]></title>
<content><![CDATA[Automatically answered.]]></content>
<question><![CDATA[Similar question 1]]></question>
<question><![CDATA[Similar question 2]]></question>
var encrypted = cryptor.encrypt(data)
curl -X post -d '{"encrypt": encrypted}' "https://chatbot.weixin.qq.com/openapi/setautoreply/{TOKEN}"
Return value:
field | type | describe |
code | number | Error code |
msg | array | Interface Call Information |
Return format:
"errcode": 0,
"msg": "Success"
# Rich text support
- Plain text
const content = " Hello, may I help you? "
- Text Type (with Recommended Questions)
const content = " We have not found the corresponding answer, we will deal with it as soon as possible. Official Official Account message template: weixin Dialogue Open Platform <a href="weixin://bizmsgmenu? msgmenucontent=How many degrees in Beijing today&msgmenuid=How much degree in Beijing Today">How much is Beijing today?</a>"
- Text type (including hyperlinks)
const content = " Please go to<a href="https://chatbot.weixin.qq.com/">openai</a>To configure "
- H5
const content = {
"news": {
"articles": [{
"title": "Real Time Update: New Pneumonia Epidemic Update,"
"description": "Tencent News synchronized the national new pneumonia epidemic situation in the first time, welcome attention, forward,"
"url": "https://news.qq.com/zt2020/page/feiyan.htm",
"picurl": "http://mmbiz.qpic.cn/mmbiz_jpg/W3gQtpV3j8D8kZRqfpTJlfVqubwgFQf47H0GWlGV6leaDF80ZpdtuFhQVsCsM3YKmwkujXzdjR2k6aWfA41ic7Q/0?wx_fmt=jpeg",
"type": "h5"
The fields for each item in the news.articles array are described as:
field | type | describe |
title | string | Title of article |
description | string | Article Description |
url | string | Article Links |
picurl | string | Photo Links |
type | string | Represents the type of the article, there are 'h5' and 'mp' two, mp represents the Official Account message template article, h5 represents the h5 configuration in the dialogue open platform |
- Official Account message template picture
const content = {
"image": {
"media_id": "KegpipQG9t-klMo25My4e4BCZFcmKvgMcpMFAkC-VFE",
"url": "http://mmbiz.qpic.cn/mmbiz_jpg/W3gQtpV3j8Bax22dhRiccWAb2AtVjal28XmqnhDW22dMn3RA5EoGkpolMO3tD9kQC1Hf9AjEJI66K40xQsNtXgQ/0?wx_fmt=jpeg"
Each field in the image is described as:
field | type | describe |
media_id | string | Official Account message template Stock ID |
url | string | Official Account message template Image url |
- Mini Program
const content ={
"miniprogrampage": {
"title": "OpenAI Dialogue Plugin,"
"appid": "wx8c631f7e9f2465e1",
"pagepath": "pages/index/index",
"thumb_media_id": "KegpipQG9t-klMo25My4e8zpBjhjg3JMrMSpgjikB4U",
"thumb_url": "http://mmbiz.qpic.cn/mmbiz_png/W3gQtpV3j8BYhWgfHT5Hfg6auN94c2ec4BBhDOMtPQrx6vEMc1rR4iaDKxDLOfZ1jBUqIEEY4YpvEj6ktSyXT7g/0?wx_fmt=png"
Each field in miniprogrampage is described as:
field | type | describe |
title | string | Small Program Title |
appid | string | appid |
pagepath | string | Mini Program Jump Page Path |
thumb_media_id | string | Official Account message template Stock ID |
thumb_url | string | Official Account message template Image url |
- Combined answer
"multimsg": ["Hello," {
"image": {
"media_id": "KegpipQG9t-klMo25My4e4BCZFcmKvgMcpMFAkC-VFE",
"url": "http://mmbiz.qpic.cn/mmbiz_jpg/W3gQtpV3j8Bax22dhRiccWAb2AtVjal28XmqnhDW22dMn3RA5EoGkpolMO3tD9kQC1Hf9AjEJI66K40xQsNtXgQ/0?wx_fmt=jpeg"
}, {
"miniprogrampage": {
"title": "OpenAI Dialogue Plugin,"
"appid": "wx8c631f7e9f2465e1",
"pagepath": "pages/index/index",
"thumb_media_id": "KegpipQG9t-klMo25My4e8zpBjhjg3JMrMSpgjikB4U",
"thumb_url": "http://mmbiz.qpic.cn/mmbiz_png/W3gQtpV3j8BYhWgfHT5Hfg6auN94c2ec4BBhDOMtPQrx6vEMc1rR4iaDKxDLOfZ1jBUqIEEY4YpvEj6ktSyXT7g/0?wx_fmt=png"
field | type | describe |
multimsg | array | The answer list is merged, each entry is a collection of single types, each type refers to its corresponding data structure |
# Error code:
errcode: 1001,
errmsg: "TOKEN is not valid"
Error code | describe |
1001 | Token invalid |
1002 | The robot failed the audit. |
1003 | Signature missing userid field |
1004 | Signature field is empty |
1005 | Signature expired or invalid |
1006 | Signature check failed, userid field missing |
1007 | appid, category,label, desc Field cannot be empty |
1008 | appid, openid,msg, Field cannot be empty |