# Configuration information

For example:

APPID: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

TOKEN: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

EncodingAESKey: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

# Interface information

# Dialog recommendation interface(Only signature, not encryption.):


Interface type:

POST Request

# Dxplaination of parameters:

field type Default value describe
query string Data after signing with JWT

Query signature explaination:

field type Default value describe
uid string Automatically generated random identifiers Unique ID of the user's identity, such as: openid
data Object {} Data is empty

useJSON Web Tokenof HS256 The algorithm encodes the parameters, Into the query parameter.

For example, the parameters are

  uid: "xjlsj33lasfaf", //Unique user id that identifies the user, which can be openid
  data: {}

use jwt and EncodingAESKey Encode the data object to get the encrypted character string

const signedData = jwths256.encode(EncodingAESKey, {
      uid: "xjlsj33lasfaf", //Unique user id that identifies the user, which can be openid
      data: {}

# Calling the Open Platform Semantic Interface

curl -XPOST -d "query=signedData" https://chatbot.weixin.qq.com/openapi/nlp/recommend_questions/TOKEN

<a url=http://www.jsonwebtoken.io/" target="_blank">https://www.jsonwebtoken.io/

Tips: in jsonwebtoken.io You can manually generate signedData using the following steps 手动生成signedData示例

# Return value:

field type describe
results Array Character string array, recommend up to 5 questions to ask the robot.

# Return format:

  "results": [
    " In weixin H5 payment, how to judge the success of payment in the service end? " ,
    "the transaction funds are inconsistent with the settlement funds."
    "modify settlement account,"
    "Data View,"
    "weixin Pay Merchant Self-Inspection Guidelines"