# Asynchronous Task Query - Open Interface

# Configuration information

For example:

  • APPID: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • TOKEN: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • EncodingAESKey: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

# Robot release progress query interface:


Interface type:

POST request

Dxplaination of parameters:

field type Yes Required describe
openid string yes Administrator id(Can be the creator, administrator id)
task_id string yes Task ID

Message encryption and decryption access guidelines

For example, the parameters are

    <openid><![CDATA[Platform Administrator ID]]></openid>
    <task_id><![CDATA[Task ID]]></task_id>

Encrypt the data to the field encrypt Into the body.

var cryptor = new WXBizMsgCrypt(TOKEN, EncodingAESKey, APPID)

var data = `<xml>
    <openid><![CDATA[Platform Administrator ID]]></openid>
    <task_id><![CDATA[Task ID]]></task_id>

var encrypted = cryptor.encrypt(data)

curl -X post -d '{"encrypt": encrypted}' "https://chatbot.weixin.qq.com/openapi/bts/taskfetch/{TOKEN}"

Return value:

Field name type meaning
data.state int 0 In preparation, 1 In Progress, 2 success 3 failure
data.progress int Progress, n%
data.start int64 Task Start Time Stamp
data.end int64 End of Mission Time Stamp
data.url string Download link for export task
data.msg string When the state is 3, there is a task failure message
data.success_skill_info array Successful skill names and ID mapping tables when importing bot, storing up to 5000 pieces, if imported in bulk, you can use the query interface to re-query the imported data
data.fail_skill_info array Failed skill intent name and error message when importing bot, up to 5000

Return format:

    "code": 0,
    "data": {
        "end": 1654847065,
        "fail_skill_info": null,
        "import_export_time": null,
        "msg": "",
        "progress": 100,
        "start": 1654847065,
        "state": 2,
        "success_skill_info": null,
        "url": ""
    "msg": "success",
    "progress_bar": "",
    "request_id": "255i0ug8-l9q4-3801-44ft-w7csjn9e5142"
    "type": 2

# Error code:

    errcode: 1001,
    errmsg: "TOKEN is not valid"
Error code describe
1001 Token invalid
1002 The robot failed the audit.
1003 Signature missing userid field
1004 Signature field is empty
1005 Signature expired or invalid
1006 Signature check failed, userid field missing
1007 appid, category,label, desc Field cannot be empty
1008 appid, openid,msg, Field cannot be empty
1009、1011 appid Legitimacy check failure
1010 appid Check failure
1013、1019 Request Data Decryption Failed
1015 managerid Legitimacy check failure