# User Tag Batch Backhaul Settings - Open Interface

# Configuration information

For example:

  • APPID: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • TOKEN: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • EncodingAESKey: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

# Batch Setup User Tag Interface:


Interface type:

POST request

Dxplaination of parameters:

field type Yes Required describe
appid string yes Official Account message template or Mini Program appid
category string yes Label name, such as Finished piece
label string yes Secondary label name, For example, unfinished./Finished piece
desc string yes Label Classification Rules, For example, in the app./User information not completed
list Array.<string&gt To set the openid of the tag, for example,["openid_1", "openid_2"]

Message encryption and decryption access guidelines

java sample code

Run the example code

cd src
rm -rf bin
mkdir bin
javac -d bin -cp "lib/*" demo/OpenAiDemo.java com/qq/weixin/mp/aes/*java com/tencent/nlp/openai/*java

# appid 初始值 encodingAESKey用https://chatbot.weixin.qq.com/Application for Robot Information Replacement
java -cp "bin:lib/*" demo.OpenAiDemo  appid Token encodingAESKey

For example, the parameters are

    <category><![CDATA[Finished piece]]></category>
    <desc><![CDATA[Complete the user information in the app]]></desc>

Encrypt the data to the field encrypt Into the body.

var cryptor = new WXBizMsgCrypt(TOKEN, EncodingAESKey, APPID)
var data = `<xml>
    <category><![CDATA[Finished piece]]></category>
    <desc><![CDATA[Complete the user information in the app]]></desc>
var encrypted = cryptor.encrypt(data)

curl -X post -d '{"encrypt": encrypted}' -H "content-type:application/json" "https://chatbot.weixin.qq.com/openapi/label/batchset/{TOKEN}"

Note: When sending a request for a post, you need to specify content-type: "application/json"

Return value:

field type describe
code number Error code
answer_type string Answer type: text, music, news
msg array Answer Details
from_user_name string The user initiating the query, corresponding to the userid of the signing interface
to_user_name string A robot that accepts a query
status string When the robot returns, Possible values: FAQ, NOMATCH, CONTEXT_FAQ、GENERAL_FAQ

Return format:

  "errcode": 0,
  "msg": "Success"

# Error code:

    errcode: 1001,
    errmsg: "TOKEN is not valid"
Error code describe
1001 Token invalid
1002 The robot failed the audit.
1003 Signature missing userid field
1004 Signature field is empty
1005 Signature expired or invalid
1006 Signature check failed, userid field missing
1007 appid, category,label, desc Field cannot be empty