Developer Tools provide two types of interfaces for external calls: command lines and HTTP services. Developers can indicate the tools to perform actions such as log in, preview, and upload through command lines or HTTP requests.


The http service is automatically started after the tool is started. The HTTP service port number is recorded in the user directory. You can check whether the tool is installed/started by checking whether there is a port file in the user directory and trying to connect.

Port number file location:

macOS: ~/Library/Application Support/Weixin Web Developer Tools/Default/.ide

Windows: ~/AppData/Local/Weixin Web Developer Tools/User Data/Default/.ide

# 1. Open a Tool or Specify a Project

Interface definition:

URL: /Open

HTTP method: GET

URL Parameter Required Description
projectpath No Open the project in the specified path. If the project is open, the project is automatically refreshed. If the project is not created, the project is automatically created and opened


# Open tool number/open
# Open/Refresh project number/open?projectpath=project full path


  • The project path must contain correctly formatted project.config.json with appid and projectname fields.
  • The project path needs to be URL-encoded

# 2. Log In

Interface definition:


HTTP method: GET

URL Parameter Required Description
Format No Specifies the login QR code return format. Optional values include image, base64, terminal, and default image. Image format is png
qroutput No Specify the file path and write the QR code data in the file. If specified, the QR code will be written to the file of the specified path. If not specified, the QR code will be returned as the request corresponding content.


# Login, and return the QR code in image format number/login
# Login, and get the QR code in base64 format number/login?format=base64
# Login, get the QR code in base64 format and write it to /Users/username/logincode.txt number/login?format=base64&qroutput=%2FUsers%2Fusername%2Flogincode.txt

# 3. Preview

Interface definition:


HTTP method: GET

URL Parameter Required Description
projectpath Yes Preview the project in the specified path. If the project is open, the project is automatically refreshed. If the project is not created, the project is automatically created and previewed
Format No Specifies the login QR code return format. Optional values include image, base64, terminal, and default image. Image format is png
qroutput No Specify the file path and write the QR code data in the file. If specified, the QR code will be written to the file of the specified path. If not specified, the QR code will be returned as the request corresponding content.


# Preview the project with the path of /Users/username/demo and return the QR code in image format number/preview?projectpath=%2FUsers%2Fusername%2Fdemo
# Preview the project with the path of /Users/username/demo and return the QR code in base64 format number/preview?projectpath=%2FUsers%2Fusername%2Fdemo&format=base64
# Preview the project with the path of /Users/username/demo, return the QR code in base64 format, and write it to /Users/username/logincode.txt number/preview?projectpath=%2FUsers%2Fusername%2Fdemo&format=base64&qroutput=%2FUsers%2Fusername%2Flogincode.txt

# 4. Upload

Interface definition:


HTTP method: GET

URL Parameter Required Description
projectpath Yes Upload the project in the specified path
version Yes Version number
desc No Uploaded version notes


# Upload the project under /Users/username/demo, and specify the version number as 1.0.0 number/upload?projectpath=%2FUsers%2Fusername%2Fdemo&version=v1.0.0
# Upload the project under /Users/username/demo, and specify the version number as 1.0.0 with notes number/upload?projectpath=%2FUsers%2Fusername%2Fdemo&version=v1.0.0&desc=test

# 5. Automated Test

Interface definition:


HTTP method: GET

URL Parameter Required Description
projectpath Yes Test the project in the specified path


# Submit the project with the path of /Users/username/demo for test number/test?projectpath=%2FUsers%2Fusername%2Fdemo

# Request Response

Under normal circumstances, the HTTP corresponding state code is 200, and is 400 in error situations. It returns a JSON string with the following format:

  "code": 40000,
  "error": "reason"