# page-meta

Start from base library version 2.9.0. Please remaining backward compatible.

Page property configuration node, used to specify some properties of the page, monitor page events. Can only be the first node within the page. Can cooperate navigation-bar Components together.

From this node you can get something like the call wx.setBackgroundTextStyle wx.setBackgroundColor And so on.

attribute type Default value Required Introductions Minimum version
background-text-style string no Drop Down Background Font, Loading Diagram styles that support only dark and light 2.9.0
background-color string no The background color of the window must be hexadecimal color value 2.9.0
background-color-top string no The background color of the top window must be a hexadecimal color value, and only iOS Support 2.9.0
background-color-bottom string no The background color of the bottom window must be a hexadecimal color value, and only iOS Support 2.9.0
root-background-color string no Background color for page content, used for white space and page size changes resize Animation periodTemporary free zone 2.12.1
scroll-top string "" no Scroll position, you can use the px or rpx When set, the page scrolls to the corresponding location 2.9.0
scroll-duration number 300 no Scroll animation length 2.9.0
page-style string "" no Page root node style, which is the ancestor of all page nodes, equivalent to HTML to hit the target body node 2.9.0
page-font-size string "" no page page You can set the font size to system Which indicates the font size of WeChat using the current user's settings 2.11.0
root-font-size string "" no The root font size of the page, all of the rem The font size will be used as a reference value, that is 1rem Is equal to the font size.Self Mini Program version 2.11.0 Can also be set to system 2.9.0
page-orientation string "" no The orientation of the page can be car portrait or landscape 2.12.0
bindresize eventhandle no Triggered when page size changes resize Events, event.detail = { size: { windowWidth, windowHeight } } 2.9.0
bindscroll eventhandle no Triggers when the page is scrolled scroll Events, event.detail = { scrollTop } 2.9.0
bindscrolldone eventhandle no If you change scroll-top Property to cause the page to scroll, triggered when the page scroll ends scrolldone event 2.9.0

# sample code

Preview with Developer Tool

  page-style="color: green"
  data: {
    bgTextStyle: 'dark',
    scrollTop: '200rpx',
    bgColor: '#ff0000',
    bgColorTop: '#00ff00',
    bgColorBottom: '#0000ff',
    nbTitle: The title.
    nbLoading: false,
    nbFrontColor: '#000000',
    nbBackgroundColor: '#ffffff',