This API is used to get the authorizer's basic information, including the profile photo, alias, account type, verification type, Weixin ID, original ID, and QR code image URL.
The results returned by the Official Account API and Mini Program API are different.
Request Address
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
component_access_token | string | Yes | Token |
component_appid | string | Yes | Third-party platform's AppID |
authorizer_appid | string | Yes | Authorizer's AppID |
POST data example:
Response Parameters (Official Account)
Parameter | Type | Description |
nick_name | string | Alias |
head_img | string | Profile photo |
service_type_info | object | Official Account type |
verify_type_info | object | Official Account verification type |
user_name | string | Original ID |
principal_name | string | Entity name |
alias | string | Weixin ID set by the Official Account, which can be left blank. |
business_info | object | Indicates whether the feature is enabled (0: Disabled; 1: Enabled). For details, see business_info description. |
qrcode_url | string | QR code image URL. Save it properly. |
Official Account types
Type | Description |
0 | Subscription Account |
1 | Subscription Account upgraded from an older account |
2 | Service Account |
Official Account verification types
Type | Description |
-1 | Unverified |
0 | Weixin Verification |
1 | Sina Weibo Verification |
2 | Tencent Weibo Verification |
3 | Passed qualification verification but failed to pass identity verification. |
4 | Passed qualification verification and Sina Weibo Verification, but failed to pass identity verification. |
5 | Passed qualification verification and Tencent Weibo Verification, but failed to pass identity verification. |
Example of returned result (Official Account):
Response Parameters (Mini Program)
Parameter | Type | Description |
nick_name | string | Alias |
head_img | string | Profile photo |
service_type_info | object | Defaults to 0. |
verify_type_info | object | Mini Program verification type |
user_name | string | Original ID |
principal_name | string | Entity name |
signature | string | Account description |
business_info | object | Indicates whether the feature is enabled (0: Disabled; 1: Enabled). For details, see business_info description. |
qrcode_url | string | QR code image URL. Save it properly. |
miniprograminfo | object | Mini Program configuration. This field is used to determine if a Mini Program is authorized. |
Mini Program verification types
Type | Description |
-1 | Unverified |
0 | Weixin Verification |
Mini Program configuration
Parameter | Type | Description |
network | object | Valid domain name set for the Mini Program |
categories | object array | Mini Program's category |
Example of returned result (Mini Program):
Parameter | Type | Description |
authorization_appid | string | Authorizer's AppID |
func_info | object | The list of permission sets granted to the developer |
business_info description
Feature | Description |
open_store | Indicates whether to enable the Weixin Store feature |
open_scan | Indicates whether to enable the Scan Product via Weixin feature |
open_pay | Indicates whether to enable the WeChat Pay feature |
open_card | Indicates whether to enable the Weixin Cards & Offers Feature |
open_shake | Indicates whether to enable the Weixin Shake feature |