# Third Party Platform Development Configuration
- Detailed instructions for filling out the development materials can be viewedCreating and Configuring a Third Party Platform Preparation
- A detailed description of the permission set can be viewedPermission Set Dxplaination。
# Permission Set Configuration
- The operation path is: Third Party Platform - Details - Development Configuration - Permission Set
- Permission set can take effect after editing, no need to publish the whole network
- However, after the Vendor updates the permission set on the third party platform, it does not affect the authorized Official Account message template Or Mini programs.Authorized Official Account message template Or the Mini Program needs to re-scan the code to update the authorization to take effect
- The operation of the authorization can be viewedAuthorization Related Operating Instructions。

# Other Considerations
1, the third party generation authorization Mini Program calling interface, should obtain the corresponding authorization, otherwise it will appear. “api is unauthorized to component” The mistake. Can use the interfaceAccess to basic account information of the authorized partyGets the authorized permission set Id information.
2, different Official Account message template Type has different interface permissions, seeOfficial Account message template Interface Permissions Dxplaination
3, third-party platform if you need to add new functions that require new permissions in the existing capabilities, you need to pay attention to:
1). As long as the first full network release (including the subsequent revision of the whole network release), the current users will never be affected, can be used normally.
2). Third-party platforms can add new permissions when necessary to meet new business requirements. The Revised Newly Authorized Official Account message template/Mini Program authorization will increase the application of new permissions, the old user has been authorized, the old permissions are not affected, but the new permission set requires its upgrade authorization before it can be obtained.
- Permission sets can only be granted to Official Account message template Or ordinary Mini programs and small stores, other types of accounts are temporarily not supported. Can be accessed throughapi_get_authorizer_infoCheck the type of account.
# Development data configuration
- The development data is modified only for “Authorization test Official Account message template/List of Mini Programs” Authorized account number
- It needs to be released by the whole network before it can take effect on the authorized account of the entire network.
# Development Configuration in Cloud Service Mode
1, the development of the cloud service model is as follows:
- The domain name of login authorization initiation page, authorization event reception configuration, message and event reception configuration need to use one key to build the configuration generated when the third-party platform cloud service is built.
<img src="https://res.wx.qq.com/op_res/hIX5OCaqDhgDJZ_a9RsGFqH2fCGAPV7309_emq5JkxB4kWHEfYxeAjhDCxpAVHBnOzgia2mWrZsnX7l9nie22A alt="" data-width="546" data-ratio="0.3076923076923077">
3, if the developer needs to customize the configuration of the authorized launch page domain name, authorized event reception configuration, and message and event reception configuration, the development mode can be switched to "traditional mode."
# Development configuration in traditional mode
1, the development of the traditional model is as follows:
2, all configurations can be modified
3, for the account in line with the switch cloud service mode, you can switch in the "development mode"