# WeChat open platform account management
# I. Introduction to Concepts
- From the same WeChat user. OpenID In different Official Account message template/Small programs are different. If the developer has multiple mobile applications, website applications, and public accounts (including Mini Programs), it can be accessed through the UnionID To distinguish the uniqueness of the user, because as long as it is a mobile application, website application and public account (including mini programs) under the same WeChat open platform account, the user's UnionID Is the only one. In other words, the same user, different applications under the same WeChat open platform, UnionID Is the same. 初始值 For Mini Programs, the developer can call the Mini Program interface Get basic user information (wx.getUserInfo) Get Users UnionID 初始值 for Official Account message template, Developers can call Access to User Basic Information Interface Get Users UnionID
# II. Notes
- One Official Account message template/Mini Program accounts can only be tied to an open platform account.
- Open platform accounts registered with authorized third-party platforms can only be used to obtain users Unions Achieve user identity open, support binding The same subject of Official Account message template And Mini programs, can not be independently registered.
- Third-party platforms are not operable (including binding/Untied) adopt
Open platform account registered online process. - Mini Programs can only authorize this permission set to a third party platform, that is, authorization mutual exclusion.
# III. Creation and management
- Businesses can log in on their ownWeChat Open PlatformCreate an open platform account and Official Account message template And Mini Program binding and unbinding operations.
- At the same time, merchants can also give the "open platform management" authority to third-party service providers, and the third-party platform can replace the authorized service providers after obtaining authorization. Official Account message template/Mini Program to create an open platform account and bind/Unbind operation.
# 3.1, the business operation guide is as follows:
1, open platform account account
2. Binding Official Account message template And Small Programs
3, replace the main open platform
# 3.2 The service provider's operating interface is as follows
1, create an open platform account and bind Official Account message template/Mini Program
2. Will Official Account message template/Mini Program bound to the open platform account
3. Will Official Account message template/Mini Program unbundled under the open platform account
4. Access Official Account message template/Open platform account bound by the Mini Program
# IV. Account Number Registered by Certified Agents
- As mentioned above, the merchant can grant the authority to the service provider, and the service provider can register the open platform account on behalf of the merchant after obtaining the authorization.However, the open platform account created in this way is "unauthenticated" and has no account password, that is, it cannot log in to the open platform to complete the authentication.
- If you want to authenticate this type of account, the merchant can complete the authentication by following the steps below.
# 4.1. Operation steps
- The administrator of the Mini Program scan the code to log inWeChat Official Platform, Enter the "Settings - Associated settings - bound WeChat open platform account"
- If it is Official Account message template, be Official Account message template Admin Code LoginWeChat Official Platform, Enter [Setup and Development - Basic Configuration - Bound WeChat Open Platform Account] 初始值 Then, click "Perfect Email Info"
- After the administrator scan the code to confirm, enter the "email information improvement page"
- After completing the email and password binding, you can use the bound email password to log on to the open platform.
- After login, you need to continue to improve the registration, subject, administrator and other information
- After the improvement, you can login to enter the WeChat open platform, enter the [Account Center-developer qualification certification] Click on the certification, you can enter the certification process.Fill in and submit the information as required, and wait for the approval to complete the certification.