# API Guidelines

# Uploading Files

In the Mini Program, call wx.cloud.uploadFile to upload files:

  cloudPath: 'example.png', // Cloud path for upload
  filePath: '', // Temporary file path in the Mini Program
  success: res => {
    // File ID is returned
  fail: console.error

After a successful upload, a unique file identifier, i.e., file ID, is returned. All operations performed later on will use the file ID not URL.

# Downloading Files

Use file ID to download files. Users can only download files that they have access to:

  fileID: '', // File ID
  success: res => {
    // Temporary file path is returned
  fail: console.error

# Deleting Files

Use wx.cloud.deleteFile to delete files:

  fileList: ['a7xzcb'],
  success: res => {
    // handle success
  fail: console.error

For more APIs, refer to the Mini Program and backend storage API documentation.

# Supported Components

You can import cloud file ID in image and audio components. For details, refer to documentation.

Use file ID to obtain a temporary file link, which is valid for two hours:

  fileList: ['cloud://xxx.png'],
  success: res => {
    // fileList is an object array with the following structure
    // [{
    //    fileID: 'cloud://xxx.png', // File ID
    //    tempFileURL: '', // Temporary file link
    //    maxAge: 120 * 60 * 1000, // Validity period
    // }]
  fail: console.error

# API Documentation

For details, refer to Mini Program storage API documentation and Server API documentation.