# db.command.geoNear
To set up a geographical location index for the queried field
Finds out the records in which the value of a field is close to the given point, and displays the records sorted in ascending order of a distance between the value and the given point.
Method signature:
function geoNear(IOptions): Command
interface IOptions {
geometry: Point // Geographical location of the point
maxDistance?: number // (Optional) Maximum distance (in meters).
minDistance?: number // (Optional) Minimum distance (in meters).
Example: Find out the records in which the distance between the value and the given location is within 1 km to 5 km
const cloud = require('wx-server-sdk')
const db = cloud.database()
const _ = db.command
exports.main = async (event, context) => {
return await db.collection('restaurants').where({
location: _.geoNear({
geometry: db.Geo.Point(113.323809, 23.097732),
minDistance: 1000,
maxDistance: 5000,