# pushAppMsg

to WMPF Push Message

# Request Address

POST https://api.weixin.qq.com/wxa/business/runtime/pushappmsg?access_token=ACCESS_TOKEN

# URL parameter

attribute type Is required Introductions
access_Token string yes Interface Call Voucher, should be usedMobile application AppID(i.e. LauncherAPP of AppID ) The identity of the call

# POST Body parameter

Requested JSON Data packet

attribute type Is required Introductions
msg string yes Push message content, not exceeding the size of the 5 KB
push_Token string yes Product Chinese name

# Return value

Returned JSON data

attribute type Introductions
errcode number Error code
errmsg string Error message

errcode The legal value of

value Introductions
0 success
40101 Parameter error
45002 Push Content Length Exceeds Limit
48012 Token invalid

Of the message content received on the final application JSON Data packet

attribute type Is required Introductions
msg string yes Push message content, not exceeding the size of the 5 KB
appid string yes Mini Program identification

# Sample Request Data

  "msg": "your msg",
  "push_token": "your push token"

# Return Data Example

  "errcode": 0,
  "errmsg": "ok"

# Note:

  • You also need to get the access_Token , Get The WaySee more here