# 初始值

# Error type errType

value Introductions
ErrType_OK 0 normal
ErrType_NORMAL 1 according to errCode ,errMsg Location, refer to the specific error code can be solved by themselves
ErrType_WMPF 2 WMPF Client internal error, providing a log ( SDCARD/Android/data/com.tencent.wmpf/files/xlog ) And feedback to the official students to help solve
ErrType_WMPF_SERVER WMPF Server internal error, provide log ( SDCARD/Android/data/com.tencent.wmpf/files/xlog ) And feedback to the official students to help solve
ErrType_WXPAY according to errCode,errMsg Positioning or feedback error information to official students to help solve

# Error code errCode

value Introductions
0 normal
-1 WMPF Internal error, provide log ( SDCARD/Android/data/com.tencent.wmpf/files/xlog ) And feedback to the official students to help solve
10002 初始值 wmpf to 1.0.3 Above
10003 Abandoned, please update wmpf to 1.0.3 Above
10004 Abandoned, please update wmpf to 1.0.3 Above
10005 You need to log in in advance to start the development version or the trial version of the Mini Program
10006 Not activated, please reactivate
10007 The call parameter is incorrect, please check the parameter
10008 wmpf Version is too low, please update wmpf
10009 Failed to get package name. Please make sure you install wmpf
10010 Not set invokeToken , Reference demo code ( Contain Activatedevice Packet return storage invokenToken & Application Process initialization storage invokeToken The logic of )
10011 User cancellation, such as cancellation of login, etc.
10012 Activation failed, log provided ( SDCARD/Android/data/com.tencent.wmpf/files/xlog ) And feedback to the relevant students to help solve
10013 Activation timeout, please reactivate or provide log ( SDCARD/Android/data/com.tencent.wmpf/files/xlog ) And feedback to the relevant students to help solve
10014 Activation signature error, please check yourself according to the hardware registration document
10015 Activation signature error, please check yourself according to the hardware registration document
10016 Activation signature error, please check yourself according to the hardware registration document: signature decoding failed
10017 Activation failed, please check according to hardware registration documentation: a. Confirm whether to call addDevice Interface binding device b. 初始值WeChat terminal cooperation platformBound over the Mini Program
10018 Failed to activate, pay the device, confirm whether to install IoT Relevant Apk

# Screening recommendations

  • follow errCode ,errMsg Self-positioning reasons, which if there is a problem with the payment related interface, first according to the errMsg Middle correlation[Payment Error Code](https://pay.weixin.qq.com/Wiki/doc/wxfacepay/develop/sdk-android.html#Public error code)Self-locating cause
  • Focus on the considerations in the interface documentation andCommon problem, to see if there are similar problems and solutions
  • Feedback to the official students to bring errType ,errCode ,errMsg And the Journal