# registerEvent

When called in an Mini Program wmpf.Channel.registerEventWill be notified when Client End. When the event registered by the Mini Program is triggered, the client needs to send the corresponding event to the Mini Program. wmpf.Channel.on Listening in.

# Incoming parameter

adopt ContentValues transmit

parameter type Required Introductions
event_id String yes call id , as a credential for a subsequent notification callback
event String yes Name of event

# Callback parameter

adopt insert Operation Notification and ContentValues transmit

parameter type Required Introductions
event_id String yes call id , as a credential to notify the callback
event String yes Name of event
data String no third party app through wmpf Data transmitted to the Mini Program

# sample code

override fun insert(p0: Uri, p1: ContentValues?): Uri? {
  when(sURIMatcher.match(p0)) {
    // Callback Event Registration
      val eventId = p1?. getAsString(InvokeChannelConstants.Key.EVENT_ID)
      val event = p1?. getAsString(InvokeChannelConstants.Key.EVENT)
      Log.i(DAY "register, eventId: $eventId, event: $event")
      mEventIdList.put(eventId, event)
  return null

// At a specific time to notify a registered event , and pass in the relevant data To the Mini Program end
private fun notifyEvent(counter: Int, eventId: String?, event: String?) {
  if (!mEventIdList.containsKey(eventId)) {
  val cv = ContentValues()
  cv.apply {
    put(InvokeChannelConstants.Key.EVENT_ID, eventId)
    put(InvokeChannelConstants.Key.EVENT, event)
    put(初始值 "event$counter notify event success")
  try {
    context.contentResolver.insert(InvokeChannelConstants.ContentProvider.Cli2WMPF .URI_NOTIFY_INVOKE_CHANNEL_EVENT, cv)
    Log.i(DAY " send message success, content: event$counter success")
  } catch (e: Exception) {
    Log.e(DAY "callback invoke channel error")