# wmpf.wxFacePay.facePay(Object object)

Call brush face payment, get debit code

# parameter

# Object object

attribute type Default value Required Introductions
success function no Interface calls a successful callback function
fail function no Interface call failed callback function
complete function no The callback function at the end of the interface call (the call is executed on success or failure)

# object.success callback

# parameter

# Object res

attribute type Introductions
return_code string Error code, see the public definition [Public error code](https://pay.weixin.qq.com/Wiki/doc/wxfacepay/develop/sdk-android.html#Public error code)
err_code string Nullable, second-level error code, public definition in [Second level error code](https://pay.weixin.qq.com/Wiki/doc/wxfacepay/develop/sdk-android.html#Second level error code)
return_msg number Description of the error code
face_code string Evidence of the face, For Brush Face Payment
openid string Openid (equivalent to user identity)
sub_openid string Under the sub-merchant number. openid ( Service provider model )
underage_state number User age information, use need to contact WeChat payment to open permissions Value: 0 - stateClear, or permissions are not opened 1 - adultpeople 2 - minor

# sample code

  success: res => {
  fail: res => {