# InitWxFacePayInfo

Payment Device Pre-Injection Face Login & Payment Related Information

# Call parameter

attribute Introductions
wxFacePayInfo Face Login Information json Character string ( Parameters included in this object and get theDebit codeThe input parameters in the interface are consistent )

among wxFacePayInfo Contains:

attribute Introductions
face_authtype "FACEPAY" Protocol type, FACEPAY, means brush face payment
appid The merchant is bound. Official Account message template / Mini Program appid
mch_id 初始值
store_id Store Number
out_trade_no Merchant order number, which must be the same as the field at the time the payment interface is invoked, which is specified in the face_code_type for "1" Not to fill in, for "0" Time required
total_fee Order amount(digital), the unit score, the field in the face_code_type for "1" Not to fill in, for "0" Time required
authinfo Call the voucher, get the way see [get_wxpayface_authinfo](https://pay.weixin.qq.com/Wiki/doc/wxfacepay/develop/sdk-android.html#percent E8%8E%B7%E5%8F%96%E8%B0%83%E7%94%A8%E5%87%AD%E8%AF%81-get-wxpayface-authinfo)
ignore_update_pay_result Do you need a merchant? App Update Payment Results

# Return parameters

No parameter

# sample code

val request = WMPFInitWxFacePayInfoRequest()
request.baseRequest = WMPFBaseRequestHelper.checked()
request.wxFacePayInfo = WMPFHelper.map2Json(authInfoMap)

val result = WMPFIPCInvoker.invokeAsync<IPCInvokerTask_InitWxFacePayInfo,
        WMPFInitWxFacePayInfoRequest, WMPFInitWxFacePayInfoResponse>(
) { response ->
    if (isSuccess(response)) {
    } else {

if (!result) {
    it.onError(Exception("invoke initWxPayInfoAuthInfo fail"))