Modular category interface/Component Dxplaination WMPF Support Remarks
Mini Program interface Media class Video Play (Full Screen/Non-full-screen), recording
Audio playback, recording
Images read, save locally, upload locally
Audio Background Play (The current Mini Program is not running in the foreground)
File read, save locally, upload locally
Embedded web-view web page
Horizontal screen center display vertical screen Mini Program
Calling information stored on the local device Via local interface
Message class Mobile phone pop-up template message (Small one-time subscription)
Mobile phone side into the customer service message by scanning the code Temporarily Supported iOS Mobile phone scan code
Message push ability (unconditional restrictions, but launch Mini Program at least once a month) WMPF Special ability The style is specified by the partner, see the push interface explaination
Location class Get Current Location Information
View geographical location
Account type Mobile phone scan code login
Scan the code to share with your WeChat friends
One scan to complete login and payment Not supported
One scan completed app WeChat login and frame login status
Get Cell Phone Number
Get Address Information
Hardware class Bluetooth
Get System Information
Acquisition system SN code WMPF Special ability
Get Network Status
printer WMPF Special ability
Non-standard camera (fixed focus, industrial) 初始值 Special ability
Camera components
Payment class Mobile client scan code payment WMPF Special ability Login and payment must be the same WeChat
Add card coupons and membership cards within the Mini Program Login and payment must be the same WeChat
3D Face login, payment Login and payment must be the same WeChat
Operation and maintenance Debug interface
Transfer authentication information to complete equipment registration WMPF Special ability
Binding with the main Mini Program WMPF Special ability
Monitoring data reporting WMPF Special ability
CLI Experience Development Kit Tools WMPF Special ability
Hide Back to Home button
Jump class Mini Program jump Mini Program
Scan the code to open the Mini Program Support for development and trial versions only
The Back to Home and Restart Mini Program buttons are available in the Mini Program menu
The interface can listen when the Mini Program exits WMPF Special ability
Mini Program component View container
Basic content: icon, text etc.
Form components: button, checkbox etc.
Media component
Mini Program Full Screen Display (No System Navigation Bar)
Mini Program hardware framework Subcontract loading
Mini Program running background, background management (Android system)
Other Experience version of the Mini Program
Get a globally unique version update manager for managing Mini Program updates
Picture in Painting Floating Window WMPF Special ability Style is specified by the partners themselves, see FAQ Introductions
CLI Experience Development Kit Tools
Hardware Run Score Tool Upcoming Support
wmpf.xxxJSAPI Interface Extension Definition Mechanism WMPF Special ability