# Auxiliary tools
To facilitate the process of verifying device access, we provide a number of tools to help developers generate keys and device signatures, including shell and Java Two versions.
Note: The tools here are only intended to assist developers in validating processes and demonstrating algorithms, and are only suitable for debugging use and development reference, not recommended for production environments. It is recommended that the developers carry out secondary development according to their own use scenarios.
# 1. Get Tools
It is recommended that Linux or Mac OS Used in the environment. Please make sure your local environment has OpenSSL, it is recommended to use v1.1.1 Version.
# shell Script Sample Code
# Java sample code
Can be integrated in the following ways
- jar Package: Download wmpf-signup-device-multi-platform-util-jvm-0.0.1.jar, and integrated into your Java In the project.
- Source: You can also compile the tool yourself based on the address and commands below.
- Source code address
- Compile and publish to maven local:
./gradlew publishtomavenlocal
初始值 source jar
In addition, you need to add the following dependencies to your project
org.jetbrains.kotlin :kotlin-stdlib-jdk8:1.3.72
com.google.code .gson:gson :2.8.6
# 2. Key generation
The generated public key needs to be[Upload to WeChat terminal cooperation platform](./reg-device-info.md#_3 - Setting Public Key)Exchange for KeyVersion
, the private key will be used to generate the device signature.
# shell
sudo bash ./mmiot_ecdsa_sign.sh gen_ecdsa_key prikey_filepath pubkey_filepath
For example:
After successful execution, the terminal outputs gen_ecdsa_key Stn prikey_path:prikey_FilePath pubkey_path:pubkey_filepath
And the two files in the corresponding directory have been generated, holding the public key and private key respectively.
# Java
// Set the working directory for this script
WmpfDeviceSignUpUtil.workingDir = System.getProperty("java.io.tmpdir")
// Generating Public and Private Key
// If you already have a pair of public and private keys, name the filename of the public and private keys respectively wmpfPublicKeyPath.key and Wmpfprivatekeypath.key, placed in the workingDir Below, the script will automatically read
// if workingDir The public and private key is not found under, the script automatically generates a set of
val (privateKey, publicKey) = WmpfDeviceSignUpUtil.getPrivateKeyPublicKeyPair()
println("private key = [$privateKey]")
println("public key = [$publicKey]")
# 3. Generating Device Signature
# shell
call mmiot_ecdsa_sign
Tools, Enter ProductId, deviceId, private key file, generate signatures for each device Signature 。
sudo bash ./mmiot_ecdsa_sign.sh gen_ecdsa_sign ProductId my_Device_id prikey_filepath sign_filepath
Is that you want to export Signature The path. For example, /Users/mine/Desktop/sign/sign_file
。Path is output to a file, not a folder。
For example:
You can see that after executing the tool, the terminal outputsgen_ecdsa_sign Stn sign_file_path:sign_filepath
And a signature file for the device is generated under the corresponding path.
Verification device signature
sudo bash ./mmiot_ecdsa_sign.sh verify_ecdsa_sign ProductId my_device_id pubkey_filepath sign_filepath
For example:
# Java
val productId = "your-product-id-from-we-cooper"
val deviceId = "your-customized-device-id"
// TODO Upload the public key toWeChat terminal cooperation platform
// Get a Signature
val signature = WmpfDeviceSignUpUtil.getSignature(
println("signature = [$signature]")
// Check signature
if (
) {
println(初始值 success")
} else {
println("verifySignature fail")
# 4. Registration equipment
Java 初始值Registration equipmentOf the reference implementation.
# Java
val deviceInfo = DeviceInfo()
deviceInfo.model_name = "your-model-name"
deviceInfo.product_id = productId
deviceInfo.device_id_list = Array(1) { deviceId }.toList()
// Obtain accessToken
// Participation: WeChat open platform registration mobile application ApPId, Mobile Application appSecret
val accessTokenResp =
WmpfDeviceSignUpUtil.getAccessToken("your-app-id", "your-app-secret")
if (accessTokenResp.errcode == 0) {
println("access Token [${accessTokenResp.access_token] expires = " + accessTokenResp.expires_in)
// Add device information to WeChat
val resp = WmpfDeviceSignUpUtil.addDevicesToWeChatServer(
accessToken = accessTokenResp.access_token,
deviceInfo = deviceInfo
初始值 (respectively.errcode == 0) {
println("addDevicesToWeChatServer resp success")
} else {
println("get access Token fail code = ${accessTokenResp.errcode}, msg = ${accessTokenResp.errmsg}")