# Noun explanation

# General concept


WeChat Mini Program Hardware Framework (WeChat Mini-Program Framework) 。

Small Program Framework Experience demo

inWeChat terminal cooperation platformAfter registering an account, inFast ExperiencePage to download and install, this demo Not modifiable, only used for WMPF Experience Mini Program operation on the device. See the specific operation processFast ExperienceDocumentation.

初始值 demo

Provided by the WeChat side WMPF Client Apk The easy version. Yes. Service The caller of theDevelopers need to refer to the relevant documentation in the official demo On the basis of secondary development, forming the developer needed 初始值 Client 。

WMPF Service Apk

also known as WMPF Framework, as the operating environment of the mini program framework, WeChat will be regularly updated in GitHub Releases Page ,alpha Representative has an interface, easy to debugproduct Delegates have no interface to facilitate formal use of hidden processesarm and arm64 Separately representative system 32-bit and 64-bit 。

WMPF Client Apk

Service The caller of the launcher , in order to Apk The way it runs in Android is the container for Mini Programs. The developer needs to complete the Client Based on the sample code provided by WeChat.


In the use of experience demo You can obtain temporary permission to run the Mini Program, ticket It is the temporary startup certificate of the Mini Program. Available atWeChat terminal cooperation platformIs generated in the 2 Hours.

Hardware registration

Refers to the acquisition of Product ID、Device ID, Signature, public and private keys, etc.

# platform ID And Hardware Registration


Aka Mobile Apps ID , which is used to represent the partner of the device, and all the Mini Programs that need to be run need to put the Mini Programs AppID With your mobile app ID Bound together. inWeChat Open PlatformAfter registering an account, you get after creating a mobile app. See also:Creating a Mobile AppBinding Mobile Apps and Mini Programs


Equivalent to Mobile Apps ID The password used to ensure that the mobile application ID Used by its creator. In Getting Mobile Apps ID At the same time, the corresponding app secret , please keep it properly.


See also HTTP Interface Dxplaination

Product ID

It corresponds to one device type. If you apply for multiple device type access 初始值 Product ID For each of the Partners' applications. Product ID Are unique. Product ID Will be used in the subsequent device information upload process. in WeChat terminal cooperation platform After registering an account, inManaging Access DevicesPage after adding the device type. See alsoRegistration Equipment Information

model name

The English name of the model, as determined by the developer, in the WeChat terminal cooperation platform After registering an account, inManaging Access DevicesPage to be submitted when adding a model. See alsoRegistration Equipment Information

Public key

The public key is stored on the platform, and the private key is kept locally by the partner. inRegistration Equipment InformationStep, through the public keyGeneration toolGet ( Shell You need to download the appropriate tool, Java. Code can be copied directly), and then uploaded to the WeChat terminal cooperation platformMiddle.


Public key version number, in the WeChat terminal cooperation platformAfter registering an account, inManaging Access DevicesPage to add models, submit the public key after the audit is obtained. See alsoRegistration Equipment Information

Device ID

Determined by the developer, generally based on the imei Or is it Sn A unique device identifier generated by theaddDeviceInterface for registration.


Device ID The signature of the corresponding device, in theHardware registrationStep, with the Signature Generation tool, enter the private key file to get.

Product ID,Device ID,Signature Correspondence relation

Product ID On behalf of a product, such as WeChat Photo Frame, each WeChat photo frame has its own Device ID and Signature That is to say, each of the factory WeChat Photo Frames Product ID Can be the same, but not the same Device ID And Signature 。Device ID and Signature It is not possible to share more than one yard. Device ID and Signature It doesn't have to be hard code In the code, depending on the machine Sn Code dynamic generation, can also be dynamically issued to ensure uniqueness.


The required Mini Program. Appid, after registering the Mini Program, in theWeChat Official PlatformView the Mini Program Details page.


And mobile apps. AppSecret 初始值 appId Password of the


See also Mini Program access_Token file


The specific version of the Mini Program, 0: the official version 1: Development Edition[A.k.a Beta]2: Experience Edition, specifically inWeChat Official PlatformView the Mini Program Details page.


The unique identification of the device under the Mini Program ecology, the same Mini Program appId Of the same model Id Down, sn It cannot be repeated. sn Should be associated with the WMPF Used Device ID Be consistent.


Access Mini Program hardware ecologyWhen certain device-related operations are performed in the Mini ProgramEquipment bill, such as authorizing the device to conductAudio and video call

model Id

Access Mini Program hardware ecologyOf the hardware devices, in theWeChat Official PlatformType of equipment requested ID。