Developers can use Cloud Base to develop WeChat Mini Programs and Mini Games. This allows them to use cloud capabilities without having to set up a server.

Cloud Base provides developers with a completely native cloud and WeChat support and reduces the need for backend and O&M operations. Without setting up a server, developing core business logic can be achieved by using APIs provided by the platform, allowing for the rapid launch and iteration of Mini Programs and Mini Games. At the same time, this feature is fully compatible with the cloud services already used by developers.

Cloud Base provides the following capabilities:

Capability Effect Description
Cloud Functions No need for self-deployed servers A cloud function runs code in the cloud while WeChat's proprietary APIs provide easy user authentication. Developers only need to write code for their business logic.
Databases No need for self-deployed databases A JSON database can be queried via the Mini Program client and read from and written to via cloud functions.
Storage No need for self-deployed storage and CDN Files can be directly uploaded to and downloaded from the cloud via the Mini Program client, with GUI-based management performed via the Cloud Base console.
Cloud Call Native WeChat service integration Users can use Mini Program APIs based on cloud functions without the need for authentication, allowing them to call server APIs, obtain available data, and perform other operations.