# getTempFileURL

Gets URL using the cloud file ID. The validity period can be customized, which defaults to one day and should be not longer than one day. Up to 50 URLs can be obtained at a time.

Request parameters

Field Description Data Type Default Required
fileList List of cloud file IDs used to get temporary URLs String[] - Y

Each element in the fileList array is a cloud file fileID

Promise return parameter

Field Description Data Type
fileList File list Object

Each element in the fileList array is an Object with the following fields

Field Description Data Type
fileID Cloud file ID String
tempFileURL Temporary file path String
status Status code. 0 means success Number
errMsg ok means success; displays cause of failure if fails String

Error return parameter

Field Description Data Type
errCode Error code Number
errMsg Error message, in the format of apiName:fail msg String

# Use Case

Promise style

const cloud = require('wx-server-sdk')

exports.main = async (event, context) => {
  const fileList = ['cloud://xxx', 'cloud://yyy']
  const result = await cloud.getTempFileURL({
    fileList: fileList,
  return result.fileList