# getQcloudToken

Call this API at the server side. For more information, see Server API.

Gets the credentials to call APIs on Tencent Cloud. Tencent Cloud API Overview

# Request Address

POST https://api.weixin.qq.com/tcb/getqcloudtoken?access_token=ACCESS_TOKEN

# Request Parameters

Attribute Type Default Required Description
access_token string Yes Credentials to call API
lifespan number Yes Validity period (sec). 7,200 sec is the maximum.

# Return Value

# Object

JSON data package that is returned

Attribute Type Description
errcode number Error code
errmsg string Error message
secretid string secretid
secretkey string secretkey
token string token
expired_time number Expiration timestamp

Valid values of errcode

Value Description Minimum Version
0 Request successful
-1 System Error
-1000 System Error
40014 Invalid AccessToken
40097 Invalid request parameter
40101 Required parameter missing
41001 AccessToken missing
42001 AccessToken expired
43002 HTTP METHOD error
44002 Empty POST BODY
45009 Frequency limit. Try again one hour later.
47001 Incorrect format of POST BODY
85088 Cloud Base is not enabled on this App
Other error codes Cloud Base error codes

# Frequency Limit

This API has a frequency limit of 10 times per hour.

# Request Data Example

  "lifespan" : 7200

# Return Data Example

    "errcode": 0,
    "errmsg": "ok",
    "secretid": "SECRETID",
    "secretkey": "SECRETKEY",
    "token": "TOKEN",
    "expired_time": 1557310488

Instructions to call Tencent Cloud APIs

  1. The credentials exchanged for this API can only be used for the APIs listed in Tencent Cloud API Overview.
  2. For the information on how to use the calling credentials, see Tencent Cloud Common Parameters.