# Brief introduction of logistics message capability

Logistics message is a free logistics message notification interface provided by WeChat official for Mini Programs.
After access, you can use this interface to pass in the Mini Program order delivery information, WeChat background will track the status change of the waybill, in theItems solicited、In dispatch、SignedThese three key logistics nodes push the message notification to the user, and users can visit the merchant Mini Program through the message, improve the shopping experience.

Examples of application:
A Mini Program business for the United States self-run, need to mail to the user corresponding orders of goods. Before access to the message opening ability, the user often feedback after the order can not find the order information, not clear logistics statusAccess to the open ability of the message, the user in the Mini Program under the single, will receive WeChat under the express has been taken, sent, signed service notice, order information and logistics status at a glance.

Service notification/Landing page style:


# II. Access Requirements and Regulatory Penalties

Mini Programs that meet all of the following conditions can be applied for use
1, Mini Program has released on the line
2, the Mini Program has opened WeChat payment, and the number of transactions on the nearly 90 antenna is greater than 0

Frequency limitation

  1. Identity appid Up to 10w second/day
    2, the same user is most called 50 times./day
    3, the same user at the same time up to 100 binding Valid binding decision logic: The waybill number is in theLoading, transportation, delivery, to be signedState, is counted as a valid binding.

Supervision and penalties
1, only support the import of legal and compliant product pictures, product information, prohibit advertising/Pornographic/Politics, etc.
2, only support incoming Mini Program real order information, only to the actual order to send a message.
If you violate the regulation, WeChat official will be punished accordingly, including but not limited to reducing the interface call frequency, disable the interface ability and so on.

# III. Interface authentication

WeChat API interface default use access_Token for interface authentication. So you need to add the parameter access after all the API interface addresses_token。
For example:
The original call address is:https://api.weixin.qq.com/cgi-bin/test/api
Finally, the actual address of the call needs to add access_The token parameter, which is:https://api.weixin.qq.com/cgi-bin/test/api?access_Token = xxxxxx
Of which access_For the generation and management of tokens, seeBackground Interface Call Credential Dxplaination

# IV. Interface list

# 4.1. Interface for Waybill follow_waybill

  • Description: Merchants use this interface to provide WeChat with a transaction number corresponding to the waybill number. The WeChat backstage will track the status change of the waybill and push a message to the ordering user at the key logistics node.
  • Request method: POST application/json
  • Address requested:https://api.weixin.qq.com/cgi-bin/express/delivery/open_msg/follow_waybill?access_token=XXX
  • Request parameters
Parameter Name type Required Remarks
openid string yes User openid
transmitter_phone string no Sender's mobile phone number
receiver_phone string yes The recipient's mobile phone number, part of the capacity needs the user's phone number as the basis for checking
waybill_id string yes Waybill number
goods_info object yes Product information
trans_id string yes Transaction Number
order_detail_path string no Click the landing page product card jump path (recommended for order details page path), do not pass the default jump Mini Program home page.

Among goods_Info is as follows:

Parameter Name type Required Remarks
detail_list array yes Product information

Among goods_info.detail_Each item on the list reads as follows:

Parameter Name type Required Remarks
goods_name string yes Product name, up to 40 Chinese characters
goods_img_url string yes Product Image URL
goods_desc string no Description of product details, do not pass the default take "product name" value, up to 40 Chinese characters
  • Return parameters
Parameter Name type Required Remarks
Errcode number yes Return code
errmsg string yes Error message
waybill_token string yes Query id
  • Example

Request parameters

  "transmitter_phone":"12345678901" ,
  "receiver_phone":"123456566" ,
       "goods_Name ":" test name, "
       "goods_Name ":" Test Name 2, "

Return parameters

    "errcode": 0,
    "errmsg": "ok",
    "waybill_token": "the_ARWHaxIxzWHmdui-AIw9KBr8qNnbmc08V0KhDyXE-IMLo6AcOqJkPsNLcLzfTb"

# 4.2. Waybill interface query_follow_trace

  • Description: the merchant calls in the end trace_Waybill interface, you can use this interface to query the details of the corresponding waybill
  • Request method: POST application/json
  • Address requested:https://api.weixin.qq.com/cgi-bin/express/delivery/open_msg/query_follow_trace?access_token=XXX
  • Request parameters
Parameter Name type Required Remarks
waybill_token string yes Query id
  • Return parameters
Parameter Name type Required Remarks
Errcode number yes Return code
errmsg string yes Error message
waybill_info object yes Waybill information
shop_info object no Product information
delivery_info object no Capacity information

Which waybill_The info is as follows:

Parameter Name type Required Remarks
status number yes Waybill status, seeWaybill Status
waybill_id string yes Waybill number

Which shop_Info is as follows:

Parameter Name type Required Remarks
goods_info object no Product information

Which shop_info.goods_Info is as follows:

Parameter Name type Required Remarks
detail_list array yes Product details

Which shop_info.goods_info.detail_Each entry in the list is as follows

Parameter Name type Required Remarks
goods_name string yes Product Name
goods_img_url string yes Product Image URL

Of which delivery_Info is as follows:

Parameter Name type Required Remarks
delivery_id string yes Transport Company id
delivery_name string no Name of Transport Company
  • Example

Request parameters


Return parameters

    "errcode": 0,
    "errmsg": "ok",
    "waybill_info": {
        "status": 0,
        "waybill_id": "WXTESTEXPRESS0000014"
    " shop_info": {
        "goods_info": {
            "detail_list": [
                    "goods_name": "Test name,"
                    "goods_img_url": "www.qq.com"
                    "goods_name": "Test Name 2,"
                    "goods_img_url": "www.qq.com"

# 4.3. Update Item Information Interface update_follow_waybill_goods

  • Description: Update item information
  • Request method: POST application/json
  • Address requested:https://api.weixin.qq.com/cgi-bin/express/delivery/open_msg/update_follow_waybill_goods?access_token=XXX
  • Request parameters
Parameter Name type Required Remarks
waybill_token string yes Query id
goods_info object yes Product information

Among goods_Info is as follows:

Parameter Name type Required Remarks
detail_list array yes Product information

Among goods_info.detail_Each item on the list reads as follows:

Parameter Name type Required Remarks
goods_name string yes Product Name
goods_img_url string yes Product Image URL
  • Return parameters
Parameter Name type Required Remarks
Errcode number yes Return code
errmsg string yes Error message
  • Example

Request parameters

         "goods_Name ":" test update product " ,

Return parameters

    "errcode": 0,
    "errmsg": "ok"

# Interface error code

Error code Interpretation
-1 System error
9300560 Maximum number of modifications reached
40003 Error in openid parameter
9300534 access_Token and openid parameters do not match
9300513 Maximum number of calls
9300507 waybill_Token parameter error
9300559 The waybill does not exist

# VI. Status of Waybill

Waybill Status Interpretation
0 Waybill does not exist or is not collected
1 Items solicited
2 In transport
3 In dispatch
4 Signed
5 abnormal
6 Signature on behalf of