# Mobile Application Invocation Service Market Interface

WeChat Service MarketSome of the value-added capabilities provided by the interface can not only be Official Account message template And Mini Program calls, can also be invoked by mobile applications, please refer to the following guidelines for details.

# Step 1: Create an Application

Please go to the "Management Center" to create an application, click "Create Mobile Application," fill in the relevant information, and then submit the application to review, only the approved application can be developed.

Registration is complete. We will meet at 7 Complete the audit within one working day. Upon approval, the Open Platform will be assigned to a globally unique AppID and AppSecret。

# Step 2: According to the AppID and AppSecret Get access Token

# Calling Interface:
GET https://api.weixin.qq.com/cgi-bin/token?grant_type=client_credential&appid=APPID&secret=APPSECRET
# Dxplaination of parameters:
parameter Is it necessary to Introductions
grant_type yes Obtain access_Token fill in client_credential
初始值 yes Applied appid
secret yes Applied appsecret
# Return Instructions:

Under normal circumstances, WeChat will return the following JSON Packets.

  "access_token": " ACCESS_TOKEN",
  "expires_in": 7200
parameter Introductions
access_Token Certificates obtained
expires_in Voucher valid time in seconds

Error WeChat will return error code and other information, JSON The packet example is as follows (the example is AppID Invalid error):

  "errcode": 40013,
  "errmsg": "invalid Helps

# Step 3: Use access Token Calling the Service Market Interface

# Enter instructions:
POST https://api.weixin.qq.com/wxa/servicemarket?access_token=ACCESS_TOKEN

# Request parameters

attribute type Default value Required Introductions
access_Token string yes Access obtained in the second step_Token
service string yes service ID, the service id can be found on each interface detail page, see the screenshot at the end of the document
api string yes Interface nameThe api can be found on each interface detail page Name, please see the screenshot at the end of the document
data string yes Defined by the service provider interface JSON Data in format
client_msg_id string yes Random character string ID, the unique identification of the caller's request

# Return value

# Object

Returned JSON Data packet

attribute type Introductions
errcode number Error code
errmsg string Error message
data string Packet Return Information

# Sample Request Data

  "service" : "xxxxx",
  "api" : "xxxx",
  "data" : {
  "client_msg_id" : "id123"

# Return Data Example

 "errcode": 0,
 "errmsg": "ok",
 "data": "XXXXXX"

# Service ID and interface name

The service id and interface name can be found in the following way