# Enquiry Order Details

Interface should be called on the server side, seeHattori API

# Interface Dxplaination

# Interface name


# Functional description

  • After the service provider purchases the goods, it can inquire the purchase order details through this interface.

# Calling mode

# HTTPS call

GET https://api.weixin.qq.com/wxa/charge/service-provider/order/get?access_token=ACCESS_TOKEN 

# Request parameters

attribute type Required Introductions
access_Token string yes Interface invokes the certificate, which is URL Parameters, non Body Parameters. access_Token is available throughgetAccessTokenInterface is obtained.
orderId string yes Servicer Order ID, such as "DD2981741311549200000"

# Return parameters

attribute type Introductions
errcode number Error code
errmsg string Error message
order object Order Order Data

# Order

attribute type Introductions
orderId string Order ID
status number Order status, value meaning see OrderStatus
createTime number Order creation timestamp (in milliseconds)
updateTime number Order update timestamp (in milliseconds)
orderPrice string Order Price (in Cents, 64 Digits)
payInfo object Payment related data
payInfo.applyPayTime number Time stamp of payment order (in seconds)
payInfo.finishPayTime number Payment Completion Timestamp (in seconds), This field is not returned if the payment is not successful
orderProductInfo object OrderProductInfo, as defined in OrderProductInfo
invoiceInfo object Invoice related data, not requested invoice does not return this field
invoiceInfo.invoiceApplyTime number Invoice Application Time Stamp (in seconds)
invoiceInfo.invoiceStatus number Invoice request status, value meaning see InvoiceStatus
usage object Order to purchase the use of resource packs, do not return the field if not paid successfully
usage.used string Used (64 digits)
usage.all string Total (64 digits)

# OrderProductInfo

attribute type Introductions
spSpuId string Wholesale goods purchased by service providers SPU ID
spSkuId string Wholesale goods purchased by service providers SKU ID
spBizId number Wholesale Goods Purchased by Service Provider Business ID
spuName string Product SPU Name
skuName string Product SKU Name
skuCnt number Number of SKUs purchased
validityBeginTime number Resource pack expiration start timestamp (in seconds)
validityEndTime number Resource pack expiration timestamp (in seconds)

# OrderStatus

Enumeration Values for Order Status

value Introductions
1 To be paid
2 Pay for success
3 Order Timeout
5 Refunds
6 Refund Successful
7 Failure to refund
9 Order Cancellation

# InvoiceStatus

Enumeration value of invoice status

value Introductions
1 Billed
2 Billed
3 Billing Cancellation
4 Debiting failure

# Call Example

Example Dxplaination: HTTPS calls

# Sample Request Data

GET https://api.weixin.qq.com/wxa/charge/service-provider/order/get?access_token=ACCESS_TOKEN&orderId=DD2981741311549200000

# Return Data Example

  "errcode": 0,
  "order": {
    "orderId": "DD2981741311549200000",
    "status": 2,
    "createTime": 1687265841964,
    "updateTime": 1687267671475,
    "orderPrice": "1",
    "payInfo": {
      "applyPayTime": 1687265845,
      "finishPayTime": 1687265856
    "orderProductInfo": {
      "spSpuId": "10000111",
      "spSkuId": "20000176",
      "skuCnt": 1,
      "spBizId": 100100,
      "spuName": spu name",
      "skuName": sku name",
      "validityBeginTime": 1687265856,
      "validity": 1718801856
    "invoiceInfo": {
      "invoiceStatus": 2,
      "invoiceApplyTime": 1687265870
    初始值 {
      "used": "0",
      "all": "1000"

# Error code

Error code Error code Solutions
10120002 Parameter error Check the parameters
10120405 Method not available Use the correct method to request against the document