Enquiry Order Details
Interface should be called on the server side, seeHattori API。
Interface Dxplaination
Interface name
Functional description
- After the service provider purchases the goods, it can inquire the purchase order details through this interface.
Calling mode
HTTPS call
Request parameters
attribute | type | Required | Introductions |
access_Token | string | yes | Interface invokes the certificate, which is URL Parameters, non Body Parameters. access_Token is available throughgetAccessTokenInterface is obtained. |
orderId | string | yes | Servicer Order ID, such as "DD2981741311549200000" |
Return parameters
attribute | type | Introductions |
errcode | number | Error code |
errmsg | string | Error message |
order | object Order | Order Data |
attribute | type | Introductions |
orderId | string | Order ID |
status | number | Order status, value meaning see OrderStatus |
createTime | number | Order creation timestamp (in milliseconds) |
updateTime | number | Order update timestamp (in milliseconds) |
orderPrice | string | Order Price (in Cents, 64 Digits) |
payInfo | object | Payment related data |
payInfo.applyPayTime | number | Time stamp of payment order (in seconds) |
payInfo.finishPayTime | number | Payment Completion Timestamp (in seconds), This field is not returned if the payment is not successful |
orderProductInfo | object | OrderProductInfo, as defined in OrderProductInfo |
invoiceInfo | object | Invoice related data, not requested invoice does not return this field |
invoiceInfo.invoiceApplyTime | number | Invoice Application Time Stamp (in seconds) |
invoiceInfo.invoiceStatus | number | Invoice request status, value meaning see InvoiceStatus |
usage | object | Order to purchase the use of resource packs, do not return the field if not paid successfully |
usage.used | string | Used (64 digits) |
usage.all | string | Total (64 digits) |
attribute | type | Introductions |
spSpuId | string | Wholesale goods purchased by service providers SPU ID |
spSkuId | string | Wholesale goods purchased by service providers SKU ID |
spBizId | number | Wholesale Goods Purchased by Service Provider Business ID |
spuName | string | Product SPU Name |
skuName | string | Product SKU Name |
skuCnt | number | Number of SKUs purchased |
validityBeginTime | number | Resource pack expiration start timestamp (in seconds) |
validityEndTime | number | Resource pack expiration timestamp (in seconds) |
Enumeration Values for Order Status
value | Introductions |
1 | To be paid |
2 | Pay for success |
3 | Order Timeout |
5 | Refunds |
6 | Refund Successful |
7 | Failure to refund |
9 | Order Cancellation |
Enumeration value of invoice status
value | Introductions |
1 | Billed |
2 | Billed |
3 | Billing Cancellation |
4 | Debiting failure |
Call Example
Example Dxplaination: HTTPS calls
Sample Request Data
Return Data Example
Error code
Error code | Error code | Solutions |
10120002 | Parameter error | Check the parameters |
10120405 | Method not available | Use the correct method to request against the document |