Query the list of available SKUs
Interface should be called on the server side, seeHattori API。
Interface Dxplaination
Interface name
Functional description
- After the service provider purchases goods, it can query the list of SKUs that can be allocated through the purchased resource package.
Calling mode
HTTPS call
Request parameters
attribute | type | Required | Introductions |
access_Token | string | yes | Interface invokes the certificate, which is URL Parameters, non Body Parameters. access_Token is available throughgetAccessTokenInterface is obtained. |
spSpuId | string | yes | Wholesale goods purchased by service providers SPU ID |
spSkuId | string | yes | Wholesale goods purchased by service providers SKU ID |
Return parameters
attribute | type | Introductions |
errcode | number | Error code |
errmsg | string | Error message |
skuList | array | List of SKUs |
attribute | type | Introductions |
spuId | string | Distributable Mini Program Product SPU ID |
skuId | string | Distributable Mini Program product SKU ID |
skuName | string | Distributable Mini Program Product SKU Name |
bizId | number | Distributable Mini Program Product Business ID |
finalPrice | string | SKU Price (unit: cents, 64 digits) |
attr | object | SKU Properties |
attr.duration | number | Duration (in seconds) |
Call Example
Example Dxplaination: HTTPS calls
Sample Request Data
Return Data Example
Error code
Error code | Error code | Solutions |
10120002 | Parameter error | Check the parameters |
10120405 | Method not available | Use the correct method to request against the document |