# Get a list of service user expiration dates

# Interface Call Request Dxplaination

Request Method: POST

For small shops, access_Token is a third-party platformcomponent_access_Token For other businesses, access_Token forAccess to the corporate homepage of the service platform_Token

# Example of Request Parameters

    " service_id": 10000000005,

# Return Package Example

    "errcode": 0,
            "appid": "wxb24cc230ace685a3"
            " service_id": 10000000005,
            "spec_list": [
                "expire_time": 1619010767,
                "specification_id": "free"
                "expire_time": 1637987028,
                "specification_id": "pro"
            "appid": "wxd30af6a77d8a32"
            " service_id": 10000000005,
            "spec_list": [
                "expire_time": 1619010768,
                "specification_id": "free"
                "expire_time": 1637987029,
                "specification_id": "pro"

# Request Parameter Dxplaination

parameter type Is required Introductions
service_id number yes Service id, 64-bit unsigned integer
offset number yes Offset
limit number yes Maximum of 10
buyer_type number no Buyer type, 1 is a Mini Program, 2 is a WeChat user, the default is 1

# Return Parameter Dxplaination

parameter type Introductions
errcode number Error code
errmsg string Error message
buyer_list ServiceBuyerInfo List


parameter type Introductions
appid string Mini Program appid, buyer_type = Return at 1: 00
service_id number Service id, 64-bit unsigned integer
spec_list ServiceBuyerInfoItem List
openid string User in service platform openid, buyer_type = Return at 2 p.m.


parameter type Introductions
specification_id string Specification ID
expire_time number Expiration time

# Return code