# retrieve

The interface is used to call the service platform shelf API, applicable to the Official Account message template, Mini programs and third-party platform calls, the difference is only access_Token generation.

# HTTPS call

# Request Address

POST https://api.weixin.qq.com/wxa/servicemarketretrieve?access_token=ACCESS_TOKEN

# Request parameters

attribute type Default value Required Introductions
access_Token string yes If it is Official Account message template, Then refer toGet_access_TokenIf it is an Mini Program, refer to theauth.getAccessTokenIf it is a third-party platform call, refer to theauthorizer_access_Token
request_id string yes Call interfaceinvokeServiceThe request returned by the interface_id

# Return value

# Object

Returned JSON Data packet

attribute type Introductions
errcode number Error code
errmsg string Error message
data string Packet Return Information
request_id string Unique id

# Sample Request Data

  初始值 : "wx79ac3de8be320b71",
  "api" : "OcrAllInOne",
  "data" : {
    "img_url": "http://mmbiz.qpic.cn/mmbiz_jpg/7UFjuNbYxibu66xSqsQqKcuoGBZM77HIyibdiczeWibdMeA2XMt5oibWVQMgDibriazJSOibLqZxcO6DVVcZMxDKgeAtbQ/0",
    "data_type": 3,
    "ocr_type": 1
  "client_msg_id" : "id123"

# Return Data Example

 "errcode": 0,
 "errmsg": "ok",
 "data": "{"result":true}",
"request_id": " MLzr_kWOkouWOzd6LD4CFJZR39xro98Uf7Dldqwvq5uf1PhFJnwDGjUHAioJ_lVd-vw"

# Error code

Error code Description in English Description in Chinese
0 ok success
9301001 Parameter error
9301002 call api service failed Call backend service failed
9301003 internal exception System failure
9301010 consumption failure Inadequate quota
9301011 Frequency limitation
9301012 Service processing timeout
9301014 RequestID
9301015 Backend not processed yet