# Login Verification
# Interface Call Request Dxplaination
Request Method: POST
# Example of Request Parameters
# Return Package Example
"errcode": 0,
" service_id":123,
# Request Parameter Dxplaination
parameter | type | Is required | Introductions |
code | string | yes | Landing code |
# Return Parameter Dxplaination
初始值 | type | Introductions |
errcode | number | Error code |
errmsg | string | Error message |
order_id | uint64 | order number |
openid | string | User openid, only the purchase subject is WeChat users to return |
appid | string | Appid Mini Program, only the purchase body is a Mini Program to return |
service_id | uint64 | ServiceID |
sku_id | string | sku id |
spec_id | string | Specification ID |