# Use the Mini Program pressure-measuring tool
# Enter the Mini Program pressure measurement tool console
- inService platformAfter purchase of public service, click "Go to use" to enter the manometer console.Introduction of Mini Program Pressure Measuring Tool
# 1, create pressure test task
- Fill in the following information as required:
Mini Program Version: Select the online version, review version, and experience versionIf you choose the online version, it is recommended that the pressure test be carried out at the night time when the wireless user visits, so as not to affect the online business.
For example, if you buy 3 resource packs, 2 are 1000 concurrent, and 1 is 500 concurrent, then the optional resource packs are two specifications, that is, 1000 concurrent and 500 concurrent. At present, the resource package is distributed according to the gradient of MAU, and the inner test phase is free for a limited time.
VU represents the maximum number of virtual users required for pressure testing. VUM=VU*Minute, the concurrent running time. If 400 VUM = 400 concurrent running for 1 minute, it is also equal to 200 concurrent running for 2 minutes, and so on.
Page path: shaped like pages/The path of the index
Concurrency: The maximum number of concurrency of the currently selected resource bundle cannot be exceeded
Pressure measurement time, the shortest is 3 minutes, the longest is 20 minutes.
You can select "App Cycle" and "Page Cycle." The app cycle will repeatedly start the Mini Program and open the specified page(The life cycle of App and Page triggered successively)The page cycle will only repeat the opening of the Mini Program page(Only Page's Life Cycle)If you want to test the logic of the Mini Program at the beginning, choose the App cycle, the disadvantage is that it takes longer to open a single time, otherwise use the Page cycle.
Compression mode, support "full mode", "rendering mode", "violence mode" three modes of stress testing, page availability, page second rate, background overall availability pressure measurement.
# 2. Start the task
- After the task creation is completed, you can click "Start Task," the system will pop-up window to confirm the configuration information of the pressure measurement task, and the user can start the task if the configuration information is correct.
初始值 If you need to configure the timing of the start of the task, you can also in the "Task Management" ->"View" -->"Timed Start" to configure the specified time to start the task, and the task will run automatically when it reaches the preset time.
# 3. View the Report
- 初始值
- Page load details and network request details are as follows: