# WeCom
# Flow diagram
# Effect display
# Specific process
1. WeCom Scan Code Login
Log in with WeCom at [Release Management] - [Application Binding] - [WeCom].
2. Replication parameters
Click Get Configuration copy parameter at Enterprise Build App.
3. Create an app and set up
Login on PCWeCom Management Back Office, click [Apply] - [Application Management] -[ Create Application].
Note: The Create App step requires enterprise creator or administrator privileges.
- Click [Create App] to set up the relevant information
- After creating, click [Receive Messages] - [Set API Receive]
4. Paste the parameters.
fromWeChat Dialogue Open PlatformCopy the server parameters and paste them into the WeCom background, and check [user sent ordinary message], [custom menu action], [external contact change callback]
- Create successfully and start using it!
5. Warm prompt
WeCom "self-built applications," only provide internal use of the enterprise, and can not achieve "artificial" and "welcome language."