General Welcome
- In [Dialogue Strategy] - [Welcome] - [General Welcome], click [Add] to edit.

- After saving the welcome message, you need to publish the robot, which usually takes effect about 1 minute after the successful publication.
- Bind the robot to weixin Official Account message template after Official Account message template Welcome will take effect. See the binding method.[Application scene access demonstration - weixin - weixin Official Account message template]One bar.
- Uncertified Official Account message template You can also use the welcome language ability, but there is no personalized ability to send advertisements from different sources, and you can not set multiple welcome languages, if you actually set multiple, only one can take effect.
- Official Account message template If you configure Personalized Welcome, you will not be able to configure Generic Welcome.
The translations are provided by WeChat Translation and are for reference only. In case of any inconsistency and discrepancy between the Chinese version and the English version, the Chinese version shall prevail.Incorrect translation. Tap to report.