# Publish the QR code rules that have been set

Debugging tools

Interface should be called on the server side, seeHattori API

# Interface Dxplaination

# Interface name


# Functional description

You need to call the interface to add a QR code rule, and then call this interface to publish the QR code rule to take effect. After publishing, the user will jump to the page specified by the official version of Mini Program when the code hits the QR code of the rule.

# Note

# Call Dxplaination

  • The interface is applicable to the two-dimensional code rules already set by the release of "scan ordinary two-dimensional code to open a Mini Program," and also applies to the two-dimensional code rules already set by the release of "scan service number two-dimensional code to open a Mini Program."

# Service Number Call Dxplaination

  • To invoke this interface, the service provider must first obtain a service number. id A permission set of 3 is granted to the service provider, otherwise an error of 61007 will occur.
  • The service number must be associated with the Mini Program before the interface can be invoked. If the service number is not already associated with the Mini Program, you can do so by(linkMiniprogram)The interface is associated.

# Calling mode

# HTTPS call

POST https://api.weixin.qq.com/cgi-bin/wxopen/qrcodejumppublish?access_token=ACCESS_TOKEN 

# Third Party Invocation

  • The calling method and parameters are the same as HTTPS, only the calling token is different

  • The permission set id of this interface is: 3, 18

  • After the service provider has been authorized with one of the permission sets, it can do so by usingauthorizer_access_TokenCalling on behalf of the merchant

# Request parameters

attribute type Required Introductions
access_Token string yes Interface invokes the certificate, which is URL Parameters, non Body Parameters. useauthorizer_access_Token
prefix string yes QR code rules. If it is a service number, it is the parameterized two-dimensional code url of the service number.

# Return parameters

attribute type Introductions
errcode number Error code
errmsg string Error message

# Call Example

Example Dxplaination: Release the QR code rules already set for "Scan the ordinary QR code to open the Mini Program"

# Sample Request Data

  "prefix": "https://WeChat.qq.com/qrcodejump

# Return Data Example

  "errcode": 0,
  "errmsg": "ok"

Example Dxplaination: Release the QR code rules already set by "scan the service number QR code to open the Mini Program"

# Sample Request Data

  "prefix": "http://WeChat.qq.com/q/02P5KzM_xxxxx"

# Return Data Example

  "errcode": 0,
  "errmsg": "ok"

# Error code

Error code Error code Solutions
40001 invalid credential  access_Token isinvalid or not latest Obtain access_Token time AppSecret Error, or access_Token Invalid. Please take the developer more seriously. AppSecret Of the correctness, or to see if you are working for the appropriate Official Account message template Call interface
85074 not published The Mini Program is not released, the Mini Program must release the code before it can release the two-dimensional code jump rules
85075 can not access Personal Type Mini Program Can't Set QR Code Rules
85095 Data exception, please delete and re-add
886000 Number of releases reached online this month (100 times)