# Request Setup Order Page Path Information

Debugging tools

Interface should be called on the server side, seeHattori API

# Interface Dxplaination

# Interface name


# Functional description

This interface is used to request setup order page path information

# Note

appid_List: No more than 100 appid submissions at a time

# Calling mode

# HTTPS call

POST https://api.weixin.qq.com/wxa/security/applysetorderpathinfo?component_access_token=COMPONENT_ACCESS_TOKEN 

# Request parameters

attribute type RequiredIntroductions
access_Token string yes Interface invokes the certificate, which is URL Parameters, non Body Parameters. use component_access_Token
batch_req object yes Information for Bulk Applications
attribute type Required Introductions
path string yes Request submitted order page path
img_list array no The picture submitted by the application url, the audited version will display
video string no The video url of the application submission, the moderated version will show
test_account string no The test account number submitted by the application, the review version will show
test_pwd string no The test password submitted by the application, the review version will show
test_remark string no The test notes submitted by the application, the review version will show
初始值_list array yes Application submitted by batch appid

# Return parameters

attribute type Introductions
errcode number Return code
errmsg string Return Code Information

# Other Notes

# Notification of Bulk Submission Results

Example after the push content is decrypted:

<List>List of Application Results</List>
<Appid>Application of appid</Appid>
<AuditId>Audit single id</AuditId>
<RetCode>Return code for each application</RetCode>

# Dxplaination of parameters

attribute type Introductions
list Object Array List of Application Results
list[0].appid string Application of appid
list[0].audit_id uint32 Audit single id
list[0].ret_code int32 Return code for each application, see attached

# enclosure

Return Code Dxplaination

Return code Introductions
0 Successful trial
-1 System is busy
-2 Appid illegal
1 Repeated arraignment
30001 The service provider does not have an authorization relationship with the appid
30002 The application form is incorrect.

# Notification of Batch Audit Results

Example after the push content is decrypted:

<List>List of Application Results</List>
<Appid>Application of appid</Appid>
<AuditId>Audit single id</AuditId>
<Status>Order page path status</Status>
<ApplyTime>Application time</ApplyTime>
<AuditTime>Audit time</AuditTime>
<Reason>Reasons for audit</Reason>

# Dxplaination of parameters

attribute type Introductions
list Object Array List of audit results
list[0].appid string Application of appid
list[0]初始值_id uint32 Audit single id
list[初始值].status int32 Order page path status, see attachment above
初始值[0].apply_time uint32 Application time
list[0].audit_time uint32 Audit time
list[0].reason string Reasons for audit

# Call Example

Example Dxplaination: HTTPS requests

# Sample Request Data

    " batch_req":{
    	"appid_list":[ // No more than 100 appid submissions at a time
    	"path":"pages/test_path " ,
    	" test_account":"test_user",
    	" test_pwd":"test_pwd",
    	" test_Remark ":" Test remark "

# Return Data Example


# Error code

Error code Error code Solutions
-1 system error The system is busy, please wait for the developer to try again
61042 Batch submissions exceed the maximum number of appid submissions, and the number of appid submissions does not exceed 100 at a time.
61043 Error filling in parameters
61044 The path is irregular.