# Access to environmental information

Debugging tools

Interface should be called on the server side, seeHattori API

# Interface Dxplaination

# Interface name


# Functional description

Through this interface, you can query the WeChat cloud hosting environment information, if you encounter problems during use, you canOpen Platform Service Provider ZonePosting exchanges.

# Calling mode

# HTTPS call

POST https://api.weixin.qq.com/componenttcb/describecloudbaserunenvs?access_token=ACCESS_TOKEN 

# Request parameters

attribute type Required Introductions
access_Token string yes Interface invokes the certificate, which is URL Parameters, non Body Parameters. usecomponent_access_Token

# Return parameters

attribute typeIntroductions
errcode number Error code
errmsg string Error message
env_list array List of environments
attribute type Introductions
env_id string Unique identification of the environment under the account
source string Environmental sources. Contains the following values: miniapp: WeChat mini program qcloud : Tencent Cloud
alias string Environment alias, to start with the a-z The beginning, cannot contain a-zA-z0-9- Characters other than
create_time string Creation time
update_time string Last modified time
status string State of the environment. Contains the following values: NORMAL: Normally available UNAVAILABLE: The service is unavailable, either not yet initialized or in the process of initialization
databases array List of databases
attribute type Introductions
instance_id string Database unique identification
status string Status. Contains the following values: INITIALIZING: The resource is initializing RUNNING: The resource is running and can be used normally UNUSABLE: Disabled and unavailable OVERDUE: The resource has expired
region string belonging region. Current support for ap-shanghai
storages array Storage list
attribute type Introductions
region string belonging region. Current support for ap-shanghai
bucket string Bucket name, unique identification of the stored resource
cdn_domain string cdn domain name
app_id string Tencent Cloud appId of the user to which the resource belongs
functions array List of functions
attribute type Introductions
namespace string Namespace
region string belonging region. Current support for ap-shanghai
package_id string Tcb Product Package ID
package_name string Chinese Name of Package
log_services array List of cloud logging services
attribute type Introductions
Logs_name string logName
Logs_id string log-ID
topic_name string TopicName
topic_id string topic-id
region string cls log region
static_storages array Static resource information
attribute type Introductions
static_domain string static state CDN domain name
default_dir_name string static state CDN Default folder, currently root directory
status string Resource status(process/online/offline/init)
region string cos Area
bucket string Bucket information
is_auto_degrade boolean Whether to expire automatically downgrade to free version
env_channel string Environmental channels
pay_mode string Mode of payment. Contains the following values: Prepayment: prepayment Postpaid: Postpaid
is_default boolean Default environment
region string Geographical area of environment
tags array List of environmental labels
attribute type Introductions
key string Label key
value string Label value
custom_log_services array Custom Log Service
attribute type Introductions
cls_region string CLS Areas
cls_Logs_id string cls Log Set ID
cls_topic_id string Cls Log Topic ID
create_time string Creation time

# Call Example

Example Dxplaination: HTTPS requests

# Sample Request Data


# Return Data Example

    "errcode": 0,
    "errmsg": "ok",
    "env_list": [
            "env_id": "wxc47dec912cf1b447-qd-5a17787412,"
            "source": "miniapp"
            "alias": "wxc47dec912cf1b447-qd"
            "create_time": "2021-12-16 15:06:52",
            "update_time": "2021-12-16 15:06:58",
            "status": "NORMAL",
            "databases": [],
            "storages": [
                    "region": "ap-shanghai",
                    "bucket": "7778-wxc47dec912cf1b447-qd-5a17787412-1308820263"
                    "cdn_domain": "7778-wxc47dec912cf1b447-qd-5a17787412-1308820263.tcb.qcloud.la",
                    "app_id": "1308820263"
            "functions": [],
            "package_id": "",
            "package_name": "",
            "log_services": [
                    Logs_name": "tcb-logset-wxc47dec912cf1b447-qd-5a17787412"
                    Logs_id": "af0676b8-4c88-445f-90b4-3ba6cd93a74a"
                    "topic_name": "tcb-topic-wxc47dec912cf1b447-qd-5a17787412",
                    "topic_id": "6cffd67f-5700-4238-8523-bba514e2b2bf",
                    "region": "ap-shanghai"
            "static_storages": [],
            "is_auto_degrade": false,
            "env_channel": "wxrun"
            "pay_mode": "postpaid"
            "is_default": true,
            "region": "ap-shanghai",
            "tags": [],
            "custom_log_services": []

# Error code

Error code Error code Solutions
0 ok ok
-1 system error The system is busy, please wait for the developer to try again
-1000 system error System error
40014 invalid access_Token Illegal access_Token Please take the developer seriously. access_Token Of the validity (such as whether it is expired), or to see if you are working for the appropriate Official Account message template Call interface
40097 invalid args Parameter error
40101 missing parameter Missing required parameters
41001 access_Token missing lack access_Token parameter
42001 access_Token expired access_Token Timeout, please check access_Token Of the validity period, please refer to the Basic Support - Obtain access_Token Middle, right. access_Token Detailed mechanism explaination of the
43002 require POST method Need POST request
44002 empty post data POST The packet is empty.
47001 data format error analysis JSON/XML Content errorpost Missing parameters in the dataCheck for corrections and try again.
85088 no qbase privilege The app is not open for cloud development