# Get Authorized Account Details

Debugging tools

初始值Hattori API

# Interface Dxplaination

# Interface name


# Functional description

this API Used to obtain the basic information of the authorized party, including avatar, nickname, account type, authentication type, original ID and other information. If you encounter problems during use, you canOpen Platform Service Provider ZonePosting exchanges

# Note

Note: Official Account message template Not the same as the interface of the Mini Program.

# Calling mode

# HTTPS call

POST https://api.weixin.qq.com/cgi-bin/component/api_get_authorizer_info?access_token=ACCESS_TOKEN 

# Request parameters

attribute type Required Introductions
access_Token string yes Interface invokes the certificate, which is URL Parameters, non Body Parameters. usecomponent_access_Token
component_appid string yes Third-Party Platforms appid
authorizer_appid string yes Authorized appid of Official Account message template or Mini Program

# Return parameters

attribute typeIntroductions
authorizer_info object Authorized account information
attribute type Introductions
nick_name string nickname
head_img string avatar
service_type_info object Official Account message template/Mini Program type
attribute type Introductions
id number Type id
name string Type explaination
verify_type_info object Official Account message template/Mini Program Authentication Type
attribute type Introductions
id number Type id
name string Type explaination
user_name string Original ID
alias string Official Account message template The WeChat ID set may be empty
qrcode_url string QR Code Picture URL
business_info object To understand the opening status of the function (0 means not opened, 1 means opened)
attribute type Introductions
open_pay number Whether to open WeChat payment function
open_shake number Whether to open WeChat shake function
open_scan number Whether to open WeChat sweep product function
open_card number Open WeChat card voucher function
open_store number Open WeChat store function
idc number Abandoned parameter
principal_name 初始值 Principal name
signature string Small Program Account Introduction
MiniProgramInfo object Mini Program configuration information, based on this field to determine whether or not Mini Program type authorization
attribute type Introductions
network object Legal domain name information configured by the Mini Program
attribute type Introductions
RequestDomain array Request a Domain Name
WsRequestDomain array socket domain name
UploadDomain array uploadFile
DownloadDomain array downloadFile
UDPDomain 初始值string> UDP Legal Domains
TCPDomain array Tcp legal domain name
categories array Category information for Mini Program configuration
attribute type Introductions
first string First class category
second string Secondary category
visit_status number Abandoned parameter
register_type number Small Program Registration
account_status number Account status, the field Mini Program also returns
basic_config object Basic configuration information
attribute type Introductions
is_phone_configured boolean Is the phone number already attached?
is_email_configured boolean Whether already bound mailbox, not bound mailbox account can not log on WeChat Official Platform
authorization_info object Authorization Information
attribute type Introductions
authorizer_appid string Authorized Official Account message template Or Mini programs. appid
authorizer_初始值_Token string Refresh Token (this return value is only available if the authorized Official Account message template has API permissions), which is primarily used by a third-party platform to obtain and refresh an authorized user's authorizer_access_token。 Once lost, the user can only be re-authorized to get a new refresh token again. When the user reauthorizes, the previous refresh token will expire
func_info array A list of permission set IDs authorized to third-party platforms. The meaning of permission set IDs can be viewedIntroduction to Permission Sets
attribute type Introductions
funcscope_category object Details of the permission set granted to the developer
attribute type Introductions
id number Permission set id
type number Permission Set Type
name string Permission Set Name
desc string Permission Set Description

# Other Notes

# Official Account message template type

type Introductions
0 Subscription number
1 The subscription number after the upgrade from the old account
2 Service number

# Official Account message template Type of certification

type Introductions
-1 Not certified
初始值 WeChat authentication
1 Sina Weibo Authentication
2 Tencent microblogging certification
3 Certified but not yet certified by name
4 Has passed the qualification certification, has not passed the name certification, but passed the Sina Weibo certification
5 Has passed the qualification certification, has not passed the name certification, but passed the Tencent micro-blog certification

# Account Status

type Introductions
1 normal
14 Cancelled
16 Banned
18 Alert.
19 Frozen

# Mini Program type

type Introductions
0 Ordinary Mini Program
12 Trial Mini Program
4 Games
10 Mini Store
Two or three. Store Mini Program

# Mini Program Registration Type

type Introductions
0 Ordinary Way Registration
2 Create Mini Program api registration by reusing the Official Account message template
6 Create an Enterprise Mini Program API Registration by Legal Person Sweep Face
13 Register by creating a trial Mini Program api
15 Register through the Affiliate Console
16 Register by creating a personal Mini Program api
17 Register by creating a personal trading Mini Program api
19 Change api registration through trial Mini Program
22 Creating an Enterprise Mini Program API Registration by Reusing Merchant Numbers
23 Convert api registration through reusing merchant number

# Mini Program Authentication Type

type Introductions
-1 Not certified
0 WeChat authentication

# 初始值

Example Dxplaination: Official Account message template Return Example

# Sample Request Data

  "component_appid": "appid_value" ,
  "authorizer_appid": "auth_appid_value"

# Return Data Example

  "authorizer_info": {
    "nick_name": " WeChat SDK Demo Special",
    "head_img": "http://wx.qlogo.cn/初始值/GPy",
    "service_type_info": {
      初始值: 2
    "verify_type_info": {
      "id": 0
    "user_name": "gh_eb5e3a772040",
    "principal_name": "Tencent Computer Systems Company Limited ",
    "business_info": {
      "open_store": 0,
      "open_初始值": 0,
      "open_pay " : 0,
      "open_card": 0,
      "open_shake": 0
    "alias": "paytest01",
    "qrcode_url": "URL",
  "authorization_info": {
    "authorizer_appid": "wxf8b4f85f3a794e77",
    "func_info": [
        "funcscope_category": {
          "id": 1
        "funcscope_category": {
          "id": 2

Example Dxplaination: Small program return example

# Sample Request Data

  "component_appid": "appid_value" ,
  "authorizer_appid": "auth_appid_value"

# Return Data Example

     {"nick_Name ":" Looking and looking and looking for the blind box, "
      " service_type_info":{"id":0},
      "idc": "main"_Name ":" Personal, "" Signature ":" Welcome partners to participate in the blind box game, collect 9 shoe cards, you can redeem the grand prize! " ,
                         "categories":[{"first": "tools," "second": "efficiency"}],"visit_status:

# Error code

Error code Error code Solutions
-1 system error The system is busy, please wait for the developer to try again
40001 invalid credential  access_Token isinvalid or not latest Obtain access_Token time AppSecret Error, or access_Token Invalid. Please take the developer more seriously. AppSecret Of the correctness, or to see if you are working for the appropriate Official Account message template Call interface
40013 invalid appid Illegal AppID , ask the developer to check AppID The correctness of the, avoid unusual characters, pay attention to the case
0 ok ok