# Creating an Ad Unit

Interface should be called on the server side, seeHattori API

# Interface Dxplaination

# Interface name


# Functional description

this API Used to create an ad unit for the Mini Program. If you encounter problems during use, you canOpen Platform Service Provider Zone Exchange Zone | WeChat Open CommunityPosting exchanges.

# Note

Where access_Token forauthorizer_access_Token

# Calling mode

# HTTPS call

POST https://api.weixin.qq.com/wxa/operationams?action=agency_create_adunit&access_token=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 

# Request parameters

attribute type Required Introductions
name string yes Advertising Unit Name
type string yes Ad Unit Type
video_duration_min number no Incentive video ads are required to fill in the minimum value of advertising display time. Currently Available Value: 6
video_duration_max number no Incentive video ads are required to fill in the maximum value of advertising display time. Currently Optional Value: 15/30/60
TMPL_type number no Template required tmpl_type或tmpl_id。 Method 1: tmpl_type Select the fixed template style, the current selectable values: 6 vertical version above below, 7 vertical version above below, 12 vertical version above below overlay A, 13 vertical version of the above picture below superimposed B, 2 banner above below, 3 banner below above, 4 horizontal plate above below superimposed A, 11 horizontal plate above below superimposed B, 9 banner left right, 10 banner right left, 20 banner single, 100001 single grid without animation, 100003 multi-grid without carousel
TMPL_id string no Template required tmpl_type或tmpl_id。 Way 2: custom create templates, fill in the realization area - native template management custom created template ID. See:Native Template Editing Capabilities Guide

# Return parameters

attribute type Introductions
ret number Error code
err_msg string Error message
ad_unit_id string Ad Unit ID

# Other Notes

Name of type ad_slot/type) Type of advertising space
SLOT_ID_WEAPP_BANNER Mini Program banner
SLOT_ID_WEAPP_REWARD_VIDEO Mini Program Motivational Video
SLOT_ID_WEAPP_INTERSTITIAL Mini Program Screen Advertising
SLOT_ID_WEAPP_VIDEO_BEGIN Mini Program video patch ads
SLOT_ID_WEAPP_COVER Mini Program cover advertisement (no need to create) directly through the call to set the cover advertisement bit switch state interface Set cover ad position switch status - WeChat open document ) You can go online
SLOT_ID_WEAPP_TEMPLATE Mini Program template advertisement

# Call Example

Example Dxplaination: The banner is wide:

# Sample Request Data

    "name": "Test Ad Unit,"
    "type": "SLOT_ID_WEAPP_BANNER"

# Return Data Example

    "ret": 0,
    "err_msg":"""ad_unit_id" = "adnit-04a286aed8xxxx"

Example Dxplaination: Motivational Video Advertising Space:

# Sample Request Data

    "name": "Test Ad Unit,"
    "type": "SLOT_ID_WEAPP_REWARD_VIDEO "" video_duration_min": 6,
    " video_duration_max": 30

# Return Data Example

    "ret": 0,
    "err_msg":"""ad_unit_id" = "adnit-04a286aed8xxxx"

Example Dxplaination: Template advertising space:

# Sample Request Data

    "name": "Test Ad Unit,"
    "type": "SLOT_ID_WEAPP_TEMPLATE""tmpl_type": 6

# Return Data Example

    "ret": 0,
    "err_msg":"""ad_unit_id" = "adnit-04a286aed8xxxx"

# Error code

Error code Error code Solutions
0 ok ok
-202 Internal error Can be retried after some time
1700 Parameter error Verify that the input parameters conform to the documentation
1701 Parameter error Verify that the input parameters conform to the documentation
1735 The merchant has not completed the agreement signing process Complete the signing operation
1737 Operating too fast Wait a minute and reoperate
1803 Ad Unit Name Repeat Modify the Ad Unit Name Entered
1807 Invalid Flow Master Turn on the traffic master for this appid through the turn on traffic master interface
2009 Invalid Flow Master Turn on the traffic master for this appid through the turn on traffic master interface
2056 The service provider does not open an account in the cash area Launch services in the monetization area of the third-party platform page